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Chyeahhh!!! 10-02-2017 11:32 PM

he speaks....

Originally Posted by Warthog Lite (Post 623793)
Your little faggot BS conspiracy rant should've started with a sentence at least saying "sorry for all the people that fell today, even more sad cause here's the truth...."

Then go off on your little wish the world wasn't so blind BS.....

You think making threads on here and making posts about the "the truth" is helping?

Take your stupid fucking monkey ass out on the street and preach that shit...what's your excuse for not doing that? Everyone just walk by like your crazy? Yeah exactly what they what you to feel so you don't do you just sit in the fucking dark in your bunker waiting for everyday to be the end of the world, what a shitty, depressing life you live...

I made no threads, only posted in the one that was made. You really aren't in the position to dictate how I should post bro. You got any information on what took place that goes against the vids I posted by all means please contribute.

Warthog Lite 10-03-2017 12:26 AM

The fact that you posting YouTube videos as your "proof" of anything is for starters is a fucking fail in itself asshole.

Oh yeah I watched this video on YouTube now its true

Bitch your so big on this shit and knowledgeable where's your YouTube videos you made yourself? Where's the pictures of the flyers you made and printed out and put up all over the city? Uh? Fuck you doing about any of the shit you bitch about?

Amen 10-03-2017 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Destroyer (Post 623762)
I’m not talking about getting away with it
I’m talking about effectively guaranteeing mass casualties
Clearly that’s the end game of a shooter
this guy just set this up so strangely
I’m not saying it’s not exactly as is being reported
I’m just saying something about it doesn’t sit right with me

I think it's an act of terrorism.

Police found explosives in his car and detonators. Not to mention, at his home over 30 weapons (He had 25 in the hotel with him.) and over 4,000 rounds of ammo with more explosives.

As of 7AM 59 confirmed dead and 527 injured & critical.

Kill Spree 10-03-2017 08:41 AM


Chyeahhh!!! 10-03-2017 10:29 AM

he speaks....

Originally Posted by Warthog Lite (Post 623800)
The fact that you posting YouTube videos as your "proof" of anything is for starters is a fucking fail in itself asshole.

Oh yeah I watched this video on YouTube now its true

Bitch your so big on this shit and knowledgeable where's your YouTube videos you made yourself? Where's the pictures of the flyers you made and printed out and put up all over the city? Uh? Fuck you doing about any of the shit you bitch about? don't have anything noteworthy to contribute??


This guy was a multi millionaire. Had two planes that he knew how to fly himself, 27 properties. The motive is still in limbo. He did place some sizeable bets at the casino this is known

Warthog Lite 10-03-2017 11:27 AM

Lol cause the shit you post is noteworthy?

Fuck outta here...

Chyeahhh!!! 10-03-2017 11:53 AM

as of right now, you're becoming more of the problem than the answer. No info, just emotion which will have you abandon reason. Here are a few facts:

witnesses, EMT's, and LE initial reports of multiple shooters

numerous video's of muzzle flash matching precussions coming from floors that don't coincide with the reported 32n'd floor shooting points. Matter of fact, I've seen no video yet of muzzle flash coming from the 32n'd floor and trust me, many many people with myself being included are still looking.

No hotel footage of the suspect has been released in regards to check in and how all of that equipment got up to 32n'd floor.

Stephen Paddock place some sizeable bets and took some substantial losses in the casino that evening.

He checked in the hotel and the same room 1 year prior.

Lockheed Martin internal auditor. He's a millionaire

Amen 10-03-2017 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Chyeahhh!!! (Post 623827) don't have anything noteworthy to contribute??


This guy was a multi millionaire. Had two planes that he knew how to fly himself, 27 properties. The motive is still in limbo. He did place some sizeable bets at the casino this is known

Not really sure where you are getting your information from but the only thing that was mentioned was his current losses of $8,000 bets on poker in the last several weeks. No where have I read, heard or seen him being a millionaire and owning 2 planes lol and some 20 some odd properties lol...

Please provide sources, I'd like to see some other perspectives aside from Chyeah posts.

EDIT: Also mentioned him being a retired accountant or some shit.

Chyeahhh!!! 10-03-2017 12:08 PM

I just did a simple google search Amen. The truth is out there

Chyeahhh!!! 10-03-2017 12:13 PM

I find it interesting that he worked for Lockheed Martin as an internal, which has a huge contract with NASA

Chyeahhh!!! 10-03-2017 12:15 PM


Warthog Lite 10-03-2017 12:15 PM

Lol your one of those types uh?

"Go find your own research" "cause what I'm saying is complete bs"

What a fucking joke

Edit:wow, links! so on what page out of the 74 pages does it say he was a millionaire

Witty 10-03-2017 12:48 PM

It has been reported on at least 3 mainstream news sites that he was a millionaire.

Not exactly hard info to find.

Warthog Lite 10-03-2017 12:51 PM

I need chyeah to post a YouTube video to make it actually true

Chyeahhh!!! 10-03-2017 01:20 PM

he speaks....

Originally Posted by Warthog Lite (Post 623843)
I need chyeah to post a YouTube video to make it actually true

nah, that'd be too easy. You'd just find something else to attack but if you actually take the time to look at the videos you wouldn't be acting the way you are. This is the last time I address you in this thread because you're poison to it tbh.

Warthog Lite 10-03-2017 01:33 PM

Your entire outlook on life is poison.....why live the way you do.....keep hiding in that bunker bro

Chyeahhh!!! 10-03-2017 01:54 PM

bullets on top of blood

Chyeahhh!!! 10-03-2017 04:19 PM

guns in the room

Chyeahhh!!! 10-03-2017 04:20 PM

has a paper with note on table, wonder if suicide note

Warthog Lite 10-03-2017 08:04 PM

Hey I got a link for this

Fuck even cares if it was a set up or not or whatever

Fuck you chyeeah! I wish it was your fucking mom or sister that got shot, I wonder what you would think then.

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