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Old 01-09-2020, 11:47 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Dominate View Post
Are you OK with paying taxes for the heavily increased police force and justice system we’d need to deal with the resulting increase in crime under your system?

Also, are you still down with the basic idea of democracy (ignoring any perceived flaws of how it’s implemented in the US)? If so, your system couldn’t last.
i'm assuming you are trying to say that somehow the system in place now is preventing more crimes that involve victims? assaults/thefts etc. ? even if that was to all increase, the decriminalizing of everything else would leave plenty of resources to combat it, and since we're in my make believe utopia we will have my make believe punishments involved. which will also deter crime. no death row. no long sentences. if you need to be locked away you will simply be hung. you won't get that from shoplifting of course. but you get it. none of this living out your life on the taxpayers dime

ive never been down with the idea of democracy, in the sense of a true democracy. but a democratic republic is probably the best bet. the one in place will SUFFICE, but i'd much prefer one similar to ancient rome. only landowners having a say since they actually have skin in the game. but again, its basic functions will be so stripped down that its mainly voting in a commander in chief more so than anybody pushing policies, because most policies again are a hindrance to the individual freedoms of the common man.

i also wouldn't mind adopting consuls over a singular president. so even less gets done. basically like trump and hillary would be co consuls with equal say. obviously nothing sounds worse than those two being in charge of anything, but they're just the example. obama and romney, bush and gore etc. just another set of checks and balances before hitting the others

and fuck it since we're adopting all that just bring the full on roman senate and have a tribune of the plebs, someone like AOC wouldve been a modern nominee for comparison. someone who is supposed to be the voice of the lowest class, who has veto power, so even if both consuls agree on some form of legislation it can still be stopped.

the roman republic was such a magnificent system it had to be forcefully overthrown after 700ish years of fucking GLORY, because the powerful couldn't make it do what they pleased. blame caesar that great bastard of a man. well honestly sulla for giving caesar the blueprint.

but really we deserve the state we are currently in for adopting such a wonderful system and then fucking it all up by mixing it with the ideals of the savage iroquois confederation.

but i digress

Last edited by uh-oh; 01-09-2020 at 11:49 PM.
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