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neutral 08-15-2015 12:22 AM

Poetic prose
I remember when nothing was mine but the subject of rhyme. Sometimes try not to do it but I’m pliant, influenced by the finest of music for which my mind’s a conduit – aver that every verse is an anthem. Scansion reduces poetry to a decimal form yet forgetting the letters that crawl into your decibel hall - I meant ear, if you wondered. Really forced way to say so, probably ought to have said no but the prosody’s seductive as reductive synecdoche: I’m essentially a pencil, put pensively. Pretentiously, his pen and moleskin pad pulled out of his oilskin satchel and he pestered me. Low-key, I throw him a sentence with some semblance of acceptance. Boasted he’s published – showed me the entry. Asked for my judgment (he sucked). Told him I loved it (I’m not published). Told me his bag was waterproof as the tender poured vermouth into his Manhattan. Only cocktail I drink’s an Old-Fashioned with a lemon rind laid on the side. It wasn’t even raining outside. Bitch. I don’t know half the time why I seem so pensive -- I see no merit in being esoteric, switch cryptic to simplistic and a keyhole beckons deep in the ego’s presence/on the other side a clock’s ticking. The unlocking click makes the keynote pleasant. Together we walk. You insist it’s better we talk but I measure the pause between your sentence and thought, or cleverest clause and learn more about your element. More. I make less of you from the vowelled speeches - a silent taste of sour sonic secrets. Bowered beeches tower over disempowered peoples among ironic flowers, fleeting, meeting a mild and tempting breeze: both are swept with ease. Maybe I’m caught up in the English weather; I wait every year to watch snow drift to extinguish embers. The sediment’s settlers nestling at the bottom of a glass bottle that claps hollow when empty. Peremptory requests aren’t that – they’re behests. I can’t accept none. My pops just said: “Dumb – too clever for your own good, think of what you and your bro could have done”. He doesn’t see the growth stood before him. Used to adore him; warranted to floor him – but I don’t. That’s strength. Grown up and now we’re mature – impure, in thrall to our thoughts? Let lightning come, electric, violent snakes forking to make the primal rage of Nature tidal wave our natures. Remind us of your magnificent ambivalence. Remind us we ain’t shit. We are shit – refuse, refusing to acknowledge the price we pay as we sign away snips of our soul on the daily living between the paycheque that pays rent, or dividends. Death implies life, but it’s different if all the hours you're living amounts to cowardly minutes you play dead.

neutral 08-22-2015 04:38 AM

I'll remember you fondly.

Geno 08-22-2015 12:06 PM

pretty dope
dully bizzy?

this shit stuck out most
loved the use of the word conduit

influenced by the finest of music for which my mind’s a conduit

Split Eight 08-22-2015 12:29 PM


neutral 08-27-2015 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Dog (Post 523412)


Inno 08-27-2015 10:46 PM

Join the LPGA @neutral

This was outstanding

neutral 09-04-2015 02:53 PM


Thank you.

Bodey 09-06-2015 01:39 AM


it's pieces like this that really remind me just how far my own potential for writing can go. legit, i feel like i've dumbed down over the years haha i mean damn. this was really cool

Let lightning come, electric, violent snakes forking to make the primal rage of Nature tidal wave our natures

i loved that.

Used to adore him; warranted to floor him – but I don’t. That’s strength.

good shit. this whole post was different than what i'm used to reading and i really needed that. so thank you

neutral 10-12-2015 09:11 PM


sral 10-13-2015 09:02 AM

this was pretty smooth

flowed like butter

a few of us have almost got out of posting paragraph style after it had a semi-resurgence here but its always cool to see and read

sometimes it seems to read nicer than it does when the spacebars hit

anyone else feel that?

like almost its a stream of consciousness in this format with no break inbetween

the thoughts all just read like one continous sequence

rather than disconnected things on a similar theme

i enjoyed it

keep that pen moving!

2tripple0 10-13-2015 09:25 AM

Felt like writing good to know my efforts Aren't wasted fill hours with joy so checking out this league and things like the magazine so anyways I still haven't provided enough time into a subject I feel like time is wasting and that the difference either 5th es lyricists attempted to break down your piece I chose the latter lol no pun intended Murphy law that was a dope part of the his verses since he would base in on the dope chapters like u something you ain't produce this like a w in or loss And stir not eat anythe hing

That the base of Wat happened dur inv the time th hat you checked your beat to underst grand the storyline all he's words left with no mean Ing

Exis 10-14-2015 02:53 AM

I'm not a fan of paragraph type structures...mainly 'cause few can do it well, you pulled it off tho.I've been asked a few times if I'd venture into that realm...answer has always been a firm no, this makes me second guess that yeah...

...So kudos to you lol.

Enjoyable shit...stay uppity.

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