View Full Version : Round 2: Balthowasai vs Square

01-31-2013, 07:53 PM
Topic: You are ten years old and your parents were just killed in a car accident, you must now live in a group home.

Dear dad,
Merry Christmas! I'm doing well, but why won't you write?
You should see my gifts this year.. Santa musta come twice.
In here, everyone's nice.. I've made a lot of new friends
School's out right now, so we even played soccer til ten.
I wish you'd met Betty, she's the nurse here, a real sweetheart
You'd like her.. like a sister to me, plus she could be real smart
She told me that you had to go away on a trip, for real long
And that she'd take care of me some while you'll be gone..
But I know she's lying.
See, it's no use hiding.. I overheard them talking about it
I know about the accident, especially how they aren't talking about it
To save me -- for my future, for my sanity, for my sake --
So I just play along, dumb deaf and blind with my soul to trade.
So I write.. and pray they don't reach you dad, and get sent back instead
Cuz if you can't hear my prayers, then you can’t be dead.. ..right?
I.. know you're just on a trip, right? A girl like Betty can't lie, right?
What kind of place would this be, if all the angels have gone sky high?
I ain't gone evil, but I just can't remove this simple doubt
That this God can't be on our side, if he takes all the wrong people ..right?
I even stopped going to church –- everything's all clear now..
If heaven doesn't exist, you won't have anywhere to go but here.. right..?
So I'll just wait here.. act strong, and keep writing these letters or something
And wish that next year, Santa brings the only gift I ever wanted.

I love you dad.


Balthowsai no-shows.