View Full Version : Week 7 topics

04-08-2014, 03:34 AM

Season 3

Welcome to Week 3, where you can choose your own adventure of sorts. We're bringing back story leads as topics. For the last time this season, you will be able to choose your own topic from the list below. The idea is to build off the story lead and into a full verse. You do not have to tell a story, as some of the leads lend themselves to topical or introspective verses, as well. The topics are meant to be general so as to allow you to create your own backstory.

The one rule is that you must at some point clearly state which topic you chose (either before or after the verse). With that said, you are encouraged (but not required) to agree to a topic with your opponent. Feel free to use more than one topic, if you so choose. Here are your choices:

1. You're determined to stay awake for as long as possible.

2. You have just been drafted to serve for your country in a war.

3. You are awoken at 3 a.m. by a blindingly bright, enormous light outside your window.

4. It's the year 2214, and you are the most powerful man on Earth.

5. The most important person in your life has disappeared inexplicably.

6. You wake up tied to a bed and surrounded by surgical instruments.

7. You were arrested Friday night and have to spend a weekend in county jail.