View Full Version : AOWL Week 6: Zygote (3-1) VS. Pohfig (4-1) [ZYGOTE WINS BY NO SHOW.]

03-20-2013, 12:45 AM
16 lines minimum, 48 lines maximum.

Verses are due SATURDAY 3/23 at 11:59 PST.

Extensions are due SUNDAY 3/24 at 11:59 PST. NO LATER!!!

You MUST check in.

You must vote on at least 4 other battles. For every absent link, you will be deducted ONE vote next week.

If you no-show, you will be removed from next week and have to sign back into the league.

TOPIC: "The Beggar" - (selected by Adonis)

Good luck to both participants. zygote pohfig

Pent uP
03-20-2013, 08:57 PM
Sounds fun

King Ra.
03-20-2013, 09:16 PM
pohfig you owe 4 votes extra this week. Any missing votes this week will count as a deduction towards the final tally of this match.

zygote is clear.

03-21-2013, 10:47 AM

A ship is safe inside its harbor,
But that is not what ships are for.

Prince-Raja Siddhartha Gautama quickly awakes,
He is excited at the prospect of beginning today,
Gautama gathered his incense, linen and crystalline plates,
The illustrations ingrained were simply ornate,
He rode his elephant through the Kingdoms estate,
Through the place where Gautama’s father kept the pilgrims away.
Gautama arrived at the area where the shrine was lodged,
It was a place to offer his vows and his alms,
A stone hut surrounded by Palmyra palms, Peafowls and Macaques,
But beyond the field house and the walls he heard the sound of a dog.
Gautama’s father warned “There is nothing beyond the palace!
You will be the Raj, from me to you, this is your promised status.”
Gautama was like a prisoner of endless comforting,
His father kept him from learning of old age, death and suffering.
Prince Gautama climbed the walls and dropped to the other side,
He saw another life, a village in the distance through the softly colored light.
Gautama walked the rocky path, negotiated the tricky terrain,
The first real person he saw was a leper in pain, this diseased man driven insane,
Gautama felt as if his life was beginning again.
As he continued to walk he saw a decaying corpse,
The ascetic monk who wrapped the body in a veiling cloth,
Gautama turned around and saw his distant coastal fort,
A golden Kingdom with pillars built from stone and smoky quartz.
But that was there, and he was here, it was now,
Gautama knew it was different, but different how?
Gautama stared at this life interwoven with brutality,
He struggled with his own overwhelming notion of mortality.
His realization of suffering dawned; at first he rejected it,
His shock changed to reflection and it became self-evident.

Freedom from Suffering - Nirvana from Samsara,
The need to do Good through the concept of Karma.

And so, Siddhartha Gautama became Gautama Buddha,
He no longer held desire to be the Maharaja ruler.
The transformation from a Prince to a Beggar,
Went from living in leisure to the simpler pleasures,
Salvation and liberation - these were his spirit endeavors greater than any physical treasure.
Progression of physical health through understanding of the spiritual self,
Gautama Buddha denounced his possessions and the acquisition of wealth.
Mental training, restraint of action and restraint of desire,
Restraint of thought - to feel no pain in a fire.
But to feel the pain of others, and to overcome attachment,
To overcome ambition, craving, clinging and passion,
Possessions are transient, their existence is hollow,
Their loss is inevitable, and so suffering will follow.
Gautama Buddha taught his five disciples this Middle Way,
The Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path and the Meditative vigil state.
People came to see Gautama sitting quietly underneath a Bodhi tree,
Heart shaped leaves fall as he slowly breathes.

Pent uP
03-23-2013, 03:35 PM

03-23-2013, 04:15 PM
Zygote previously said "all extensions are always okay", granted.

03-25-2013, 03:07 AM
Zygote wins by no show