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Old 07-26-2013, 10:34 PM   #49
Rawn M.D.
Posts: n/a


majority of this was tldr

but i do feel america oversteps its bounds at times to much

i mean a good 75% of the US trying to act as 'world police' backfires on itself
we support rebels to coup the gov't
not knowing that once those rebels become powerful on their own where their true beliefs lie
results in a better armed and more knowledgeable enemy in the long run, bc typically the us trains the rebels for uprising and arms them
moreover, how we do things and operate is going to differ then other nations bc how the civilization has been shaped and cultural norms, and to try to 'coach' other nations into similar forms of gov't or whatever is idiotic

but then again this is also the US's passive aggressive way of showing dominance through hedgemony in modern day imperialism.

despite all this us owns.

but Russia been wedging itself against us forever LOL, its almost how they engage us without actually engaging us...cold war, cuba ect..
russia is whatever tho, once they find out how to access the oil reserve in the caspian sea they'll b much more a threat
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