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View Full Version : Stopped smoking weed, started having legit dreams again

06-13-2013, 06:25 PM
When I was smoking I'd have dreams but they never meant anything. Now I've been having really in depth dreams. When I wake up I know exactly what they meant, and don't forget them. Haven't smoked weed in two or three months, I guess. Also haven't had nicotine from blunts in that long either.

Almost makes me not wanna go back. Is this a thing or just a coincidence?

Rawn M.D.
06-13-2013, 06:30 PM
Nah u alter ur sleep cycles w drugs..

06-13-2013, 06:44 PM
Yeah i smoked daily for 5 years.. Ive smoked two times in the past year but now i have very vivid dreams & remember almost everything that happens.

06-13-2013, 06:45 PM
Last time I smoked weed.. No, the time before last time I smoked I had this crazy dream where I was petting this rabbit in my lap. And all of a sudden it turned old, screamed at me with this weird high pitched distorted scream and went through life backwards and ended up being a rabbit fetus in stone in my hand and I felt sincere love or some shit when that happened.

06-13-2013, 06:48 PM
When I smoke I dream. They seem more normal/ make sense if I am sober tho

06-13-2013, 06:53 PM
When I smoke I dream. They seem more normal/ make sense if I am sober tho

I have fucked up dreams no matter what. But when I smoke they're creepy as fuck for the most part. Like that rabbit shit.

06-13-2013, 06:54 PM
I havent smoked weed in years.....i never remember my dreams.

06-13-2013, 06:59 PM
Opposite for me

06-13-2013, 07:05 PM
That's because your brain thinks you're weak as fuck emotionally, Bags. Not even fucking with you. You know what's stopping you from remembering your dreams? The same shit that blocks the memories to victims after traumatic incidents, which is a defensive mechanism to keep the person as normal as possible. Your brain thinks you'll wake up in the fetal position if you're exposed to your subconscious mind, lmfao. The good news is; You can train your brain to stop subtly dissing the shit out of you, show what you're made of and start dreaming again.

06-13-2013, 07:24 PM
Ill punch ur fucking head inside out

06-13-2013, 07:33 PM
I rarely ever dream. Only happens when I'm on drugs for real.

06-13-2013, 08:19 PM
i dream every night. crazy shit. normal shit. usually normal shit with crazyness in it.

if i make a point to remember it i can very easily. if i get sidetracked even for 5 minutes i forget 90 percent of it

06-13-2013, 08:22 PM
is being awake tryng to fall asleep considered dreaming?

you know that stage inbetween sleep and awake..

cuz that's the only time I think of things or remember anything...

but like full sleep dreams I don't have...or I just cant remember for shit

I smoke 5 blunts a day.

Just Write
06-13-2013, 08:55 PM
nobody likes a quitter

Dope girl
06-13-2013, 11:40 PM
cuz your body use to it.