View Full Version : Battle rap 3

04-22-2013, 12:21 PM
I’m a bio-militant handling complex reactions and diverse stimulus,
I saw people writing about “Flow” don’t they know my hydrosynthesis?
Battling me? You must be smoking psychostimulants, you would be better off smoking nitro-glycerine,
You battling me is like a diabetic going into shock without their glycol-insulin,
Because I rhyme ridiculous with no right equivalent, my styles so intricate it forms inside a chrysalis,
My status supermassive - Your status is a micro-increment,
You’re just a minor irritant; I despise your insolence,
Losing against this sideshow participant? I can’t accept the thought - my mind shows dissonance,
Someone wrote I was light that’s typo isn’t it? They meant tight because I’m the maestro killing it,
You won’t believe what your eyeball’s witnessing, burn the optics from the socket like a light bulb filament,
The wolves are out and nightfalls imminent,
This life forms illiterate what you write shows ignorance,
We might go into it, but I prefer to stay neutral like Ireland or Switzerland,
My lines are limitless - you could spend years burning written text to disc with ISO imaging.
Twice as strong as diamond silicon, let’s get one thing clear I am not like you,
You want to battle? Meet me at high noon inside the air tight vacuum.
Or in a high tech classroom, I have to teach you a grave lesson,
The cross breed hitting warp speed firing a space weapon to split you into sagittal plane sections,
Strike with the force of eight consecutive freight engines, your face looks like you constantly taste lemons,
I smoke the finest product you just scrape resin from yesterdays session,
I grow tired of the strange presence of this lame peasant, in a contest of seven people you came seventh.

04-23-2013, 09:35 AM
Dope, like on that Canibus tip but so crisp and smart. Loving it what can I say

04-23-2013, 12:48 PM
Fuck zygote I'm kinda like Bent...what can I say? You're a fuckin genius and your pieces show it. You got some of the best pieces I've ever read on here or anywhere and this one is no slouch. Great piece zygote I wish I could say more but cot dayum I've practically said all I can say bud. Would appreciate feed in return on my ZenLand Part II piece. Keep dropping man.

Wise Wiggles
04-23-2013, 01:09 PM
prolly my fav battle verse from you. although I haven't read the first two on here i don't think.. pm me a verse for a collab.. holla