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Old 02-15-2014, 07:00 PM   #6
Posts: n/a


Flo had some ok'ish concepts if worded/executed properly could have landed effectively. But the way they were executed came of statement'ish at times. G shock was blah, undercard was an ok concept but executed poorly, mags was a complete miss, neck/food chain was a miss as well, and flatlines could have been taken in a different direction, IMO. The execution was stupid.

Allen had some ok concepts as well which had poor executions. Spilling heart/v day card made no sense, poor transition, the F 15 was a dope concept but could have been takin in a different direction for more of an impact, the rear end insurance quote was lol, the Oldboy concept I just saw in that shadow box tourney from someone that I read earlier, and was blahhh, imo, the F bombs was a decent name flip but the execution didn't sit well with me.

Overall: I feel AK had less misses IMO so he takes it.
