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kungfugrip 04-12-2023 10:12 PM

Me vs. My Dad
Uhhh, one two one two

Why did you beat me up so much when I told u I was gay i just wanted acceptance

House of Leaves 04-13-2023 01:51 AM

My Hormones Made Me Do It

Originally Posted by kungfugrip (Post 832711)
Uhhh, one two one two

Why did you beat me up so much when I told u I was gay i just wanted acceptance

-Exact numbers vary, but most scientific zoological studies reveal that UP to 10%,,, probably more like 5-7% of the "more advanced" (especially) mammals ,,,in Nature exhibit homosexual tendencies/activities,IF NOT Lifestyles!

-So when people question a gay person Why? Why did you choose. You have to consider one of a couple things:
1- The biological statistic referenced above^
2- If said critic is Religious, the obvious question becomes:
a- If God is perfect, &created Man in his image, why would he "mess up" with the "homo mistake"?
b- Why would he punish activity he denounces as sin?, after creating said sentient sexual beings? with such biological inclinations. For you see, Kung,
...[for that matter, if u want 2start a new athiest vs. religions thread then we could also get into why the Churches themselves don't see a flaw with their Creator if they despise homos&/or their lives that much. At LEAST with their "flawless" Holy Book they must find some flaws, if not the creator themselves.]
3 - Back to the question in a secular light, if we shall:
Who would ever "choose" to be gay? One day, in their teens or late childhood just..."Yep. I'd love to be a "minority". Despised by Monotheisms and Conservative society. Few less rights and representation under the law (at least until the last 8+years of major change; [marriage, etc.])...I'd love my family to doubt me and my life choices (unless they were extremely loving and trusting). I want higher chance of mental health probs, and identity issues. I want to fuck my own love live/future over (&possibly a partner's) by lying to myself because it'd be easier to hide in society.

But I digress, Kung. ^Nother day 'nother dollar, as my 12th grade AP English teacher used to "***kle"...

1935 letter

In 1935, Freud wrote to a mother who had asked him to treat her son's homosexuality, a letter that would later become famous:[6]

I gather from your letter that your son is a homosexual. I am most impressed by the fact that you do not mention this term yourself in your information about him. May I question you why you avoid it? Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation; it cannot be classified as an illness; we consider it to be a variation of the sexual function, produced by a certain arrest of sexual development. Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and modern times have been homosexuals, several of the greatest men among them. (Plato, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, etc). It is a great injustice to persecute homosexuality as a crime –and cruelty, too. If you do not believe me, read the books of Havelock Ellis.

By asking me if I can help [your son], you mean, I suppose, if I can abolish homosexuality and make normal heterosexuality take its place. The answer is, in a general way we cannot promise to achieve it. In a certain number of cases we succeed in developing the blighted germs of heterosexual tendencies, which are present in every homosexual; in the majority of cases it is no more possible. It is a question of the quality and the age of the individual. The result of treatment cannot be predicted.

What analysis can do for your son runs in a different line. If he is unhappy, neurotic, torn by conflicts, inhibited in his social life, analysis may bring him harmony, peace of mind, full efficiency, whether he remains homosexual or gets changed.[14][15]

kungfugrip 04-14-2023 06:51 PM

Lmao he voted for domestic child abuse I'm calling 911 so they can ignore me

kungfugrip 04-14-2023 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by House of Leaves (Post 832714)
-Exact numbers vary, but most scientific zoological studies reveal that UP to 10%,,, probably more like 5-7% of the "more advanced" (especially) mammals ,,,in Nature exhibit homosexual tendencies/activities,IF NOT Lifestyles!

-So when people question a gay person Why? Why did you choose. You have to consider one of a couple things:
1- The biological statistic referenced above^
2- If said critic is Religious, the obvious question becomes:
a- If God is perfect, &created Man in his image, why would he "mess up" with the "homo mistake"?
b- Why would he punish activity he denounces as sin?, after creating said sentient sexual beings? with such biological inclinations. For you see, Kung,
...[for that matter, if u want 2start a new athiest vs. religions thread then we could also get into why the Churches themselves don't see a flaw with their Creator if they despise homos&/or their lives that much. At LEAST with their "flawless" Holy Book they must find some flaws, if not the creator themselves.]
3 - Back to the question in a secular light, if we shall:
Who would ever "choose" to be gay? One day, in their teens or late childhood just..."Yep. I'd love to be a "minority". Despised by Monotheisms and Conservative society. Few less rights and representation under the law (at least until the last 8+years of major change; [marriage, etc.])...I'd love my family to doubt me and my life choices (unless they were extremely loving and trusting). I want higher chance of mental health probs, and identity issues. I want to fuck my own love live/future over (&possibly a partner's) by lying to myself because it'd be easier to hide in society.

But I digress, Kung. ^Nother day 'nother dollar, as my 12th grade AP English teacher used to "***kle"...

1935 letter

In 1935, Freud wrote to a mother who had asked him to treat her son's homosexuality, a letter that would later become famous:[6]

I gather from your letter that your son is a homosexual. I am most impressed by the fact that you do not mention this term yourself in your information about him. May I question you why you avoid it? Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation; it cannot be classified as an illness; we consider it to be a variation of the sexual function, produced by a certain arrest of sexual development. Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and modern times have been homosexuals, several of the greatest men among them. (Plato, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, etc). It is a great injustice to persecute homosexuality as a crime –and cruelty, too. If you do not believe me, read the books of Havelock Ellis.

By asking me if I can help [your son], you mean, I suppose, if I can abolish homosexuality and make normal heterosexuality take its place. The answer is, in a general way we cannot promise to achieve it. In a certain number of cases we succeed in developing the blighted germs of heterosexual tendencies, which are present in every homosexual; in the majority of cases it is no more possible. It is a question of the quality and the age of the individual. The result of treatment cannot be predicted.

What analysis can do for your son runs in a different line. If he is unhappy, neurotic, torn by conflicts, inhibited in his social life, analysis may bring him harmony, peace of mind, full efficiency, whether he remains homosexual or gets changed.[14][15]

Your logic is flawed by bringing up Freud quotes from 1935. As the kids would sat 'that line is played'. I could write a 20 line verse as a homo who isnt one but portrays one as a joke and refute in a rhyming fashion.

House of Leaves 04-14-2023 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by kungfugrip (Post 832734)
Your logic is flawed by bringing up Freud quotes from 1935. As the kids would sat 'that line is played'. I could write a 20 line verse as a homo who isnt one but portrays one as a joke and refute in a rhyming fashion.

Due May 1.

If it’s creative I would throw a quick critique, response, or “match”.

My initial opinions are nothing new Kung. Just the most basic human rights “questions” regarding gays.

The 1935 Freud quote is indeed outdated. It was cited for its direct tie with your initial post, and to spark a response.


kungfugrip 04-14-2023 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by House of Leaves (Post 832738)
Due May 1.

If it’s creative I would throw a quick critique, response, or “match”.

My initial opinions are nothing new Kung. Just the most basic human rights “questions” regarding gays.

The 1935 Freud quote is indeed outdated. It was cited for its direct tie with your initial post, and to spark a response.


I can't wait to tickle ur asshole with 2023 opinions

kungfugrip 04-14-2023 09:00 PM

Also, I'm a lady now

kungfugrip 04-14-2023 09:02 PM

Logic and numbers don't matter where we're going bro

House of Leaves 04-14-2023 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by kungfugrip (Post 832740)
Also, I'm a lady now

Is that a lame Trans joke?

Originally Posted by kungfugrip (Post 832741)
Logic and numbers don't matter where we're going bro

Take the lead; & I will adapt or die.

Pharaohs Army 04-15-2023 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by kungfugrip (Post 832740)
Also, I'm a lady now

Are you trying to Admit that you're a Frank alias?
And that Seth wasn't just making it up when he/(&few others) said that Frank is now a woman (trans).?
@~RustyGunZ~ to thread

Or am I way off again? And you're just trolling with a lame gender joke like HOL said?

kungfugrip 04-15-2023 12:28 PM

Is my gender identity a joke to you?

Lmao yeah call Seth in here, I'm sure he'll CLEAR IT.ALL UP ROFLZ

kungfugrip 04-15-2023 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Pharaohs Army (Post 832765)
Are you trying to Admit that you're a Frank alias?
And that Seth wasn't just making it up when he/(&few others) said that Frank is now a woman (trans).?
@~RustyGunZ~ to thread

Or am I way off again? And you're just trolling with a lame gender joke like HOL said?

Frank who? Frank Metts?

kungfugrip 04-15-2023 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pharaohs Army (Post 832765)
Are you trying to Admit that you're a Frank alias?
And that Seth wasn't just making it up when he/(&few others) said that Frank is now a woman (trans).?
@~RustyGunZ~ to thread

Or am I way off again? And you're just trolling with a lame gender joke like HOL said?

I mean, I was totally joking but if this is confirmed that shit is wild lmao

Pharaohs Army 04-19-2023 10:12 AM


Diablo 04-19-2023 05:01 PM

can confirm Frank is a bitch

emcee squared 04-21-2023 05:23 PM


House of Leaves 04-28-2023 04:55 AM

3 Big Slurs for Kung - A Reference

Originally Posted by kungfugrip (Post 833525)
I'm bored but only because u new kids are too nice. Text should be a nuclear warzone. Commence.

...Arguably, no racial slur has been as prominent and damaging as nigger, which remains a potent epithet used against people of African descent. Use of n***** is so hurtful to African Americans that most people publicly reference it as “the N-word.” Possibly derived from niger, the Latin word meaning black [Edit*Possibly?Lol], n***** has been decidedly derogatory since the eighteenth century. The term has primarily been used by white Americans to derogate blacks as unworthy of equality due to their alleged intellectual, moral, and cultural inferiority. Although generations of white Americans used n***** as their primary term for referring to African Americans, whites would often use the slur during explicitly violent racist actions, such as lynchings, adding an implicit threat of violence to any use of the word. Despite contemporary use in popular media, sometimes by black musicians attempting to defang its potency,** n***** retains its power to insult, intimidate, and threaten African Americans...
**I'd argue it's more a pride/identity thing^^, like the closing entry below on the other slur.
-HOL edit

...While cunt’s exact origins are unknown because the word is so very old and has sounds that are common to both European and Indian languages, there’s evidence it was used throughout the ancient East and West—and not as a pejorative. For example, in The Story of V: A Natural History of Female Sexuality, published in 2003, Catherine Blackledge noted that kunthi referred to female genitalia in sanskrit. A Hindu nature goddess bore the name Kunti as well.

In addition, the word "kunt" was found in the writings of Ptah-Hotep, an Egyptian vizier who lived in the 25th century BC. It referred to women and appears to have been a term of respect.

Today, many feminists argue that c*** must be revived. One reason is simply because it’s a better descriptor for female genitalia than “vagina.” The word vagina has Latin origins, and refers to a sword sheathe—the female sex organ, in this linguistic rendition, is simply a holster for the penis.

Technically speaking, vagina refers only to the “sexual passage of the female from the vulva to the uterus.” C***, however, describes the whole shebang, external and internal, including labia, vulva, pudendum, vagina, and clitoris. Thus, it accounts for and allows female sexual pleasure. To reclaim the power of their sex, women must take back the word that best describes their sex organ, feminists argue...

-Ephrat Livni

...**Another theory is that spic is short for Hispanic, but the term "Hispanic" wasn't commonly used in the U.S. until the mid-1970s, when the Census Bureau made it an option for one's racial identification for the first time. S*** shows up in newspapers and books well before then, ruling out "Hispanic" as the origin.

S*** has long been a weapon of degradation, nestled in the same ungodly arsenal as "n*****" and "chink." There are different versions of its etymological origin story.

Although there are several theories about its origin, the origin of the term usually goes back to Panama at the beginning of the 20th century. This was how the American workers who worked on the Panama Canal referred to the Panamanian labor force. As the journalist Samuel G. Blythe explained in 1908 in the Saturday Evening Post:...

..."All Americans are alike. They do not bother to learn foreign languages when they go to a foreign country, but they force the natives to learn American. So, when the Panamanians presented themselves, if they could talk English, they prefaced their attempts to cheat the Americans out of something—it really made little difference what—with the statement, accompanied by eloquent gestures: 'Spik d' English.' If they couldn't they said: 'No spik d' English.' One or the other was the universal opening of conversation, and those early Americans soon classed the whole race of men who could or could not 'Spik d' Eng.' as 'Spikities,' and from that grew the harmonious and descriptive 'Spigotty.'"

"It's not that clear how 'No spik d' English' sounds like 'spiggoty,'" Frances Negrón-Muntañer, a professor at the Center for Ethnic and Race Studies at Columbia University, told Univision. "But the word spiggoty turned into spig and later spic," she added...

& Back to
...Music and films gave it a fresh nuance, and for many s*** came to represent a sense of pride in being other. In time, some decided it now meant Spanish People In Control.

The poet Emanuel Xavier says it's about empowerment. "Look at everything we have done and accomplished," he told Poetry Foundation. "It is a play on the word. We are speaking out our truths and identities in very perfect English."

By the time I was a middle schooler in the mid-90s, s*** had become a badge of honor. Finally my friends and I had a way to clap back, a chant of our own to sing out in the hallways between class...

-Juan Vidal

...Much like who can and can’t say it, the etymology (the root) of faggot is also very contentious. The standout theory mandates f***** as a “bundle of sticks” derived from the Latin, fascis. I once read some Tumblr post that claimed the bundle of sticks were for burning because of gay death penalties or maybe something to do with witchcraft. But that’s just a hot - and unsubstantiated - urban legend.

In Yiddish, the word faygele means little bird, which I guess is pretty cute but also maybe not very relevant.

Apparently in ye olde British private schools f**ging was the practice where younger boys performed special “duties” for older boys.

This year I learned that f***** is also a type of offal meatball best served with peas and mash.

But most interesting is that in the late 16th century the word f***** was reserved as a derogatory and abusive word for women - namely older women. This is directly in line with how tightly wound together misogyny and homophobia/femmephobia are in our modern understandings of oppression - where it’s typically the derision of women that people fashion onto seemingly effeminate men.

The Oxford English Dictionary cites that the earliest written use of the word f***** appeared in a book of American slang as a slur for gay men: “All the fagots (sissies) will be dressed in drag at the ball tonight.” Sounds like a good time, even if the authors didn’t intend it so.

Because language is important
All marginalised and oppressed groups have had words weaponised against them throughout history. Whether it’s a placard scrawled with “God hates Fags,” or a hushed “faggot” pointed down a school corridor, it’s a term that most gay men have encountered in their lifetime.

In 2008 Hilary Duff released an accidentally hilarious PSA about why “you shouldn’t say something’s gay when you mean it’s bad… it’s insulting.” A win for gay rights!...

-Dejan Jotanovic

Diablo 04-28-2023 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by House of Leaves (Post 833526)
...Arguably, no racial slur has been as prominent and damaging as nigger, which remains a potent epithet used against people of African descent. Use of n***** is so hurtful to African Americans that most people publicly reference it as “the N-word.” Possibly derived from niger, the Latin word meaning black [Edit*Possibly?Lol], n***** has been decidedly derogatory since the eighteenth century. The term has primarily been used by white Americans to derogate blacks as unworthy of equality due to their alleged intellectual, moral, and cultural inferiority. Although generations of white Americans used n***** as their primary term for referring to African Americans, whites would often use the slur during explicitly violent racist actions, such as lynchings, adding an implicit threat of violence to any use of the word. Despite contemporary use in popular media, sometimes by black musicians attempting to defang its potency,** n***** retains its power to insult, intimidate, and threaten African Americans...
**I'd argue it's more a pride/identity thing^^, like the closing entry below on the other slur.
-HOL edit

...While cunt’s exact origins are unknown because the word is so very old and has sounds that are common to both European and Indian languages, there’s evidence it was used throughout the ancient East and West—and not as a pejorative. For example, in The Story of V: A Natural History of Female Sexuality, published in 2003, Catherine Blackledge noted that kunthi referred to female genitalia in sanskrit. A Hindu nature goddess bore the name Kunti as well.

In addition, the word "kunt" was found in the writings of Ptah-Hotep, an Egyptian vizier who lived in the 25th century BC. It referred to women and appears to have been a term of respect.

Today, many feminists argue that c*** must be revived. One reason is simply because it’s a better descriptor for female genitalia than “vagina.” The word vagina has Latin origins, and refers to a sword sheathe—the female sex organ, in this linguistic rendition, is simply a holster for the penis.

Technically speaking, vagina refers only to the “sexual passage of the female from the vulva to the uterus.” C***, however, describes the whole shebang, external and internal, including labia, vulva, pudendum, vagina, and clitoris. Thus, it accounts for and allows female sexual pleasure. To reclaim the power of their sex, women must take back the word that best describes their sex organ, feminists argue...

-Ephrat Livni

...**Another theory is that spic is short for Hispanic, but the term "Hispanic" wasn't commonly used in the U.S. until the mid-1970s, when the Census Bureau made it an option for one's racial identification for the first time. S*** shows up in newspapers and books well before then, ruling out "Hispanic" as the origin.

S*** has long been a weapon of degradation, nestled in the same ungodly arsenal as "n*****" and "chink." There are different versions of its etymological origin story.

Although there are several theories about its origin, the origin of the term usually goes back to Panama at the beginning of the 20th century. This was how the American workers who worked on the Panama Canal referred to the Panamanian labor force. As the journalist Samuel G. Blythe explained in 1908 in the Saturday Evening Post:...

..."All Americans are alike. They do not bother to learn foreign languages when they go to a foreign country, but they force the natives to learn American. So, when the Panamanians presented themselves, if they could talk English, they prefaced their attempts to cheat the Americans out of something—it really made little difference what—with the statement, accompanied by eloquent gestures: 'Spik d' English.' If they couldn't they said: 'No spik d' English.' One or the other was the universal opening of conversation, and those early Americans soon classed the whole race of men who could or could not 'Spik d' Eng.' as 'Spikities,' and from that grew the harmonious and descriptive 'Spigotty.'"

"It's not that clear how 'No spik d' English' sounds like 'spiggoty,'" Frances Negrón-Muntañer, a professor at the Center for Ethnic and Race Studies at Columbia University, told Univision. "But the word spiggoty turned into spig and later spic," she added...

& Back to
...Music and films gave it a fresh nuance, and for many s*** came to represent a sense of pride in being other. In time, some decided it now meant Spanish People In Control.

The poet Emanuel Xavier says it's about empowerment. "Look at everything we have done and accomplished," he told Poetry Foundation. "It is a play on the word. We are speaking out our truths and identities in very perfect English."

By the time I was a middle schooler in the mid-90s, s*** had become a badge of honor. Finally my friends and I had a way to clap back, a chant of our own to sing out in the hallways between class...

-Juan Vidal

...Much like who can and can’t say it, the etymology (the root) of faggot is also very contentious. The standout theory mandates f***** as a “bundle of sticks” derived from the Latin, fascis. I once read some Tumblr post that claimed the bundle of sticks were for burning because of gay death penalties or maybe something to do with witchcraft. But that’s just a hot - and unsubstantiated - urban legend.

In Yiddish, the word faygele means little bird, which I guess is pretty cute but also maybe not very relevant.

Apparently in ye olde British private schools f**ging was the practice where younger boys performed special “duties” for older boys.

This year I learned that f***** is also a type of offal meatball best served with peas and mash.

But most interesting is that in the late 16th century the word f***** was reserved as a derogatory and abusive word for women - namely older women. This is directly in line with how tightly wound together misogyny and homophobia/femmephobia are in our modern understandings of oppression - where it’s typically the derision of women that people fashion onto seemingly effeminate men.

The Oxford English Dictionary cites that the earliest written use of the word f***** appeared in a book of American slang as a slur for gay men: “All the fagots (sissies) will be dressed in drag at the ball tonight.” Sounds like a good time, even if the authors didn’t intend it so.

Because language is important
All marginalised and oppressed groups have had words weaponised against them throughout history. Whether it’s a placard scrawled with “God hates Fags,” or a hushed “faggot” pointed down a school corridor, it’s a term that most gay men have encountered in their lifetime.

In 2008 Hilary Duff released an accidentally hilarious PSA about why “you shouldn’t say something’s gay when you mean it’s bad… it’s insulting.” A win for gay rights!...

-Dejan Jotanovic


Pharaohs Army 04-28-2023 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by House of Leaves (Post 833526)
**Another theory is that…

[SIZE=“7”] “Apparently in ye olde British private schools fagging was the practice where younger boys performed special “duties” for older boys”[/SIZE]

kungfugrip 04-28-2023 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by emcee squared (Post 833136)

I don't think we do

The British fucked you all up, and now you're whining about equality because you were too weak to take it by force.

750 thousand white men died ending slavery in the west,because you were too weak to do it yourself, and your entitled asses somehow think that wasn't enough.

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