View Full Version : Visual Optiks & Preacher716: The Reason Angels Cry part II

01-22-2013, 07:18 PM
posted on 04-15-2002

Authors /Poets: Visual Optiks & Preacher716
Title : The Reason Angels Cry part II
Original Forum Of Thread: From The Heart
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The Reason Angels Cry Part II

The Reason Angels Cry Part I

The Reason Angels Cry part II


maybe is the fact that there is no longer a celebration of life,
instead people bring pestilence, pain, and strife,
men plotting and planning to destroy the earth,
feeling the need to spread pain and hate since their birth,
this anger spawned from the fear of themselves,
insecurities and doubts make them place organs on shelves,
still she cries, the acidic tears roll down her cheek,
and as we speak i can see the future of us turn bleak,
crack houses and drugs spring up all over the lands,
murderers and rapists walk forth giving off their demands,
and they do this all and she cries, as her eyes look pale and grim,
yet she knows they are us, and we are them,
it is us that spreads the addictive anger and hate,
it is us that turns the death of the world from imagination to fate.....

Visual Optiks

The fact that the worlds screaming out and she�s disgusted by the turmoil,
The scorching flames no longer burn mild as the blood smears across the soil
And this Angels crying but in my ignorance I can�t figure out why
But she cries for the same reason that makes roses wither up and die
The same reason that makes a man grab another man, with jagged steel in his hand
And plunge it into his diaphragm, then wipe the blood of like nothings wrong
Her tears are here trying to cleanse a dirty, filth redden pool of humanity
She looks upon bended knees at the heavens and screams Who�s mad at me?
Why is there need for this why do I cry, why do I cry, why do I cry
But there�s no answer from the skies, just the rolling winds of crashing tides
Tears still wondering, trickling down her faces side, reaching their destination
The pool of pure beauty devised to bless a nation is being slowly sipped by satan
Gargling it and spitting it back up for your consumption
But what�s the lost of one angel,�crting her eyes out to save a whole human population
From the fake, the demented the cruel , saving us from ourselves
Bringing her heavenly light down and only receiving hell

*a finally tear rolls down, dripping smoothly off her cheek�hitting the small almost evaporated pool with a majestic splash. The peak of the splash gracing her face and dimishing her worries, leaving her faceless, just another soul lost in the hardships of trying to make a difference. Trying to help those too lost in their own santions of demon darkness *