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Old 07-02-2013, 04:10 PM   #6
Posts: n/a


Who are you?

Let's Dance

If you get a girl you fuck it up, you cant get em wet G
Nic'll Bag a dame, then brag to her about his favorite tag team on netcees
Bet me, I'm better, Meth be, professor, I'll teach u dude
You ain't no Ape Ron, you just where one to bake my cake so I can eat it too
I'm a Patriot towards Netcees, protect the site? I'm tough, fool
So while you run an Aaron or 2. I'll go Hernandez and kill the fuck out of you
Personals? here, im fat, white and ginger there you go
So go ahead and keep thinking about me faggot, you? I just don't care to know
Your family dont care about you, got no friends at all u bitch
Your win last week was cuz Uncle NS'd,.. just gives you flashback of ur life as a kid