View Full Version : League Suggested Topics

01-07-2017, 04:04 PM
We are always open for topic suggestions, feel free to post them here. At some point in the season we will have a "free topic" week, in which case you will be allowed to use any topic posted here Other Than Your Own Suggested Topic.

Any topic posted here and used for a match up will be deleted by mod as to prevent multiple verses with same topic.

The more this thread is filled with topics the better for the upcoming free week. So I suggest you guys post some.

Pictures, quotes, traditional, story lead, dates in history.....Anything welcome....

~At any time if someone would like to select topics for the entire week, PM me and I will get you what you need.

~At any time if anyone wishes to help or produce their own mag, contact me and I'll will get you what you need.

01-07-2017, 11:32 PM
Band of brothers

"...with great power comes great responsibility."

"The grass always looks greener on the other side."

Mr. J
01-08-2017, 01:36 PM
A Spider-Man quote? Really ....Someone get some pics in here.. Frank I'm looking at you

01-08-2017, 09:07 PM
Topic: Communism

Quote: "Every line preaches revolt... against the state, the church, the family, legality, religion and property."

Date: 1492


01-09-2017, 03:24 PM
id like to see some storylines put in...

but i dont want to post ant cuz i wouldnt be able to use them