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Old 07-22-2014, 08:17 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by UnbornBuddha View Post
To simply answer your question: yes and no.
When one lives from habitual impulses this so called sin is inevetible. It almosts seems impossible to break away from, even if one gave their best effort, and so one reverts back to it believing that one cannot escape from it, so why even try? But there is also a purity so pure that no sin can enter. When one becomes one with this uncreated primordial will then one has access to its boundless wisdom. This wisdom, one not born out from anything of this world or other, empowers and enables you to distinguish between the true and the false in any given place or age. Hence you are liberated, free from any further suffering born out of ignorance and error, including sin. Though one still has to go through the consequences of their actions. This isn't antinomianism what I'm speaking of, where one does all kinds of atrocious acts and one believes salvation to be at hand. But rather that sin cannot sully one anymore, but also one doesn't have the urge to eliminate it from one's heart because one doesn't follow it nor even try to purify it because it is not real. In other words, to speak from a Abrahamic perspective and what they call the divine. Once one merges with the divine then one becomes one with it. A mystic named Meister Eickhart said "the same eye that sees God is the same eye that God sees me" one in the same being. Thus, since God cannot sin when merged with it one cannot sin either, and only goodness sprouts from, though truly it is not good in the normal sense because it is beyond both good and evil.
Though if one keeps misidentifying as impure then one will always feel the need to purify, though intrinsically there is nothing to alleviate. The true imageless spirit, whatever one calls it, is already healed.

OK so to summarize get in the God eye and then you no longer sin right?
Originally Posted by Consensus
The cerebral assassin, the molder of minds, the Omni potent being. Time transcending traveler, wisdom incarnate. Veritas needs no intro but I guess I have to. He’s not know in the battling world but who doesn’t know veritas? The guy us always original and if you pay attention to his bars, dude brings the heat.. The gawd.
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