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03-13-2024, 07:14 PM
A Hermit's Life posted by elf 9-21-2002
Rhymenreason Forever Ill

I was searching for proof, and found lies
foot hit the grass, and I fantly heard the ground sigh
Starring at my palletes through brown eyes
Looking at the color, and asking why haven't I found mine
Starring into the shoe pressed dirt...left hurt
And remembering the seqence of when my lips met hers
The feeling was mutual, or so i thought and hoped
But she was quick to turn away, when I coughed and choaked
So I write a poem And send it in the wind for her
whispered in the Trees as the forest sings for her

It begins to stir...

should I let it Should I be a sceptic, could I just Touch
My heart propped Up, and stood on a crutch
I stood the eisle up and painted with greys and black
Cause the color of Love is known to fade so fast
And the days go past, And the days grow bad
green eyes And blonde hair, How I got to this place
A mile of tears, anger and a blotch on my face
its trying me now, I grew violent and loud
And spent infinity, trying to silence the crowd
And She...was my ever thing, when i was nothing at all
And She...Was the first thing I wanted and saw
And She had the nerve to leave me out on a limb
And She...was the one who gave me a song to sing
Her hair would catch the sun, and drip full of light
When i saw her beauty next to mine it crippled my sight
Had me facing, her rolling hills of grassy planes and
it rebeled our Gravitation, She became a devil Imagination
known as modest, comprehend my love I'm only honest
And if I can't be with you, crucify my lonley promise
Look at a leaf, and map its veigns and life
the pain of life, is knowing that you frame the light
And can't capture the colors in your brain at night
And won't ever see the world otuside the name of christ
you scwanger the habits and still ponder the pallettes
And hold your breathe for the day you conjure the magic
Your minds tumbled, skirming, cause your a fumbled vermin
But if the magic never comes you live as a humbled hermit
and spend your dawns and dusks to wonder perfect
And when your weary you wonder, if the wonders really worth it
those assumptions blur it But deep inside your some discourage
thats what happens when magic doesn't come for a humbled hermit
He wrote a scripture, Painted, showed and sold his picture
But His soul was graphted to the canvas, and so he's richer
O he differ's, cause now He can only see his soul grow in fixtures
Thank God I can right my wrongs, and write these songs
but if it write it wrong, I rewrite it, but tonight the light is gone
I'm back near, The candle has burned To a stub of Wax tears
So the hermit stopped running and asked if he could relax here
"Sure" He Put his feet in the water and his hands in the sand
He looked from his brown eyes and asked "can you answer this man"
And he said " you start dieing from birth, The cancer is planned"
"So why do we deny our Allments and take a chance at a hand"
"heaven is an escape from this agony and sufferage"
"but man is took quick to turn away and say fuck this"
" cop out cause they can't or don't desire the strength"
" And wont last the journy or retire with length"
He tried to be frank, " The happiest momment, I'm dieing today"
With that He wandered down the moss covered valley and Slept
to bad that he left And told me a secret that had to be kept
Not to search for enternal life, Just enjoy the momments
Quick Fighting for Diamonds, you'll end up mad and destroy whats golden
Don't toy with notes if, you don't undestand why he wrote this
He wanted the habbit kicked, to busy writing his magic tricks
He couldn't get the rabbit out hat, now he's had a fit

And My life Writes its own Journals

Cause when I'm to old to be a writer
I'm a stick to matches And never need a lighter
I'll let my house be encompassed by moss
And not worry over the assumptions I've lost
making sure I have time to stop and stare
Sitting in my throne, a great rocking chair

That sqeeks...

And with each Sqeek I'll grow and get wise
Keep it near the heart, and know why i lie
let my body grow old with the earth
let go of the promise and how I lived the worse

Silver hair and a cloak of black...

I'll smile and remember the first day i wrote a rap
Its there i will show remorse alone in the shadows
And let go of the tears from the lonlyest battles
They'll all be mad at me, the black sheep
who never dreamt, was to paranoid to have sleep
When I'm an old man retired from life
I'll write a verse to explain why i desired the light
Tired of life in my dirt fortress, I'll show her courtship
But I was doomed since birth cause i couldn't afford it
Its take and shove, Cherishing the way we hug
But it really was Take and Shove, When we were making love

no, we never fucked...
but the countless days I count and wait
I count and wait countless days
That all this feeling will amount to pay

Heh...it seems stupid now, Watching the balking owls
walking...wow... its fare though, the scare crows stalk and prowl
Wishing I could fly on wings of feathers and freedom
But humans are to busy on limitations and whether we see em
And if we don't we make them, and develope them strong
Its welded, held in a bond, So they make me put hell in a song
I held her tight as tight as I could And Started to shake
IT WAS ALL I HARDLY COULD TAKE, she felt my hearts as it breaks
IF I'M REALLY AS SMART AS I SAY, I shoulda stayed far off and away
Stay far off in the horizen Farther than the human eye can see
And out of all the people in this world why is Love trying me
She's All i ever think of, When I catch myself thinking

Help I'm sinking...
I said Help I'm sinking

Looking through the mirror, just a portal of me
Looking at her tears, she's still mortal to me
Hopeing she'll come to the hermit, its infernal to think
Stood there watching left me to eternally blink
Save this momment and record it in a journal with ink
I'm drowning in her eyes, fuck it, I'm learning to sink

Bye, I'm learning to sink
Said good bye, I'm learning to sink

Cause its all been torn down, I'm being reborn now
With Nails in his hands and feet and A thorn crown
Sinking in her, Feel my flesh as it wrinkles and burns
As i look into those eyes, and she twinkles and turns
If it was up to me, We would perish tommorrow
Just one tear for me to cherish her sorrow
watch me, As I travel my blue print and follow strangers
Holding the tears back, Learned to swallow anger
But, after all i bottled up, I'm still a hollow chamber
So fuck off, I'm going to rest in rap's abyss
I'm leaving ya'll while i can still question Happiness

Any Questions