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uh-oh 12-27-2014 05:11 PM

why do black people
think that civilization was started by black people?

as someone who has studied ancient history for the past ten years it makes me sick when i see people try and drop knowledge


i can't engage them on facebook because for 1 i try not to be active on facebook at all so none of my friends try and use it as a means of getting ahold of me, and for 2 i frown upon people who type paragraphs on facebook. save it for message boards you weird life livers

but word.

black members of the board, can you explain it to me? where do you guys get your sources and shit. because ive seen people say shit like oh its just white people holding black people back and rewriting history

but i've read herodotus and all them yo. the egyptians weren't black. stop it. i've read the writings of ancient egypt as well

there were 2 entire years, of their 6000 year (at the least) ancient history, where they had black pharoahs. 2 years. they conquered north from kush/ethiopia and took over, and reigned for 2 years fighting off the assyrians before assyria took over egypt.

they were middle eastern/semitic peoples. not jews. real semitic peoples. like they spoke a semitic language and looked middle eastern.

there are countless historians who traveled to these places in ancient times, in texts dated to those times, that can be translated today describing them

there WERE black egyptians. just like there are black americans.

racism is a very modern thing in the sense we know it. i mean its always been around, even when black people werent apart of society white people hated other white types. them fuckin crazy germans with there blonde hair and blue eyes wtf. them crazy ginger irishmen with there pale skin freckles and red hair wtf.

basically im saying tho i can source actual ancient matierials, why do black people think they started everything

i mean i get it you gotta build the self esteem up as a people but just be real about it tho

Badweather 12-27-2014 05:24 PM

civilization was started by Sumerians.

unsure of their color, but it doesn't matter. we're all blood and guts on the inside. our only difference is our skeletal remains.

Badweather 12-27-2014 05:24 PM

civilization was started by Sumerians.

unsure of their color, but it doesn't matter. we're all blood and guts on the inside. our only difference is our skeletal remains.

dull boy 12-27-2014 05:54 PM

Because they're stupid.


Greed 12-27-2014 05:57 PM

I don't remember all the details but they were African.

El Muffin 12-27-2014 06:12 PM

I don't.

don't lump us all together dullboy you fucking bigot.

Why did Nietchzche or w.e ( I cant correctly spell that faggots name w/out googling it fuck u) think Aryans were Uber-Mensch?

*dull boy reasoning*

Because white people are all fucking pompous, delusional IDIOTS?

El Muffin 12-27-2014 06:15 PM

rage aside, my point is..alot of us don't feel this way at all.

I took ancient history as well.

the first meaningful civilization we started was Timbuktu

im thinking Carthaginians were close to black tho. like light skinned niggas


Yao King 12-27-2014 06:25 PM

Why is it white people think they're not immigrants? What made white people steal a whole country?

dull boy 12-27-2014 06:26 PM

Ability and opportunity.

dull boy 12-27-2014 06:27 PM

Kidding, of course. The answer is most certainly attributed to money/power/religion.

PancakeBrah 12-27-2014 06:28 PM

How did we "steal" this country?

Sometimes I want to bury my hands inside the skull of people and just shake their fucking brain until looks like pasta.

dull boy 12-27-2014 06:29 PM

As for OP's question... for the most part, it's because they're stupid.

dull boy 12-27-2014 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Dancake (Post 457365)
How did we "steal" this country?

Sometimes I want to bury my hands inside the skull of people and just shake their fucking brain until looks like pasta.

Because someone else was here first. Finders keepers, dude.

Yao King 12-27-2014 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Dancake (Post 457365)
How did we "steal" this country?

Sometimes I want to bury my hands inside the skull of people and just shake their fucking brain until looks like pasta.

Are you a Caucasian American?

uh-oh 12-27-2014 06:48 PM

white people didnt steal america, they conquered it. sure there was hearty amounts of treachery involved, but caesar conquered gaul, all of it, including the tribes he befriended along the way.

he's known as a conquerer. americans conquered the natives here. its that simple.

PancakeBrah 12-27-2014 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Yao King (Post 457369)
Are you a Caucasian American?

Half black half white

big baby 12-27-2014 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Muff (Post 457357)

Batty 12-27-2014 07:03 PM

It's all a moot discussion anyways, I mean clearly both white and black people have evolved into something completely different than what we used to be. It's not like there are "bragging rights" for the particular end of the skin tone spectrum that your color most closely falls on.

I don't think any of our "forefathers" foresaw a future where we collect Jordans and play Candy Crush.

Look at black people who identify with Obama simply because his skin is a bit darker. All of his baby pics got him kicking with a bunch of old white folks, surfing in Hawaii and eating caviar and shit but Jamal from the hood thinks Obama is Black Jeebus on Earf.

Perspective stays fucked up these days.

uh-oh 12-27-2014 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Muff (Post 457359)
rage aside, my point is..alot of us don't feel this way at all.

I took ancient history as well.

the first meaningful civilization we started was Timbuktu

im thinking Carthaginians were close to black tho. like light skinned niggas


sorry but nah G. i tried to subscribe to hannibal being black before i looked into his families lineage.

they were displaced phoenicians (all early carthaginians not just the barcids), aka middle easterners originating from the lands of judea. there culture, like egypt and rome however was very diverse, there were black people but the elites of the society were the richest merchant families, that were founded and gained more and more power as there stranglehold on the mediterenean(i can never spell that) tightened. basically its like wal mart. you could start your own wal mart type business today but you ain't gonna go anywhere with it because wal mart has all the trade contracts, they have the infrastructure already, k mart has some and so on.

basically the people who called the shots in carthage had footholds in its founding. and it was founded by middle easterners. the majority of there population was middle eastern and honestly its like modern north africa today. middle eastern/semitic type peoples like qaddafi and them

but word let it be known i didnt take ancient history, i am a high school drop out.

i just get high and read ancient writings like a g. the education of cyrus, the histories, livy, etc.

i mostly focus on rome but i've touched on just about every culture at least a little bit.

and in every cultures writings, the egyptians are middle eastern types, north africa had as many WHITE people as it had blacks, and they were both minorities to the semitic types.

sub sahara africa, like timbuktu, and kush and ethiopia and etc was black. the peoples were described as black

uh-oh 12-27-2014 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Batty (Post 457378)
It's all a moot discussion anyways, I mean clearly both white and black people have evolved into something completely different than what we used to be. It's not like there are "bragging rights" for the particular end of the skin tone spectrum that your color most closely falls on.

I don't think any of our "forefathers" foresaw a future where we collect Jordans and play Candy Crush.

Look at black people who identify with Obama simply because his skin is a bit darker. All of his baby pics got him kicking with a bunch of old white folks, surfing in Hawaii and eating caviar and shit but Jamal from the hood thinks Obama is Black Jeebus on Earf.

Perspective stays fucked up these days.

i think the idea of bragging rights is retarded anyways considering civilization started uniquely all over the globe. so if the fertile crescent ALLEGEDLY had the first civilizations thats cool, it doesnt make them better than blacks or whites, it just means they found a dope stable spot to put down roots, first.

and the whole way they define civilization is retarded as well because its not just a settled people as much as i think you need writing to qualify and shit like that as well.

when in reality people were settled all over the world, even hunter gatherers had there radius/zone of control, if you were early man you didnt just start at one end of europe and hunt and gather your way across the entire continent, you lived the entirety of your life within like 40 square miles or some shit like that.

i dunno. i like history tho lets all get swords and FIGHT

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