View Full Version : Dominate vs Unfaded

02-06-2013, 07:22 PM

Yo we both did longbar, & I admit I wrote some shit that’s great for a laugh
But where I washed my hands of it
You had to scrub yours red raw then soak them in acid for a day and a half
You take the cake for retarded flips son, they always underlie ya texting whims
Forced wordplay’s a vehicle for your style... which is otherwise pedestrian
& you were always in my shadow, I don’t recall you’d ever bring the heat
You being ill was just fiddlesticks - same type you used to play second string to me
On my nuts sending me fan mail, this distinction’s what you need to check;
Ur letters were something I’d redirect, my every word was something you’d read erect
You were the type to cut my photo out, take one of ur pictures & Glue Me next to you
Pasting my face over your father’s... which ironically looked Gloomy next to you
Son you goofy, I wanna see less of you. I don’t see a way to get past that
I Promise Flames with my verses, yours Assure Fire way to get laughed at
& yo, I went toe to toe with him. The punches I landed had the ref excited
While this queen’s Soared over my shoulders so much I figured I was getting knighted
Dominate the one they nominate when they see this fuckers not breathing then
I’ll have the votes at Dom 7 & Un Zip quicker than his boyfriend does upon seeing him


We both did long bars, but no one really Bought your petty concepts, metas
shit, those paragraphs formed books… ^ but never really got best seller
While my swag continues to prosper; each key-stroke seeks to stop the best
your Touch makes voters shake their heads & they’re not even bobble heads
Feeling a bit prophetic, as my eyes have sort of re-opened
I’ve just foresaw your defeat …& I’m sure your supporting the Omen
And in order to own him, the amount of skills I’m declared to have
Won’t have to be Announce ….Lama usually takes care of that
No one cares your back, please quit while you’re ahead of this D
^ I hope you can follow that Logic in this tourney …& DROP immediately
Whether you appeal to leaders, or if your names HOF instilled with either shit
Watch me take it ‘Off the Wall ……and then steal your Sneakers bitch
Your beneath the weaker, or my state of mind maybe sedated
cause I’m confusing your bones with stop signs…. honestly ready to break it
& whoever taught you to flow - must really not be explosive dude
try talking purses with your bitch, even she's got a better Coach then you

Winner: Dominate