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View Full Version : DONT THINK

06-11-2015, 03:16 PM
Habitual deliberation. Deliberate. Definitive sense; I make it.
Constant contemplation. Is God some ancient pondered plot to save us.
Consider consideration. I censor my sentence by sensing taste. It's
compulsive. Repulsive. Repugnant. Impulsive. Indulgent. Reluctance
to reflect on one's reflection. Obsessed with what's incessant.
A second of second thought lasts forever if ever paused
to question each lesson taught like it's better than getting lost.
I'm mulling it over. I'm weighing my options.
Opportunity's losing steam under the weight of the process.
My behavior is honest, but nothing came from a promise;
the best of intentions crest at pretentious when initiation's a problem.
I catalog these matters. I imagine. Exhaustive.
When at a loss for hazards I enact and I cause them.
A caricature in characters. Words. Did I inherit a curse.
So much more to writing in a journal than what my parents observed.
A dissection of essence. Impressed with the narratives curves.
How I could manipulate the page and your merits, in turn.
Atheists playing God with a Satanist way of thought.
Not Satanist in a crazy sense, I mean the way in which we're Gods
of our own way and senses. Paint the picture's dawn
with rays emitting 'cross the day's ascending frost
and you'll wake to living calm. Paint the picture's dawn
with razor fitted jaws, serrated riddled claws
and a shade that sits too long? You may not wake today at all.
I'm trapped between the lines. Life's a dialog. A lie I write in songs.
I lie at night and talk to the rhymes and lines I've drawn.
They call themselves people, astounding, 'cause they don't know my easel
is see through and makes up their surroundings.

Mr. J
06-11-2015, 03:26 PM
familiar faces behind a mask eh...

This was a nice piece, a good little return of sorts

06-11-2015, 03:27 PM
This was pretty great.

Pharaohs Army
06-12-2015, 04:47 PM
Top notch.. Lovin it.

Split Eight
06-12-2015, 11:46 PM
A caricature in characters. Words. Did I inherit a curse.
So much more to writing in a journal than what my parents observed.
A dissection of essence. Impressed with the narratives curves.
How I could manipulate the page and your merits, in turn.

Paint the picture's dawn
with razor fitted jaws, serrated riddled claws
and a shade that sits too long? You may not wake today at all.
I'm trapped between the lines. Life's a dialog. A lie I write in songs.
I lie at night and talk to the rhymes and lines I've drawn.
They call themselves people, astounding, 'cause they don't know my easel
is see through and makes up their surroundings.


if you're new here: stay

big baby
06-13-2015, 02:35 PM
sucked thx

Pharaohs Army
06-13-2015, 07:37 PM
Repped, BB.
Cuz I still literally laugh out loud at these. They don't get old and this one had 3 great set-ups for it.

06-14-2015, 05:59 AM
lmao it's obv Meta @dr. Dog

this was dope though:

A caricature in characters. Words. Did I inherit a curse.
So much more to writing in a journal than what my parents observed.

picked up again towards the end

good to see you writing again

Wise Wiggles
06-14-2015, 10:24 AM
Welcome back. This was lovely!

dull boy
06-14-2015, 11:03 AM
Fuck this nigga, man.

06-14-2015, 12:10 PM
this was sick-nasty

dull boy
post something

emcee squared
05-03-2023, 08:53 AM
lmao it's obv Meta @dr. Dog

this was dope though:

A caricature in characters. Words. Did I inherit a curse.
So much more to writing in a journal than what my parents observed.

picked up again towards the end

good to see you writing again

**** EDIITTT this is more likely ENG THAN DULL on another peak here [revise % guess]
50% chance - Zen
10% chance - Dull AT BEST
and I DONT think it's BB either tho it MAY APPEAR. no this is not bb
BB - 0 %