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Old 02-09-2024, 05:39 PM   #401
Kill Spree
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Originally Posted by Sinacog View Post
Shut up you fucking faggot
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Old 03-07-2024, 01:16 PM   #402
AJ The Menace
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[IMG] gcIS4lHB4rHxgYJjgmKy80NTU1GiQ7QDszPy40NTEBDAwMEA8Q HhISGjQhISQ0NDQ0NDQxNDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0MT Q0NDE0MTQxNDQ0NDExNDQ0NDQ0NP/AABEIAKgBLAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGB//EAEEQAAIBAgMFBgQEAwYFBQAAAAECAAMREiExBAVBUWEGInGBk aETMrHBQlJi0YLh8AcUFSNyklOissLxQ2PS0+L/xAAZAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAfEQEBAQEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAARECITEDEkFRIhP/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AOEhCLOlgSLCEAJLs+l+ZPtl9pCZb/u+ljbIA9bfQ9ZPS+WVvt+6o5kkDovH1Iibtp2QHmSf2+kr77fF Vwj8ICjxOf3E0aaWAHIAekjmeT6vg+ESE1ZliEwklBPxHy+5gE tFbKAdeMvbq2I1qgT8PzOeSj7nTz6SrOt7N7MEphiRjqd63HCP lAHgb/xRVUaWzYs1KBVFgtsss8tc7ADPr0mhsGy43twGbeHLzladFuzZ 8CDm2Z+w9Irci4tgWynP9ot8IikFrKNebH8qjjE7U9oP7vTOBS zfLcXsD1I0/oTgduemyLUNYVamNS2q2Wx7iIbWF7SJDX9q2uqQGeoaKt8lNFx 1GHNtLSPY9vrYrU6hq21p1F+G9uYNzf18paq1GWt/eKdP4yOgAK5shFriwBtp7nTitav8SpQsmGqHxOtwxSmL3DMOYt kectK7saVy2Oq6qLZU0AI8WY538JfhCAR16KOMLqGHIi4nHdo9 0tS79IBkbLAxOR5BuR6ztZU3rTDUnB/KSPFcx7iAeXDfBQ4WpsLaqTcjwvMaowLEqLAkkDkL6To95bMHR 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W8526kDtDtroo5Cwu1vFiYlJrE3yFr+mR+0ITtnM/5xhOr9z825gejH9h7+EsbLsrO2BB1J4Ac2/rOEJnWzpti2Naa2GZPzMdT+w6SLaN7U0NrlzyTP1OnvEhEFRt+ cqZ8cSg/QiQHfD8m/3p/9cIQM9d8HiH8ih/7RJE3yOJYf6kDf9D/aEIBZp71Q/iTzJpn0cD6y+jgi4II5g3HtCEQZu/N2rWS+EFl0uMyOInE7RuwaobdDmPXhCEVDMdCpswsY2EIiEIQg BCEIAQhCAWkWy9Y9RCEzM77xUHGEI4VOH0iPyiQjAMXSJCAKBF TjFhGBwhaLCNJqj6xTFhAP/9k=[/IMG]

Last edited by Sinacog; 03-13-2024 at 01:12 PM.
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Old 03-08-2024, 10:43 PM   #403
AJ The Menace
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[Verse: Possessed]
Thief in the night, fangs in your jugular, bleeding you dry
I live in a glass house throwing meteorites
Appeased the gods in a previous life
And I slice the throat of Sweeney Todd for my piece of the pie
I'm the angel of death
Outpacing Olympic swimmers with the Titanic's anchors chained to my legs
All without breaking a sweat
From the underground and I'm craving the taste of your flesh like the Day of the Dead
Here for gaining respect, enforce the laws of gravity
And draw the sword of Damocles to the nape of your neck
Communist Marxist, sharpshooter, locked on my target
I was breast feed cancer and bottles of Arsenic
Blind swordsman, wandering darkness (Fuck cash)
I'll drop the queen's severed head in the offering basket
I'm eating outta coffins and caskets
And everyone in my field of vision's just crops for the harvest
I'm a hell-born Seraphim
Four faces with torn feather wings
Spawning four deformed Nephilim
Burying peace pipes, digging up the hatchet
Deep throat my dick 'til it singes in your stomach acid
We unattractive ferocious creatures
I got master degree burns after a heatstroke of genius (genius)
Rush the doors from dusk 'til dawn
My entourage plot on top of Scotland yard 'cause we above the law
Withstand the force of a juggernaut
We're the recipe for disaster and this beat's cooking up a storm
All powerful being
During hours of sleeping, I levitate between the ground and the ceiling
Advanced lifeforms found in my semen
Haven't started to rap yet, this is just the sound of my breathing
A mental plane like Enola Gay
I'm slashing open throats of backstabbers with my shoulder blade
Step off the planet, it would float away
Tormented by growing pains of my ever evolving brain
I sever ties with heaven skies
And wage wars that makes Armageddon resemble a training exercise
Third eye blessed with second sight, a Cenobite
I've survived the new Mexico desert testing sites
If I do start to smoke weed
I'll take two tokes and won't breathe out for a whole week and OD
Battling me, you won't get cold feet
The mere thought of facing Possessed'll freeze the fluid in both knees
Product of a Warlock and a Witch, knock you for six
Piledrive you down a bottomless pit
Push my luck over the top of a cliff
I don't bite the hand that feeds me, I chew it off at the wrist
I forge a sword from a thunderbolt
And I'll rub in salt into bullet wounds just to the make the slug dissolve

Sini --

I write nursery rhymes; hurting divine; CURSING BENIGN
BURDEN TO DIE; I CURSE CURSE CURSE; like cursing and talking
I am the better MC: you're not in my league; I KILLED THE MONOLITH
This is the apocalypse vs. ARMAGEDDON; my hunger is starving heaven
I am the atomic drop of a bomb; NAGASAKI AND KAMAKAZIE
HIROSHIMA BLEEDING ETHER: the lungs of a submarine died and drowned
SURVIVINE THE NOUNS; pounding away at my opponent like having sex
I'm a T-REX: HAVING SEX in the bathroom of a resteraunt flex
I'm titnaium steel; I RAPED thousands of nymphs and nuns for fun
I AM A GUN; I killed thousands of traitors/traders like GOD'S PEOPLE
SHOT EVIL; bought equal tithes for both patients yet ate them all
I'm appaled; I KILLED SCHOOL CURCCIULUM like apes and jocks
PAPER BALL; I remember high school where i got my cocked sucked
BOUGHT LUNCH and got snuff; bought guns than shots nuns
I am evil; not pure evil; like being divine; seaing the shine
EASTERN AND NINE; beetles had pride with their wings like angels
INSECTS are angels; I KILLED WITH A HALO; I'm able
Nothing could stop me; punchline after punchline it's crunchtime
I am serpent of eden; cursing a demon; bursting a legion
I once taught a triceratops to kill a t-rex; speed flex
SEA NECK; I GRABBED A DINOSAUR FROM 500 billions years ago and killed it
FEEL SICK: AND NASEUS: that's just from how dope I AM
DOPE AS PLAN; coke and peant butter sandwhiches; SAND WITCHES
BAN DISTRICTS from having torunaments with me in them; free schism
WEAK SYSTEM; it's like the system has down syndrome then way I GET CAKE/CAKE
FEEL AWAKE; but could never sleep on me; only iF I DIDN"T EXIST(PERSIST)
For I am not a fire breathing dragon; I'm a lizard demon; eating creatures
EJACULATING MILK: from my penis; than ate the bessecher
I am the noun slayer; proud vapors; are decapitated
EMANCIPATED: ate ghosts than killed them in my belly with jelly(JEALOUS)
For I am a seer and psychic than bodied him from his prvilages
I'm STEIN GATE ZERO; eating a hero sandwhich turning food to zero
THE MOUNTAINS OF GRACE: ate zillions of people and not ADOLF
FOR IF you were smart; you would've killed the hebrews as well; NOW THEY DWELL
You fucking idiot; try me; and feel the benigm kid king
For I FEEL SHIEK: AND you still belive me; tongue and cheek
I SING SWEET SOLOIIQUOES: eat harmonies; and spit jargon please
PLAY THE HARMONICA in prison cells; than destroy a jail cell
I EAT TIGERS: lions and bears; I AM THE AIR
For I NEVER SEEN ENYONE WORSHIP A SHRINK.. ah their worshipping me
I am a komodo dragon; so so laggin; demon dragon; semon dragon
ATE AND SANDWHICH then called you average; I AM LANGUISH
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Old 03-09-2024, 04:42 AM   #404
AJ The Menace
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Default A Fish's Ascension vs. Seadog's Tale

My despondent life moves with the waves of a dreary ocean, I bare emotions of a fish that’s lost his way
At constant times I drown in a place where there’s barely solace, while careless Seagulls guffaw at my fall in pain
My pumping ventricles are wished to be clogged by an Octopus, whose absorbent grungy tentacles yearn my earn
Yet the unpleasant Eel won’t even shock me shook, for this broken fish has no electrical current worth
And I’m besieged in vacancy, swimming the seas in atrophy, trying to have the strength of mighty sailing ships
But a cynical hermit crab designed my skeleton, which is why I’m mistook for a spineless Jellyfish
If only I’d had a blissful companion we swim the Atlantic, and stay together as engagement followed through
But with my miserable antics that mission's Titanic, the sea to me will forever be a space of solitude
It’s all in view, all this fish’s infinite limitations, if only you could see through the eyes I count with
I tried to get a definite reputation, but received the disgraceful stripes of clown fish
I’ve just been racing through life contesting aloof, hoping eventually in my gills, potency grew
Now my soul is in two and water’s reflecting my mood, I guess that's why this sorrowed ocean is blue..

And every night I wish the horizon; shed a light to where I’ll subside in
I wish to sever ties with Poseidon, and he’d end my life with his Trident...

I wish…

I wish a ship of oil, tipped and boiled on my scaly skin; I wish demented mortals, ripped and soiled both my tail and fins
I wish to end with this distress, in depths of an abyssal trench, I wish this fish had twist in nets, and finally submit to death!

I wish…

I wish a morbid band of sharks had embarked to drown my symphony,
I wish a swordfish stabbed my heart and the scars bled out in infamy…

But then I realize if I was granted all the wishes I said
I’d just be back where I started, sleeping with the fishes again…

Will I ever lift from this sorrow?

I’m swimming in the depths of depression with no way to set to ascension, as my mind’s spinning in a seeped whirlpool
Suddenly out the corner of my cornea, on the Ocean’s sandy floor in blood, I spot a lying Sea Turtle
I swam towards the sand that centered thee; he must have been a century, on how his shell’s design emerged
But his neck gashed by an enemy, and as a dying remedy, he whispered me his final words…

“Through the ups and downs of ocean waters, eventually you’ll find your way
No need to stop at frozen harbors, for in this sea we call life, the tide will change…

And you will Ascend Passed The Waves"

With that, his eyes began to slightly close, as his carcass slowly faded away
Now, with those words of wisdom, I’ll always remember to savor this day

1 year later


Now I look at a hurricane straight in the eye, and blind it with my bright complexion
I clear all the burning rain, grayest of skies, and move it when I fight deception
I’m in the right direction as the waters have settled; I’m passing marginal levels as the light’s reflection
My heights extended passed the mark of the devil, I’m leaving sharks with the pebbles as the night intended
My flight’s ascended, as I’m elevating the softest, no more warring scenes of contemplating the hardships
I’ll pass the ninth dimension, reach into the sea and make a so serene constellation of starfish
Now I’m one like a group of sea lions, as the aurora borealis has my mind enchanted
I’m so high with peace I’ll seek Sirens, to form an alluring exploring voyage to find Atlantis
Now there’s no holding catalyst, and no more hazardous frantic bliss
Now my only passing wish, is all see the light without an Angler fish
That there’s hope to the pain and the strife, it's all in the changing tides
Take the past and ocean wave it goodbye, now alas you will elevate your life...

To Greater Heights.

And Ascend Passed the Waters to paradise.


Ah, friend of mine

A landlubber-turned-swashbuckler, I was; consumed in exuberant tales o' treasure our colony's legend breathed
We'd boarded a shoddy vessel & watched its mahogany decks recede Napoli- ahoy, to the promising Seven Seas!
Yes indeed, our crew was a bucket 'o cheers; jolly-laughing peasantry amidst lolligagging scallywags & buccaneers
Groggy lads & lasses frothy-glasséd, always clashing weaponry against hearty-accent alley scabs as musketeers!

We'd accepted eachother whole as brethren akin; however- this life o' Seadogs, some souls rejected within
Those, who dreamed dreams for gold with devilish grins; slumber's sweet siren song o' bullions beckoned its men:
Glittering amethysts & rubies galore.. booty assured, in hoards o' sapphiren-studded goblets covering garnets!
Yet, ho- truly aboard, was one named Beatrice; for The Great Blue mother-a-calling, she, a sealover embarketh

'Ole Beatrice accompanied me; fighting in ship platoons, & smashing drunkard skulls with heinekens in saloons!
Our cutlasses treated Goliath-Leviathan-sizéd giants as big buffoons, tearing through tides o' pirates & picaroons
Lying them in lagoons, us tyrants! The finest, merely salive' amidst spittoons, in our avail; entire fleets would hail!
'Twas life- 'til our coxswain sought his monocular, & found an island fabled to hold the treasure o' Seadog's Tale

Aye- we landed, then scouted its shores

"I can't resist, Beatrice; they must be ours alone, if amethysts in this land exist," so we made a handsome slip,
Split from our brethren.. & uncovered an enclosed cove where golden medallions surrounded an abandoned ship
"Bedazzling waters, unveiled! Milady, have this vessel afloat!" "Aye, I'll set the sails! Haul our treasure into the boat!"-
Then Beatrice was grabbed by an entering sailor: "Avast ye, treacherous traitor! Or I'll cut 'Ole Beatrice's throat."

So I dropped the spoils; our former mates chanted, "A couple o' wretchéd fools! Tilting legs under ye brethren's stool!"
Shimmering clumps were collected, encumbering peasants & sutlers- molesting our plunder o' precious jewels!
Without another discretion, our brothers had said, "Begone!" then set off thataway, weighed with lusted accolades
As they laughed & ship flags were raised, fastening mast arrays- I realized we'd become bloodless castaway

I just wanted you to be happy, 'O Beatrice

I pledged her we'd find treasure- even if it meant for venture to Ocean's Edge, which trickled this world's ledges;
"Our fists'll uncurl endless pendants, embedded with emerald gemstones- & you'll be crystalline-pearl necklaced!"
But 'Ole Beatrice cried, because this talk was evil; because it caused her people to take-off like a flock o' seagulls
My Greed (what God's cathedrals called illegal) haunt her 'til her time'd come; nigh once she caught the measles

Ah, Beatrice! I tried to comfort regardless; "A bunch o' blundering jargon! Ye be th' reason our brothers departeth!
Yer scum-worth an' heartless.. just make sure when I die, my body's sent back to Th' Great Blue mother-a-calling!"
Her last breath as she died left me burdened with blame; cursing in vain- I set her adrift amidst Seven Sea tide
"To Napoli, I'll return," I cried!.. But the man returned was a cold-hearted rapscallion.. which no one recognized

Ah, friend of mine

A swashbuckler-turned-landlubber, I am; forever-torn & eversworn regret's ail.. vowed nevermore to set sail
For there was nothing I had ever treasured more.. than what I'd lost pursuing the treasure o' Seadog's Tale

Last edited by Sinacog; 04-18-2024 at 08:51 AM.
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Old 03-09-2024, 05:21 AM   #405
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Default SINIS


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Old 03-09-2024, 08:59 PM   #406
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Default SINIS vs. SINI


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Old 03-09-2024, 09:04 PM   #407
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Old 03-09-2024, 09:28 PM   #408
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Whether you argue religion conceived us the world that we have
or particle fission as heat and inertia react.
The earth was a mass of violent components
its world uninhabitable by life as we know it.
Ions and protons were fast to generate
a seismic commotion of atmospheric change.
The planetary state reached an extraordinary level
as its recalescent rage meant no water could settle.
The core drawing in metals the planet would need,
but volcanic storms were essential as gas was released.
A gradual easing of temperature meant
rainfall began to increase in torrential descent.
Millennia’s spent as beads then broke from the skies
until the weather relented, leaving ocean’s behind.
These components combined and a new cycle dawned
as we reached a moment in time where life was formed.
Tiny spores of algae hold bold significance -
They provide our orb oxygen through photosynthesis.
A host of primitive flora expand
on their own initiative from water to land.
Early forms of a cyanobacteria constantly merging
in a primordial tapestry of symbiotic convergence.
With oxygen, Earth became more tenantable still
but lots of our early ancestors would be killed.
It lead up to us building on the features that we had
with the necessary skills life needed to adapt.
From seas onto the land, cartilage tissue to bone,
our feet becoming hands as we continued to grow.
Amphibians honing flight as natural selection endeavoured
with the proto-wings that we owned developing feathers.
To weather the elements, fur replaced some scales,
our genetic antecedents balanced weight on tails.
Bipedal traits prevail, we rise up to stand,
as this change unveils an untying of hands.
Our reach rightly expands, along with the girth of our legs,
the arrival of mammals sees births without eggs.
Nature and nurture commence in perfect accord
simians turn into ‘men’ in our earliest form.
Learning to talk helps communication increase
as words replace drawings, we’re able to read.
The attainment of speech was a masterful step
in our brains engineering no other animals met.
With language invented through use of our brains
man had ascended the evolutionary chain.
Us humans created; shaping in time
tools of the trade to aid in our lives.
These basic designs would lead to the usage
of our daily devices, touchscreens and computers.
Our need for ‘improvement’ defied thermodynamics,
leaving the blueprint that Earth had established.
Now we’re usurping the planet of its natural resources
preserving our habitats not a matter of importance.
But what happens when it’s all been brought up from the ground
the vast sums are exhausted and a shortage is pronounced?
We can’t afford to live without it by the time this occurs
a nuclear war is what’s announced and we fight for reserves.
As missiles are returned, our own extinction’s a viable path,
our survival on Earth threatened by the enquiring of man.
We’re so blind to this fact that we can’t even see
we’ve paradise in our grasp, yet it’s never seemed so far from our reach…



primordial depth where lava lamps are nature derived
molten magma. subterranean, the crater's alive
swordfish dual at 7 sharp. that's 20 paces a side
win or lose, the centrifuge replies. creating a tide
waterworld. water colors washing watery portraits
water molecules, water wings and water resorts
there were giants, mighty giants. mythological forces
built the water temple navi explored. but not anymore
it waned the day my father died. lord of the sea
sultan of stream, warship emperor, controlling regimes
urchins and cuttlefish. green leaflets, algae and moss
pre-prototypical. drafting Machiavellian laws
iron fist, coral amethyst. a palace of gold
my dad. the Elemental One who swam in the cove
spanning globally, a balance, oceanic repose
air in the bubble, fire in the belly, land in a row
shallow and cold. waves overlapping. peak to plateau
watched him decompose like glaciers into sparkling snow
a giant, mighty giant. only one of his kind
i was a blip, but a set of scales, floating awry
it was time. a prophesy filled. duty, honor and will
a kingdom fallen. merging with his counterpartners to build
dark and still. pitch as night. seems their job was complete
and to think, they did it all within the span of a week -
pharaoh Aqua. Akhbar waterway, my lineage pure
a set of sacrifices leading to your sense of assurance
developmental evolution. live bacterial worms
intermediate earth - tree trunks, amoeba and germs
4 twin brothers who always worked in conjunction
heat, soil and oxygen in surface eruptions
it was complete. they could unify. transcend the beyond
giving way to existential theory centuries on
i remember his expression as he looked at us all
for the very first time. and he sang us a song
his dialect was wavelength and molecular bond
harmonizing hurricanes to make his kingdom dissolve
it was freedom and loss. tragedy. the birth of a star
before he turned to stone, my father took a seed in his palm
raised it past the breaking point from under the sea
so his brothers could see. Life where there was nothing, believe
below a hundred degrees, synergistic alignment
King Triton's monument island, before existence was science
they were giants, mighty giants. the creators, the myth
architects and artists. palm trees, temperature shifts
for all their kids. we swim along and savor today
waiting patiently until it's washed away ..
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Old 03-09-2024, 09:30 PM   #409
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“When empty space is all that's left, let the void be filled.”

well, the best it can manage.




…… It's Gawd, Allah, the next'a kin - a past-unanimous branding, all been scarred upon His melanin .. oh yes, the martian's got a membership,
would-be the martyr prophet legends sing, yet when I start to chalk the message in? Christ'll rob it for glory & claim he marked the blotted penmanship -
then he'll die again denying that his karma got the best of him ………
that's why:
These carbon copy residents can gargle cocks 4 president, I'm still the sargeant known for carving marble rocks with metal fists,
an artist not to meddle with. yall can spawn the outer layer, go & bargain shop for eloquence .. but the quest itself's retarded, ain't no mall to cop intelligence!
it's hard to mock this fella's gift, a militant soul of wisdom .. the visions was so persistant, that i stitched up six infinities bridging the solar systems;
a sickening flow precision, kid that visited rogues in prisons, blood-etched sketches exhchanged, as pictographs depicted a global mission..
a glistening throne existed once, I'd sit with a robed magician .. Next to hell, flames blackening, yet living a cold existance ……
A pit in the snow, imprisoned in the brilliance of hope arisen, held triple 9 mm.'s to the prisms of holy christians,
..diggin a hole to piss in, the pilgrim, track forests & paths lost, backfired the mechanical nazareth with nada more than hacksaw,
a Lord with a glass jaw..but when swordsman attacks fall, the highest titans of my time would absorb it & back off!
in morgues with a black shawl, suited up, boxing with tyson's folks; eye contact lapses witnesses to shock in a frightening jolt -
had my irises lined with twice as many watts as a lightning bolt!
copped every model of microscope, now those astrologists like the flow .. live life abiding by a manuscript the Gods of the Mayans wrote,
so Novices might just choke, used my mind's eye to fry an ommelete with whitened toast, then run up to grapple the last apostle n‘ slice his throat!
the drops is described as "GOAT", Blacketh overlooks planets uncharted .. instantly branded the hardest, once I left the last tyrannosaurus cast in a tarpit,
ravish the harvest, let inhabants starve then drag around half of the carcusses back to the lab, extracted fragments stashed in the carpet ……
follow paths in the darkness, breeze by ya legion of fake cats .. walk a week straight, 8th day breaks, i'm asleep in a haystack;
breathin a gray black, smoke's catchin up, i need to evade that ..
given father saturn such a reason to hate, that clouds now follow where i travel & they freeze when I make camp!
most keying up lame raps, kids be rockin the spits frail .. so ya whore read sex stories, while my cock in the bitch tale -
jump to pond from a ship's sail, dove in goddesses, mahogany pigtails; and used poseidons tridant allthewhile for choppin up fishscale!
the prophet that kings hail, shine brighter than fair days. knives to write, python fang aligned, decipher the airwaves,
stride inside of a bear cave, had the hide of his hair shaved..hang the bloody skins, dry 'em out with just a lighter & hairspray!
flyin' higher than airplanes, sword bends low, the endo & weed smoke captures me .. then i rapidly mastered fu jukendo in zero gravity,
got murder counts, scenes indecent, nuff to resemble an emo's fantasy.
in benzos with C-notes strapped to me, still don't let no amigos hassle much beef, its off the wall, like echoes in meatloaf factories,
……We PbP, plus the some extra leftover EO family……
Men of metal that gleam so placidly, flash & see 'em burn n' melt to ashes .. it's the return of Hellsing, faggots.
us 5, patrol the site without no verbal help from admins, so we ‘run this shit’ .. while yall ‘cant even start a light jog’ like ‘nocturnal health fanatics’……
infernos shelfed schematics, galactics shoved to the cornerstone; once again I summon the sword of poem, crowned a prince of the writtens 'til i swung it up toward the throne,
cut jugular cords with chrome, leave nothin but gore n bone, when He collapsed , i adapted as the covenant's lord alone …
The son of a force unkown, was re-birthed in enchanted light .. so observe as the tactics strike,
reversin the axis, might just turn the tide straight down to quench my thirst in the afterlife,
verbals'll crack the mic, among crowds, standin out just like a bergundy patch on white..
grab conservatives, stab em twice, unearths my version of catholic's christ ..He whom prays in burning churches with the virgin hermaphrodite!
still lurk in a castle, white, where urban kids have to fight .. they'll crack ya jaws on the pavement, call it curbin ya appetite;
the servant of ashen knights, all perched with a jagged knife. the day i bowed down to they power was the permanent sacrifice ……
i was searchin for answers, hikin' through it all, Godless .. met men in uniform on unicorns who drooled & talked nonsense,
Disproving all concepts, eyed a shine, drew close, then I moved & saw bronzes .. gold, silver radiation, flanked a unabomb cartridge..
dig the human thought process: black acid, n substance, gas-lined to dynomite, ignites traumatic combustion;
like volcanic eruptions, the cracks & concussions can self-compress to gravel at a hat's drop, then vanish to nothin,
must be magic or somethin, but when blacketh is bustin .. it turns present tense sentences to passive discussions,
so from spanish to russian, my mechanics demonstrate immaculate functions, trail markers left as relics beckoning each path to destruction..
a bastid, corrupted, flick spikes & samoan darts, kick up shit til you idiots get hyper than joan of arc,
twin vipers n' polar sharks swim right to ya vocals, sharp - replace ya eyes with a pair of trick dice & a joker's card!
this writin, the dopest art; all scrawled in grenade pencils, white hot flames to the page, then I started to blaze mentals,
charcoal to trace stencils, the author & aged rebel .. translate words to advanced lit in the earliest sanskrit from the walls of the Jade Temple,
armor of gray metal, heartbeatin with the speed of pure aqua, body temperature turning up the heat of your sauna,
.. or premature lava, understand, i'm STILL speakin for allah, from the slums of my hometown to the streets of nirvana!
so please, if you wanna - step to get thrown in fifty coffins, each a seperate limb, hymns, yo i'm known to rip these often,
the flow is sickly, watch this: they all stand to it, then i blow n kid's knees soften; shit'll buckle up quicker than a motorist precaution,
from the low abyss, it's awesome how a glimpse of the essence can terrorize these bitches in seconds,
use primitive weapons, words and mind, then they mimiced the presence .. now viewing most writtens been like clicking on a crystal reflection,
each myth is a lesson, all concluding and the ending point that Disc is legend.
that next level invaded, guess i've risen from heaven, swoop like vultures every now and then to take my pick of the peasants,
then i'm strippin the flesh n‘ find nothing within .. resort to explosive, last hand grenade stuck in the pin;
then they bludgeon the wings, fall to ground helpless, aint no love to begin, guess i made it full-circle, passion been runnin too thin.
pour up rum n' the gin, commit a couple'a sins .. then on my death day, make ready for the coming of Grim,
cuz when somethin existed, it can suddenly dim .. that's why all your praise on my writing is now dust in the wind.
it wasn't to win .. not to be the best in this cypher shit, it's just another stepping stone that drove my quest for enlightenment,
so I guess that it's time to quit, the message is dried n' ripped.. claimed the throne on my own, now to let the messiah sit,
left the measurments twice as thick, no use tryna stretch time, or to wet it & light the wick .. it's best to just flicker out, leave methods to die, then split ……
there's still venomous lines to spit, so this next generation had better ignite the script .. cuz yo,

it's a lot harder than it looks to get ya veteran licenses.


Thief in the night, fangs in your jugular, bleeding you dry
I live in a glass house throwing meteorites
Appeased the gods in a previous life
And I slice the throat of Sweeney Todd for my piece of the pie
I'm the angel of death
Outpacing Olympic swimmers with the Titanic's anchors chained to my legs
All without breaking a sweat
From the underground and I'm craving the taste of your flesh like the Day of the Dead
Here for gaining respect, enforce the laws of gravity
And draw the sword of Damocles to the nape of your neck
Communist Marxist, sharpshooter, locked on my target
I was breast feed cancer and bottles of Arsenic
Blind swordsman, wandering darkness (Fuck cash)
I'll drop the queen's severed head in the offering basket
I'm eating outta coffins and caskets
And everyone in my field of vision's just crops for the harvest
I'm a hell-born Seraphim
Four faces with torn feather wings
Spawning four deformed Nephilim
Burying peace pipes, digging up the hatchet
Deep throat my dick 'til it singes in your stomach acid
We unattractive ferocious creatures
I got master degree burns after a heatstroke of genius (genius)
Rush the doors from dusk 'til dawn
My entourage plot on top of Scotland yard 'cause we above the law
Withstand the force of a juggernaut
We're the recipe for disaster and this beat's cooking up a storm
All powerful being
During hours of sleeping, I levitate between the ground and the ceiling
Advanced lifeforms found in my semen
Haven't started to rap yet, this is just the sound of my breathing
A mental plane like Enola Gay
I'm slashing open throats of backstabbers with my shoulder blade
Step off the planet, it would float away
Tormented by growing pains of my ever evolving brain
I sever ties with heaven skies
And wage wars that makes Armageddon resemble a training exercise
Third eye blessed with second sight, a Cenobite
I've survived the new Mexico desert testing sites
If I do start to smoke weed
I'll take two tokes and won't breathe out for a whole week and OD
Battling me, you won't get cold feet
The mere thought of facing Possessed'll freeze the fluid in both knees
Product of a Warlock and a Witch, knock you for six
Piledrive you down a bottomless pit
Push my luck over the top of a cliff
I don't bite the hand that feeds me, I chew it off at the wrist
I forge a sword from a thunderbolt
And I'll rub in salt into bullet wounds just to the make the slug dissolve
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Old 03-09-2024, 09:32 PM   #410
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Old 03-10-2024, 01:21 AM   #411
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Before the worlds collide ……

Night and day, Miss mezzaluna overlapping Her relatives
golden crescent half-cousins, Solaris' spastic development
dramatic, intelligent, red hair, flaring fiery as dusk,
Evil archangel God's children secretly lust ..
a media plug that even rumors & conspiracies trust -
so when she died, all of humankind was equally crushed.
the peaceful, the lush, soft grass, imagine it's vibrance,
where only babbling brooks could break a natural silence.
static eruption, brainstem buzzing, practically mindless
The beaten path of a pathogen programming its' virus,
projected demon - white plaster walls & holograms of Osiris
Phantom in a Peacoat, staged theatric disguises,
waterfall rock-walls, moss-coated, scattering cypress
robotic arms, solar charged automatic devices;
hands outstretched in a bow, tipped top-hats to your Highness
it's all downhill once a pattern arises..
if magic is priceless, physics fall into poverty,
cuz hope & prayer are the dominating modern commodities,
mysteries, unanswered crimes, such obvious oddities
like documenting laws to govern art or philosophy
balance primal id, instinctive ties, & hostile monogamy
constructing sandcastle properties for blossoming colonies,
divine apotheosis, known apostles of Socrates
Visible to the naked eye but not in photography.
a solid anomaly to spice the moment, stuck in this madness
purgatorial plateau between His dungeon and palace,
scales go bloody red when measuring our functional status,
it only takes a single shift to suddenly vanish -
there's another world around us, hidden under the magnets
where all emotional reactions trigger colorful flashes,
spectral seas, tsunami waves, a stunning abstraction
Chinese new year celebration in the lungs of a dragon ..
Voluptuous passions, shadowboxing candle reflections,
using liquor as a trojan horse to battle depression.
live every moment for it's imperfections, casual tension
and the adolescent pleasure of a vaginal entrance.
past or the present? take a sec to answer the question,
then summarize your reason in one accurate sentence.
evidence is clear - the human, sadness-dependent,
using history as a crutch to mask a lack of progression.
molasses black apparitions, Hades' shadowy henchmen
evaluate our mental state through telepathic assessments ;
reality's destined .. Etherealness is a practiced emergence
to transcend atomic bonding at it's tangible surface -
there's no man behind the curtain, no infallible purpose,
though we're not alone .. trust me, i'm a rational person.
gas matter resurges, transparent window locked from inside,
we've been dead since the minute we were oxygenized.
there's a faraway kingdom where apocalypse thrives,
promoting dollar beer specials & a positive vibe ..
Minds fry at early ages, but their bodies survive
it's never been so strangely clear ..

we've gotta collide.


life is full of contradictions, truths meant to be hidden
complimentary divisions, each endlessly different.
I've come to find that open eyelids throw a wrench in your vision
so compartmentalize your mind and ride this sensory fission

embrace the static
fade to blackness...

an archipelago of clouds dot the air with a few islands
Lucy's in the sky and she's wearing her blue diamonds
a stream stumbles to a puddle so be careful to move by it
cuz when you hear it whisper you won't dare to abuse silence
the cares of your youth lie in the water's rippled chest
reflecting the meadow in a ballet of silhouettes
as they sway and wiggle, stretching out their in-depth message,
an audience of grass bows in windswept crescents.
then you think next, what if you held the hopes that you used to?
like the mountains you'd conquer and the oceans you'd cruise through
but why stop there? you could even float to the moon, too
lost in your thoughts, breezes flee the slopes to cocoon you.
it's soothing, locked in this imagination chrysalis
masked in sacred wilderness - the magic of its innocence
passion at its simplest, stoned in a natural high
instead of questioning, you'd be posing answers to "why?"
but there's more than inspiration that these mountains can hide
the vagrancies of reality once you wander past the divide...

adjust to the haze
muzzle your gaze...

stained gray behemoths slouch in slumbering stacks
concrete skeletons erected as a puzzle for rats.
the heavens are hidden hellishly in eruptions of ash
but you don't notice it - you're settled in a hustle for cash
to stay ahead you keep on pedaling combustible traps
like your unquenchable elephant bent on guzzling gas
LED is the future, son! the sun is the past
so keep your shutters collapsed - just in case some light might've snuck in the cracks
living the plight of a proton; you're stuck in a mass
and the further you float, the more the others'll laugh.
you hunt for your next meal long as it's smothered in fat
and even though your veins are choking you keep stuttering back
amidst these sputtering facts, I didn't mention the streets
the piss-warm air as it's carrying the stench of disease
this is how life's supposed to be in 2011
business as usual in cubicles till you've pounded your head in
counting the hours and seconds until the final whistle blow
so you can sit in front of a screen till you forget why you're miserable...

I won't deny the silver lining that I laced in the sky
cuz to be honest, every "you" could be replaced with an "I"
yet I won't say it's a lie, my little hatred of technology
since many words of wisdom are mistaken for hypocrisy
I don't totally look down upon the progress of today
I just don't know how we'll afford it - or what currency we'll pay
but if you can move into the truth imbued in this vignette
you'll find a quiet so beautiful you'll be muted to thin breaths
so close your eyes and see the light of everything you didn't know
cuz half of every scene is seeing what isn't shown
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Old 03-10-2024, 01:23 AM   #412
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Old 03-10-2024, 01:26 AM   #413
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Originally Posted by Sinacog View Post
Whether you argue religion conceived us the world that we have
or particle fission as heat and inertia react.
The earth was a mass of violent components
its world uninhabitable by life as we know it.
Ions and protons were fast to generate
a seismic commotion of atmospheric change.
The planetary state reached an extraordinary level
as its recalescent rage meant no water could settle.
The core drawing in metals the planet would need,
but volcanic storms were essential as gas was released.
A gradual easing of temperature meant
rainfall began to increase in torrential descent.
Millennia’s spent as beads then broke from the skies
until the weather relented, leaving ocean’s behind.
These components combined and a new cycle dawned
as we reached a moment in time where life was formed.
Tiny spores of algae hold bold significance -
They provide our orb oxygen through photosynthesis.
A host of primitive flora expand
on their own initiative from water to land.
Early forms of a cyanobacteria constantly merging
in a primordial tapestry of symbiotic convergence.
With oxygen, Earth became more tenantable still
but lots of our early ancestors would be killed.
It lead up to us building on the features that we had
with the necessary skills life needed to adapt.
From seas onto the land, cartilage tissue to bone,
our feet becoming hands as we continued to grow.
Amphibians honing flight as natural selection endeavoured
with the proto-wings that we owned developing feathers.
To weather the elements, fur replaced some scales,
our genetic antecedents balanced weight on tails.
Bipedal traits prevail, we rise up to stand,
as this change unveils an untying of hands.
Our reach rightly expands, along with the girth of our legs,
the arrival of mammals sees births without eggs.
Nature and nurture commence in perfect accord
simians turn into ‘men’ in our earliest form.
Learning to talk helps communication increase
as words replace drawings, we’re able to read.
The attainment of speech was a masterful step
in our brains engineering no other animals met.
With language invented through use of our brains
man had ascended the evolutionary chain.
Us humans created; shaping in time
tools of the trade to aid in our lives.
These basic designs would lead to the usage
of our daily devices, touchscreens and computers.
Our need for ‘improvement’ defied thermodynamics,
leaving the blueprint that Earth had established.
Now we’re usurping the planet of its natural resources
preserving our habitats not a matter of importance.
But what happens when it’s all been brought up from the ground
the vast sums are exhausted and a shortage is pronounced?
We can’t afford to live without it by the time this occurs
a nuclear war is what’s announced and we fight for reserves.
As missiles are returned, our own extinction’s a viable path,
our survival on Earth threatened by the enquiring of man.
We’re so blind to this fact that we can’t even see
we’ve paradise in our grasp, yet it’s never seemed so far from our reach…



primordial depth where lava lamps are nature derived
molten magma. subterranean, the crater's alive
swordfish dual at 7 sharp. that's 20 paces a side
win or lose, the centrifuge replies. creating a tide
waterworld. water colors washing watery portraits
water molecules, water wings and water resorts
there were giants, mighty giants. mythological forces
built the water temple navi explored. but not anymore
it waned the day my father died. lord of the sea
sultan of stream, warship emperor, controlling regimes
urchins and cuttlefish. green leaflets, algae and moss
pre-prototypical. drafting Machiavellian laws
iron fist, coral amethyst. a palace of gold
my dad. the Elemental One who swam in the cove
spanning globally, a balance, oceanic repose
air in the bubble, fire in the belly, land in a row
shallow and cold. waves overlapping. peak to plateau
watched him decompose like glaciers into sparkling snow
a giant, mighty giant. only one of his kind
i was a blip, but a set of scales, floating awry
it was time. a prophesy filled. duty, honor and will
a kingdom fallen. merging with his counterpartners to build
dark and still. pitch as night. seems their job was complete
and to think, they did it all within the span of a week -
pharaoh Aqua. Akhbar waterway, my lineage pure
a set of sacrifices leading to your sense of assurance
developmental evolution. live bacterial worms
intermediate earth - tree trunks, amoeba and germs
4 twin brothers who always worked in conjunction
heat, soil and oxygen in surface eruptions
it was complete. they could unify. transcend the beyond
giving way to existential theory centuries on
i remember his expression as he looked at us all
for the very first time. and he sang us a song
his dialect was wavelength and molecular bond
harmonizing hurricanes to make his kingdom dissolve
it was freedom and loss. tragedy. the birth of a star
before he turned to stone, my father took a seed in his palm
raised it past the breaking point from under the sea
so his brothers could see. Life where there was nothing, believe
below a hundred degrees, synergistic alignment
King Triton's monument island, before existence was science
they were giants, mighty giants. the creators, the myth
architects and artists. palm trees, temperature shifts
for all their kids. we swim along and savor today
waiting patiently until it's washed away ..
This is me vs deadman though?
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Old 03-10-2024, 09:00 AM   #414
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1. Emily

one night I wander waywardly. Aimlessly along the rayless streets
past granite shanties, befogged by rain and sleet, not one warm nook to lay and sleep
then I find you. A curly little caterpillar, who'd crawled beneath the trestle
sleepy, nestled in the dying Whitlow and Shepherd's-Purse that streaks the pebbles
pipe still hot and redolent - your ring-less fingers scorched a coffee-hue
hair as black as fossil-fuel, a dog-eared shower curtain shrugged on top of you
the sign above the bar blinks apple-neon, one broke bulb is a crypt for the flies
you've pissed on your thighs, head cranked back and tilted, like you're kissing the sky
you're beautiful. Below the methane emissions that hang like a rainbow
i lay my head on this magnanimous angel, fall fast asleep in her halogen halo
she wakes. Her crystal eyes, they fall on me like breaking waves on sand
and when i kneel to present the rock, she doesn't hesitate to take my hand


2. Tomorrow

dear Emily,

you left, i descended. Every time i close my eyes, i see the eels
bloated, black aliens ... wheezing with disease, more than even the streets can yield
their sweltry hide's like boiled kale, moist and pale - they're eating me
nowadays you're keeping clean, but I had no such grace bequeathed to me
i shan't lie. The sidewalk would be softer, if i had your hand to hold
had you not gone back to home, this concrete - would not be, quite so damp and cold
don't you remember? How we set into motion no fettering notion of honour or pride?
slinging rock on the side? - we were Ben Sanderson and Sera, we were Bonnie and Clyde
regardless, i still chalk my poems on the boulevard ... maybe you read them
it's like you always said, they make that little square of pavement an Eden
don't worry, i won't post this letter, it would only be fueling my sorrow
please love me. please love me.

yours truly,



3. Panacea

now you'll see me. You fucking robot, your garden is so sickly green
home so crisp and clean, ph-neutral soap, pro-plus, propane pumps and Listerine
crow bar up beneath the lintel - easy, simple, tears and splinters blend with the rain
it bends with the strain, the oak cracks, I hesitate - then remember the pain
the guardian comes - a shabby old Terrier, hardly a vessel of speed and strength
she's in less than decent health. But our eyes align and for a moment, i see myself
an LP hiccups under a needle, from buzzard to beetle, creatures preserved for exhibition
it's thin and brief; some inner peace - but there's no extradition from this mental prison
i creep up the stairs, my whitened knuckles lightly brushing the balustrade
i am afraid. But Emily, you said to me - you promised you'd never take your hand away
wherever you go the pain will follow
i'm just a bad dream, of course. But at least you've faced Tomorrow.


In a kingdom ruled by a malevolent tyrant - spreading his violence like the deadliest virus
Echos are heard from the crevice of silence - alas bellowing words are set to be rising
For in the distance General Tarsis is shedding light on his federal squadron of a grueling plot
To over-rule and trot the ruler gone - for in this land of famine - all they have is food for thought...

General Tarsis's Speech

As Revolutions governing wind brushes my skin - I come to amend this repugnant land with succulent lips
Dusk will begin the dawn of hundreds of men - when they apprehend my speech of trusting content
"Over the years - we've witnessed the king's tyranny reign - he was ruthless in execution and giving us pain
Well now - it's time for retribution in limitless ways - may our sorrow set sail and start drifting away
We are living astray from a quality life - the cause of this madness I pondered at night
It all started when his reign wandered upright - bringing forth darkness to squander our light
Spawning our plight till we were dogs in his sight - he poisoned our crops to leave us rotten in blight
He's the monarch of spite sparking the cardinal vice - with no regard for what's wrong and what's right
He has no honor or spine - when he calls us to fight - so on this final order we'll demolish his shrine
For all of the time he spent blocking our shine - will be paid for with the cost of his life
You're my army tonight - marching with might - keep the fire inside you sparking forever
For on this day when we embark and endeavor - you'll remember the date we conquered together
No more tarnishing weather will plague the skies - we'll sleep on clouds knowing it's safe at night
And our wives will experience a playful sight - when our children frolic on grass during graceful times
Keep that fate in mind - and we won't falter or lose - we will succeed I'm promising you
Let us march our feet to stop the abuse - for the voice of change is calling us troops...

Be Ready to charge and let loose..."

And so we solemnly march through this land of dictation - our souls filled with mass inspiration
Passing peasants of angst and starvation - for they felt the full effects of this famishing nation
We are The King's men - but this is an act of invasion - a channeling statement of grand assault
The hands of Revolution will grasp us all - when we arrive standing tall - to make his castle fall...


Ready your weapons for in several seconds we'll be steadily stepping on the yard of his Kingdom
He has guards, archers, and marksman as defense - with enough fire power to harvest a spring sun
But we are the elite ones - rangers with a gift - they are the weak ones - strangers to their niche
So when I give word - begin aiming with intent - to take out the two men stationed at the bridge!
And the enemies hit with marksman precision - but above Archer's are driven to start shooting their arrows
Quicker than thunder they begin hitting our numbers - so we swiftly advance to move from the peril
With wrath as our force - we blast through the door of the castle where guards are armed for attack
Yet my army is fast - at barraging a task - so we spark up a blast turning their armored squadron to scrap
Now we advance up flights of stairs till are sights are flared with Marksman blaring their muskets at us
Their remorseless fleet is intense as they murder a majority of my men - and render me covered in blood
But I'm not going to fold for I'm close to my goal - I could almost hear The King cower in his chambers
So as the proudest of traitors and foulest invader - I channel my anger on these scoundrels of danger!
Loading my musket with bullets - I trust it and pull it - murdering every marksman in the room
"Alas, we made it' I say to my staggering crew - It's time we open our majesty's tomb...

And so we open the door to where The King resides - prepared with his doom...

There was our King - hiding in shadows - frightened - defenseless to the crime I'll unravel.
"I stand before you you're majesty - bringing forth tragedy - for your reign will end tonight at the castle"
My men begin to celebrate - with destined grace - as I ready my musket for execution
But first things first I think in my twisted mind - for my lips have lied to you Brother's of Revolution...

And so in a twist of events - General Tarsis points his musket at his own men...



I have succumbed to my sin for I've killed all my gullible men - as my heart is filled with fire and brimstone
For my time has finally come - I've intertwined with the sun - as I reign over the sire and his throne
"I'm done following orders - I've abolished your quarters - and my army was light for seeking the darkness
Now I'll take your breath - and with your death - I'll rule over a new land - The Kingdom Of Tarsis!"

As General Tarsis murders the King with a maniacal laugh - the sky darkens marking his triumph alas
For as a tyrant has passed - a new one is born - one more relentless and vile than the last
He plans to reign for decades to come as a devilish one - as the clock ticks under his tower
For when his stomach growled in this land of famine - he was merely - Hungry For Power
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Old 03-10-2024, 09:03 AM   #415
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The Splendor of Yggdrasil

Pillared beams of sun, burning purgatorial flames
dance through the bark - he faces this immemorial claim
eternal recluse; his smile morphs into a vernal salute
ode to Spring. Mr. Chevalier ties this luring, murmuring noose
he climbs slowly, then reckons with the length of his rope
this Last Judgement's fluttering veil...questioning the strength of his hope
the drifting snow: monochromatic crystals blanketing bliss
as an earsplitting tempest - shrieks suddenly in this baffling mist rises with his breath's imperceptible, gradual hiss.
Behold! The disquieting splendor of this heavenly aspect
Portends an unknown. Cosmic malevolence beckoning madness
...he leaps, learning the depth of a second's compactness -


He notes each transcendent geometry suspended in space
as every single belief he ever held commences to break
the veracious precision of life: immense is its face
and Jean-Paul Chevalier recognizes - he can amend his mistakes
sensing Adelaide rocking nearby as she ascends into flakes
she's swinging softly. A gentle otherworldly pendulum's trace, when suddenly -
a horde of spirits sinister announce their menacing wake.
Stretched shadows hum a rising, barren melody great
the eerie tune blooms - all meaning and mystery bellowing grace...
a sudden, searing white light.
The branch breaks! Sprawled, he deals with this murderous pounding
the vortex of death's gate: he hears its call and its murmurous soundings...
pulled toward this venerable portal's endless, beckoning call
he sees the field - charged with an esoteric, blessed morale.
Adelaide swings...his dead daughter leaves his senses appalled
her emaciated face rasps a darkened, semi-sentient drawl
ring-like, she draws near. Panicking, Jean presently crawls
to the wood's edge. It's forged; evanescent, egregious
these spirits and his daughter gone - the tension increases
a field of roses! He and Adelaide shared laughs in this sumptuous terra
its beauty's intensity rises, and he's consumed by an encompassing terror
memories blend with landscape, and all presumptuous error
growing at a distance - he sees the pupiled abyss of God's functioning sclera
this searing light takes him again...witness his climb and ascent
preacher of madness; creature of habits...mind of a saint.
Here's the wretched, beautiful view at the height of his zen:
Wraiths surround him, their socketed eyes ladeling flesh
Adelaide, smiling wickedly grabs the nape of his neck
In that terrifying moment...Jean reels during their savage rapport,
face contorted, she's screaming "I love you Dad" in a roar...
four of his vertebrae shattered, all of these mighty sentiments reel
...and Jean-Paul hangs. Finally finished in this desolate field.


Would You Be Mine?

It's a beautiful day-- the man zips up his sweater and slips on his shoes to this musical phrase;
There's a tune that'll play while he welcomes the neighbor he greets with a grin and his usual wave
Once two's time is due, and they've said their adieus, the man tells him, "My neighbor, stay tuned", and he'll stay..
..He'll stay stuck to the screen, past the very last scene-- for his neighbor could never dwell moving away..

♪ ♫ ♪

Will wasn't a grown-up. He spent his days brainlessly scarfing potato chips, stuck at the sofa
He'd watch "Rogers" re-runs-- a bunch of the old ones. His legs stretched, relaxed; his lips, chugging a cola
My son's in some coma, his mother thought, worried. The man only moved once, to thrust his remote up,
and point at the screen. Yet my boy's twenty-three! 'Cause she'd serve him banana nut muffins and doughnuts,

As William kicked back, numbed by shows on TV-- fueled in sloth from the lack of strict discipline acted
Unphased by the sun-lit sky's flicker to blackness; the shadows, the shapes, and the minutes that passed him
The morning turned midnight as quick as a flash did; still, Will had not known the transition had happened
'Til slowly, his arms dropped his chips and his bag, his 'lids closed, and his consciousness slid into absence..

At three, Will woke sweating and stricken with panic; the sound of fuzz shrieked from an image of static
He reckoned, That darned left antenna is spazzin', then crept toward the screen to start fixing the 'rabbit
by twisting its ears.. Though it didn't appear the set's picture had cleared, from within this contraption,
A whisper was heard, and Will grimaced and gasped as two arms flew from his television, and grabbed him

The TV screen beamed him inside to his pleas and his cries; bitter yelps, though no help arrived later
He fell on his face in some strange, dormant place, staring up at a man who said, "Welcome, my neighbor,"
Who smiled as his head turned demonically crooked, but held out a hand, which seemed worthy to trust
..and since Will shan't refuse Mister Rogers, he took it. Plus, 'twas all a dream, which'd be surely abrupt!

After being pulled up, William gestured him speak, so he said, "Will, my boy, it's a pleasure to meet you;
You'd grown oh-so-close to your set and your screen that my sweatery sleeves could outstretch and retrieve you."
They'd talk; stiffly walk 'cross the neighborhood block, as Will thought, He's alright; this here Fred is a neat dude,
Then asked when the man planned on setting him free, and Fred said, "Oh, my Will, I can never release you..

By clutching your sofa for several weeks, you've created our bond. Although yes, you can peak through
the screen at your living room's couch, nothing's getting you out-- so please, join me for breakfast, and tea too."
In vexed disbelief, William, pressing his teeth, started pinching throughout all his flesh as his screams grew
from petulant squeaks to malevolent shrieks, 'cause this "dream" was, in fact, truly present, which he knew.

He cried, "Mister, sir, if your lesson's how I-- should go stepping outside-- and watch less of your re-runs,
I vow that, if ever unleashed from-- this screen, I'll say 'Hey' to my neighbors, and cherish the sweet sun!
I'll greet Granny Greene as she knits on her porch.. and she sits with her york-slash-her-poodle, Miss Muffin!"
Fred chuckled a good, hearty giggle of sorts. "William, come have some warm apple strudels and crumpets--"

"Enough, you sick bastard!" Will darted away down the lane as Fred yukked, and Will'd run through his laughter,
more wild than the wails of the succubus after she's warped one's pure chaste through voluptuous matters
..................................and untruant pastors succumb to it faster than sugarcane jolts of columbian jaguars.
He searched every street, found no exit, then screeched out his lungs 'til his yaks were all bloody and raptured

But once he had mastered the chaos within him, Will took a deep breath, then glared at the glass window
Which floated in mid-air and swayed to his motions. His legs arched one side, his arms hitched in akimbo
His mind dwelled on breaking it open. He'd pick up a stone, bring his arm back, then give it a quick throw
The window's glass then broke-- a boulder to bits as the boy shook and gaped; the man's grinning crescendo'd

The man then made sick innuendos of triumph, like wheezed laughs and knee-slaps while gripping his shinbones,
plank-bent at his torso from ***kling too hard, with a hot-turned face, crimson-tint pigment in skin-tone
Will, writhing with anger, then hit it with six blows, but howled as his knuckles bled, clenching his fists thrown
He body-slam bashed it 'til every last rib broke, then charged with a head-butt.. and hemorrhaged his temp lobe

* * *

A spray of Will's consciousness streamed like graffiti and bloodied the block of the neighbor he'd known

First faded, his name, but the last he forgot was the plot and the place of his fave episode

He remembered it well; when Fred Rogers bought brunch at the diner and taught him good etiquette there

(Oh, where is that diner? Oh, where is that diner? Oh, where is that diner? I've never been there)

* * *

Fred frowned with a tsk at the kid on the concrete, who's forehead was marked by a dent and was trickling
Blood steadily poured as Fred crept to the corpse, slid the sweater he wore-- off, and picked it up gently
Fred sniffed it a bit, rubbed his head in the dampness, then reckoned, Will really was thin. This could fit me,
then headed back home, where the sweater would spin in his washing machine for a rinse and some cleansing..

There's streaks of maroon on the glass of the screen. William's mother tries wiping them off with her Kleenex
When all of a sudden, Will's program flicks on, and Will's mom thinks, Oh William.. my god, it's your v-neck!
She's awed-- but not 'cause the man's dragging a body, but 'cause of what hangs in the back of his closet
She murmurs: "The size, and the brand, and the cotton-- it's almost just like what Will's grandmother got him."

* * *

It's a beautiful day-- the man zips up a sweater and slips on his shoes to this musical phrase;
There's a tune that was played while he welcomed the neighbor he greeted with grins and his usual wave
Since two's time is due, and they've said their adieus, the man tells us, "My neighbor stays tuned", and he'll stay..
..He'll stay stuck to the screen, past the very last scene-- for his neighbor could never dwell m̛͞҉͈͈͎̜̝̜͍ò͙̦̹̯̺ͅv̨̹̼̹̗̝͞i̶̫̮̝͚͉̩̟̼̘n͏̷̮̤͕̖̺̯͘ ͡ͅ ̖͇̜̥̤͕g̸̤̤̻̙̫̪̯̤̯̜̱͚̕͟ ҉̡̙̮̼̺͎̦͖́͝͡a͘҉̨̰͚͇͙̣̱̻͍̖̯͞w̙̯̠̹̦̥̣͎̻͖̱͓̩̕͞͝a ̴̞̟͓͘ ͔͉̘ͅy̷̕͠͞҉̙̱̙͖̹̥̱̼.̷̵͘͏҉̥͙̫͈̘.̢̜̦͉̝̯̝͕͖̘̭͚̹̻
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Old 03-11-2024, 12:54 AM   #416
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Old 03-11-2024, 07:21 AM   #417
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you have to respect the commitment to making like 10+ shitposts every day for a community of like 7 people total who will see it
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Old 03-13-2024, 01:04 AM   #418
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where the grass is greener..
The night blankets the sky in the bat of an eye; words of peace wither away in a battle of cries
War has commenced and our doors will be hit with the forces of sin in only a matter of time
Aircraft missiles swerve passed the heads; bombs bombard the land till' the mass is spread
And here I stand; mother with her son in hand; mind sharp to poke holes in this plan of death
This beautiful boy will not be another passing breath in this vile genocidal overthrow
So I'll fight for his life till' I'm choose to fold, and know he'll stay alive with wholesome growth

I hear the footsteps, they're growing louder by the second, these soldiers have come, rounded with their weapons
*THUD* THUD*, they're at the door, pounding with aggression, my heart's beating, they start breaching, as I'm scouting for an exit!

I see a window; I open it in dismay; when suddenly a soldier spots me like a predator does his prey
I see the killer in his eyes; he's ready to engage; when he aims; cocks back his heavy weapon and sprays..

*BANG* *BANG*...

...But he misses his shot for his sinister plot; I sprint down a river to set for escape!
"After them soldiers, get your weapons in place! These degenerate peasants are getting away!"

The abundance of soldiers are coming in closer, aiming and spraying their guns at my head!
A bullet brushes my neck and I run out of breath, but I won't let my son succumb to his death!

Before I'm killed instantly, I'll set my son on this piece of debris, and send him down the river afloat!
But before I save your precious life; and send you into the night; there's something that I want you to know!

My Son

"Where ever you may go, I know God's shining sun will rise
And the forever growing grass will be greener on the other side"



Meanwhile from far down the river ...

The day twinkles the sky in the blink of an eye; words of peace prosper in the meaning of life
The future looks bright for the people alive; as their laughter commences; cleaning the strife
When word has spread of the christian genocide; the atheist's and agnostics did not look too surprised
All looked to continue with their lives although nothing had rised; except a woman; who had sympathy in her eyes

Although common sense has released me from pent-up religions
This genocide is a tragedy I wish on no Christian
Limbs on the floor, children ripped up with shells
This cursed day on earth is their own living hell
If only I believed in such heavenly grace
I would pray all this fire and brimstone away...

*Baby Crying*

Ah, what is this that I hear, entering the crevice of my ear?; it's coming from the never ending river near the pier
I look when everything is clear, to find there's not a thing to fear; for it's a beautiful baby boy; of not even a year

He must be a survivor from the mass genocide, for gunshot residue on his head is shown
I refuse to let this child sleep on a bed of stone, so I shall claim his innocent life as my own

Here in this home, hope will never be lost, your voice is heard and dreams are sought
As the spirit of freedom fulfills us all, you'll feel more than the gleam of god

Let the whimsical wind free your soul, illuminating within to ease your toll
Here where you have hold of your destiny, where there's rendered peace to reach your goals

You shall live a prosperous life full of frolic and light; here where the land is sweeter
Here where the sun shines on the path of leaders, on the other side of the river; where the grass is greener..

Titan of Tarsis --

'Fury of the frosted dragon was once told as a myth; but now behold the unfold of my grip
I’m one who’s intended to run through the weapons, protecting the peasants and nobles that live
These militant, primitive soldiers in mist; will suffer the limitless cold that I whim
I flicker my wings to be seen like a solar eclipse; releasing a breeze that leaves em’; frozen and stiff
Sweeping through the air in a moment of whit; I swing my tail to have these statues broken to bits
Yet my ears pick up frantic motion in wind; an iniquitous whisper devoted to sin!
Archer reinforcements come like rummaging thieves; shooting their arrows from under my feet
Summoned in summits with numbers in hundreds they try to puncture my lungs for defeat!
With my tongue in my cheek and stomach in depths; I inhale a breath; ejecting a colliding blow-
Retracting all arrows as fast as a sparrow to targeted archer’s hearts as sharp icicles!
Twenty are left rendered as dead; the rest look into my eyes and realize the might that I harness
Frightened with fear they run trying to clear; so I launch them an ice ball the size of a comet!save
Their bodies are crushed into particle dust; I scour the ground for more scoundrels in action
When suddenly from the sinuous seas: I spot silhouettes all shrouded as massive
It’s an abundance of ships with thousands of cannons; all fully equipped and mounted for blasting
People are screaming and the king starts to flee as powerful shots pound through a mansion!
Simultaneously all ships begin firing rapidly; destroying houses and palaces with lightning tenacity
I have to think fast in times of a tragedy; to save the peasants, nobles, and life of our majesty!
Fueled with a heart of pure fire and rage; I hover up high enough to overlook the entire terrain
Relentless In posture I eject the biggest breath ever conjured; shielding the city with an icy blockade!
The cannon balls falter against my defense; the sailors have an expression of one’s meeting the omen
Just in case this elitist fleet means to retreat; I release a breeze which freezes the ocean!
Their death is imminent; I fly where the ships are in stall; the air becomes glistened and riddled with fog
Gulls’ drop to be settled on this dawn of the devil as I lock on the vessels with an ice missile barrage!
Hits rip through facades’ till their ships are in shards; on the sea’s frosty surface scatter blown apart limbs
Surviving startled men try to call for amends; so I swallow them to launch em’ out as frozen carcasses!
The final vile man is slain with my embers; I return to the sire’s land; embracing its members
Civilians cheer from the grace that I render; as the king elegantly appears; raising his scepter
Today is to be remembered not as menacing treason; but a day we’re we up kept our brethren in legion
I fly up to bestow' the slaughter on the frozen waters; from atop of the ice wall; defending the kingdom
Behold the ‘fury of the frosted dragon; one whose sworn to protect the righteous in hardship
Channeling light to bring brightness to darkness; forever hailed as a true; Titan of Tarsis

Tarsis faced their day o' reckoning-- granted they'd hoisted chests from a dragon's lair;
I thus waged a plague o' pain and pestilence; purple, poison breath brought forth poisoned air
That day, decay and festering swept the streets décor'd in voiceless death and voided stares;
No noise, except their brains and skeletons being sizzled away by my toxic coil's ensnare
Though they'd regretted it, I, raided treasureless, was left only this cave to rest within
Unawakened ever since.. 'til now, as the traitor begs for help in shameless desperateness
Each leg is trembling, as he kneels at me, and squeals, "Sini", for Tarsis faces precipice
Simply for the sake of great benevolence, I shall aid his nation of knaves and selfish-wit;
Imbue their blades with venom vile, nasty and virulent; so ghastly, no vaccine can serum it
Even a basilisk basked in it would croak badly-- though sadly, don't ask me if tears emit-
For we slay our foes gladly. Our march inward's nigh; As the Fire Dragon paints ember skies,
'O Frost brings Winter's rise, Shadow's shade flickers by, and Death's hapless victims die,
My breath shall wither rye.. my claws shall render blight.. and my wings shall then arise;
Flap once, the winds'll writhe-- flap twice, and they'll whip up a toxin vortex, twister-size
We set forth toward Tarsis' entrance, as claws rip through squadrons of guards and defenses
The field's filled with carcass, and souls stricken nauseous from noxiously toxic incisions
Launched from faraway targeting distance (the marksman precision of Artemis gripping a bow,)
My saliva's spit, sticks to prey, and nips away at their armament's armor equipment alone..
It seeps through their chestplates, then strips and corrodes them skinless as bones dissolve
While they're quivering and whimpering, I listen to the sharp hissing and moans, enthralled
Their bridgade-- they do retreat.. but in the air, a virus ingested to paralyze is effective
They can no longer move their feet, or breathe; it seems they've a flare of sinus congestion.
All they can do is shriek, as my tail curls around them in pairs to tighten them breathless
'Til they're introduced to teeth, and I feast-- pleased once my share of knights is digested
I belch out a new disease, before I bash my skull like a battering-ram through castle walls,
Smashing all that's in my view to see, from the raiders, to the obelisks of its fragile halls
Then return outside to find dead human beings, suffocated in the new disease's putrid breeze
(Troops o' the king had an immunity, but you should've seen when I caught the flu and sneezed)
Deer, racoons and sheep who had breathed it turned to mutant-breed, flesh-consuming beasts;
The rate they grew increased to new extremes of huge, exceeding the cubic feet of 22 atleast,
From toxic sewage stream fluid-drinks, and chewing meat from corpses of a platoon's deceased
So in a game of go-fetch, I throw flesh into the keep; where the throne rests its pseudo-queen..
My pets have yet returned, but rest assured. I'm less concerned, as bloodshed is heard inside;
Squirms and cries, as men are torn to shreds and burned alive in the sulphuric fumes released,
When I bellowed in a mighty roar, "To every blight below the surface side of Earth.. arise!",
And the tulip-tree roots secreted their impurities, purging whoever inhaled its gruesome stink
If you believe the stomach acid of another hundred dragons, even with sulphurous break-downs
Could match Sini's sudden gastric effects, digesting food before he can feel full for his prey now?..
Watch a man be devoured, as poison enzymes then fry him before he can make noises inside;
Before the screams of his voice can arrive, and the bulge in my belly can be point at ten times
This is not an agony explained; you cannot grasp his ceaseless pain, or laughs as he's filleted
An attempt to replicate the pleasure, or fathoming's insane; how foul, bubbling acids eat away,
Like the blight which smites this site of battle seen today, turning the grass' green to gray,
A predator capturing its prey.. engulfing, swallowing it whole, as it, with rapid ease, decays
They say that poison brings only corruption; that its fruit stems where every Sin begins...
That its trail leaves behind smoldering destruction, and marks where every society ends...
..But where they see a path of devastation, I see a purge of injustice, to make amends...
Where they see the Earth cast to desecration, I see the waters which flood it, to cleanse


This could be the calamity of offers with no amnesty or coffers..
The black oiled paint drips with half faded blood stained vanity of a law firm..
So sits the Subject subjected to all this amongst a Majesty of Faulters..
And the savagery don't falter or fall apart to call it off as cavities halter..
The air breeds as a foundry of monotony clouding foul scenes of the menage; it reeks..
As decomposing hours streak a sour ease of power where this sole soulless council seats..
Brown beaten Mahogany greets with sounds of trickery from Hells founder in speech..
While Party A sits thumbing pages to contemplate an agree while dumbfounded of greed..
Impatient, the infectious host pushes to have this unholy of Nexuses eloped..
And trecherous hopes find growth as the neck relishes the most threatening groans..
The Subject nervous, shifts and notes a black rose undergoing Necrosing tones..
Like exorcist omens, deathly tomes. Wore in the face of this Lender like a necklace or cologne..
Now the Borrower wonders "why did this opportunity knock.? Is it possibly crock.?"
Maybe its drunk dreaming leaving the mind stumped, believing the possible foolery mocks..
Then reality chimes like novelty clocks as the pen becomes alive and nonchalanty jots..
"This is your sins being repaid." The pen then barbs the hand to be the Proprietarys prop..
The Demonic voice yells "You either going to sign or die in this Hell.!"..
And while the thoughts cliched, the Subject feels conveyed to say "This is quite expensive to sell"..
"Even you would find the legalities a strain on mentalities. And I must say its doing it well"..
A pause before an answer which strikes like a cancer. "Your here because the way the cards fell"..
"Hardly dealt a bad hand, but damn, certainly a horror to how this little sin dwelled"..
Minds racing now, spacing out. Staring at etchings in a Throne, picturing sketches of a home..
A place where this mellow Federalistic drone watched a seven year exiled Exodus grow..
Ignoring Heavenly ohms from deafening throws that pointed out every evidence known..
The Subject was too happy in forgetting the blows that bruised one's pettiless moans..
And so sits that pain in a pane of glass painfully painting the price of the past..
Sealing strife in the strikes that struck so stainfully now severly syphoning like sand..
But there's no flipping the hourglass, for once that last hours past- the signing is had..
It'll be iron clasps binding the hands and Subjects blood left smeared on the ivory pad..
But now shifts the sand and the reminding is mindfully mad that right now the time is at half..
"I think I need some water." A simple tatic stall. "Fine, but this is only getting harder"..
Its really nerve slaughtering taking all this in and finding the roots to what is bartered..
No fine print but exact note to risk "emotional or physical pain" will marry at this legal alter..
"I need to make a call." Said Subject suddenly in grin. "To ensure the validity of this offer"..
Stepped out the room where nostalgic, estrogen loomed. Abberation left to fester the womb..
Talked of Heaven and moves to leverage the doom and find a solid exiting ruse..
All while the pestilence swoomed and shrouded around the taunting text to construe..
It was an effort to woo the mind and heart of this, whom displayed a jestering muse..
Back to the chair. "Do we have a deal.?" The question came with burning confidence..
"I've certainly learned alot from it." Response said like a slap of working dominance..
And the dance done like a Prom of kids. When appeared a shadow of the Omninent..
The thunderous voices clashed. "This is my dwelling and I'm in control.!"
"Yes, but this Subject's of my children and I have a right to console.!"
"Well you have no legal options and I think you'll find the Sin in the life played a roll"
"You foul creature, I've sat on High watching this unfold, the contract nulled when you Stole this Soul.!"

At that Satan fell defeated. And I remembered as I ascended with the Lord, his promise..

I bucket 'til the drumstick.. that's KFC
The .40 give 'em whiplash.. that ain't even breakneck speeds
Big dong swingin at my knees like a bowling pin
& my nuts're Double Trouble, nicknamed my ballsack the Olsen Twins
I brought a knife that'll Bobby Flay ya.. all my lines is Versace-tailored
Only play w/ them dollar signs 'cause I wake up on auto-grind like a coffee maker
Fuck a shotty, I'll pull pistols.. there's just somethin about cocking a full nickle
You on the corner w/ ya ass clenched, while 'Boris w/ a bad bitch.. no Rocky & Bullwinkle
The zen killer.. you a comedy act; Ben Stiller
The left put you on ice, no warm fuzzy feelings.. that's a Chin chilla
I let my chrome set the tone like a metronome
The gat in your face & my finger got the Reaction to spray like Kenneth Cole's men's cologne
Twist you up like pretzel dough & scream on 'em like a megaphone
Scream on 'em like an Ethiopian w/ Tourette syndrome standin next to Joe at a metal show
Keep a clip by the dresser.. got P90's equipped w/ suppressors
Beam'll aim & this heat exchange turn you to liquid like a mixing condenser
My straight right feared.. my left wrapped around the gauge like earlobes
Keep somethin large by the waist that go hard in the paint like clear coat
I strangle the game.. you on that sucka shit, my bankroll's insane
You sellin crack while I went back to get my Master's like Django Unchained
a Russian marksman when trouble startin; duct tape on the double cartridge
Get pistol-whipped off the buckle harness, smackin ya face w/ the serial like Uncle Martin
My Glock's untamed & I ain't w/ the frontin.. not today
Catch you outta pocket & get called on audible when my shotgun play
You even talk, the gat gets drawn. Turn ya whole block to Babylon.
Boy cross that line, you gon' see body parts fly... like dropping an atom bomb
Ya'll faker than Halloween blood.. this 9mm holdin factory slugs
My weapons're knockouts; even the chopper got a sharp hook like a grappling gun
Hold heat like Cyclops shades, give you a high-top fade w/ Psylocke's blade
Talk shit, I'm cookin Pan w/ that cold metal - that's how you icebox Cake
Ya crew sweet as pie.. I got rounds that cost a hundred a slug
No pre-heat when I roll up on your boysenberry y'all fruitcakes under the crust
The fade rough.. get straight cut; that's a hard part
Coke cookin up, I walk around w/ my nose fulla dust; that's an aardvark
Have ya fam sleepin 20,000 leagues deep; I'm talkin tidal explosions
Only Delta waves they'll be feeling's when I crash their fucking flight in the ocean
I got the game in a Gracie hold - this bitch in Cruise control like Katie Holmes
Catch me in the street, masked up w/ them shells; that's Casey Jones
I got your crack fiend Trap Queen in my kitchen whippin the hardest
I had to introduce her to my stove 'cause that bitch's retarded
OG status.. the hype's infectious when ya'll see these bars smash
I'm certified from breathin life into these dummies, no CPR class
been itchin to pounce shit, u'd see fists to a mouth splits;
get bruised & left w/ more hook marks than the riddlers outfit
We click pistols.. silencer on the 9, getcha shit riddled
Guns & butter; potato on the biscuit, that's a McGriddle
don't see competition, just a buncha noobs I'm running through
Game recognize game; I feel like Jayceon Taylor staring at a buck, confused
open season.. I'm loadin pieces w/ red dots & homing beacons
You claim presidential, but no one fucking knows who you are like Grover Cleveland
My psyche's fucked.. put ya whole team on ice; Mighty Ducks
That 40 ringing on your block like the ice cream truck
Talk is cheap.. I'm on that God degree like divinity school
Carve a figure-eight in ya fuckin throat & watch your blood infinity pool
Crime business, no eye witness.. shots roar when I stretch the metal
Burner up in the briefcase, your whole top floor can get the memo
Shit's feelin like Dawn of the Dead, I was gone 'til November
But the champ's back; you faggots don't deserve an honorable mention
& I constantly pressure any opponent w/ a flawless offensive
King of the division, watch as every head in the tournament's severed
A thoroughbred born in the trenches w/ the strongest genetics
It ain't just a dominant gesture when I slaughter contenders like Conor McGregor
Bags wanna be Bronsolino.. I was finna chill, but fuck it, I'm gone
Oh, you like Action? Figures.. 'cause you play w/ 'em in the tub at ya mom's
My big homie chefin a lot, baking soda next to the kettle w/ rocks
Dog, ya name's Constrikta & you can't even wrap ya head around gettin a job
Aero can get it too.. the RPG I'm totin'll blast you out of ya home
Only Wall Street you'll see is the entire fuckin front of your house in the road
Shotty by the waist, I ain't fuckin w/ them tranquilizers
Talk shit & Big Poppa Pump flyin off the buckle like a Frankensteiner
Peep the highroller steez.. pyrokinesis, I'm a psycho unleashed
Keep a nine holstered, plus that chopper in the car like a Micro Machine
'm sealing ya fate.. Achilles heel, I'm really real; you a play gangster
We'll only see Chin strap when I fade him ear-to-ear w/ a straight razor
An immovable boss.. drive-by's & funeral plots
Catch me hangin out the whip w/ two pipes, no dual exhaust
My right gun's a Peacemaker, my left gun's a big chopper
I'm a lead dumper, wig shopper.. that's a head hunter; witch doctor
girl's a foul ho.. bitch goin down slow like the Dow Jones
Knock her mouth hole out cold, Head bangin off the buckle like Al Snow
Python strangler.. rearrange your atoms like an ion chamber
The iron banger put your feet by your head like a Lion Tamer
Straight head shots.. you talk wreckless, we bang them Glocks
& I put that shit on everything like Frank's Red Hot
Riot pump.. I'm in the streets like scare tactics & tear gas canisters
Mobbin on sets, plus the chopper on deck like an aircraft carrier
Your ass owe me money, I'm in your living room w/ the snub to ya jaw
Have your bitch screamin, "D-d-do-do you have it?!" right before I put your GUTS on the wall
Too many clones that found a name.. s'why I'm stayin out the game
Bunch'a Samuel L. Jackson ass niggas, all these "motherfuckas" sound the same
My swag lives forever.. keep the mask & Beretta w/ a flaskful of Devil's Cut
Plus, the strap where the weapon's hung got more rounds than Allen from Metal Slug
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Old 03-13-2024, 10:53 AM   #419
AJ The Menace
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AJ The Menace -- SWAG AND FLOW --

I'm the tortorous demon and devil; semon is reveled
I'm a demented spirit gleaming with metal AS THE DEVIL

The ArchFIEND --

I am nothing; I am something; DEVIL WEARS PRADA ABRACDABRA! I am nothing//
I am gargoyle tempest; the bars of dying/dieing love; shine above the RED SUN//
I'm nothing and something; the devilish horn was nothing; so was you
I'm nothing; and something; suffering of eagles and steeples; the suffering of steeples
I'm the american eagle; the settle scores of metal swords



The ArchFIEND --

I'm the murderous rapture; the raptor; the raptor; the raptor;
I'm killing gullotines like flying gullotines; the smitereen gullotine; I'm killing guollotines like swords of might; course will die like apple PIE

AJ The Menace -


The ArchFIEND --

I'm the systematic morsel like systematic morsel; the killing endorphins//
I'm killing endorphins like horsemen headbutting horsemen//
I'm killing seas; and the sea breeze; the sea breeze; the sea breeze/
I'm nothing; and something
I'm nothing and something..




no-one thinks this Geek'll let that Chrome Buck! you dope? ITL proved we're BeLeavin that this Hoe's Shook! #ughh
Bro's Buff? so what! you'll still need more than your 'name, Blue' and exercise if you're Eager for that Tone Look!

think ya son me and ya Making This a Tough Chore? please! you need the help of vets to Make ya Scriptures Look Raw!
talk of the Weights ya Lift to Fuck Whores? I say ya lying-n-quite-dull so I "ain't buying'-that-By'-bull" like Athiests in Book Stores!

Tainted Scrolls:
This battle was fucking lame...and I was kinda let down by this...
Tony Mars:
No way, Bayou. Your punches are not looking good right now...
^^if that's the Truth Then It's On! ya nice on tracks? Fly is wack! an R&B artist's the only time JOE is Smooth With A Song...
all true... let’s Move This Along, I thought everything to do with Flyin, landed... but your punches keep on Proving Us Wrong!

and besides TGO....

ya record's a bunch of nobody's - now this ya Truest Defeat! despite being British, I've still yet to see Brew w/ the Heat!
just a shout-box whore... Who Is This Geek?! ya see, describing X-Men is the only time we connect Blue with a Beast!

his bars are mostly Filler cause he's Too Fake, without a Dentist, Fam! Keepin his raps in Control kinda like Kendrick's Jam!
I'd bet a grand, I'll End This Man, cause my punches 'rockin this Voodoo, child'.. more than Jimmy Hendrix Fans!

I'm not taking the piss...

I'll put Fly down!... when I bring punches like Tyson to Bruise Ya! leave him low in oxygen, like the inSide of a Hoover!
stop Hypin this Loser! when it comes to concepts.. if Flyin By', Try Angles, they seem to end up missing... Like the Bermuda!

EZ! I Torture ya Weak Flow and "get rid of this kid" since Abortion is Legal! his lines dope? ya must be Snorting to Feel Those!
mack girls? psh! ya 'gay and toy with dudes' so if Fly says he 'tapes the boys IN Blue'... he ain’t ReCordin Police Shows!

it doesn't mean you're "out this world" just because you Study Mars! ya still in school! ya don't get that Money Hard!....
w/ comedy club spits.. you got Funny Bars! cheques from this rap? if we say Blue, balls.. we just mean you ain't Coming Hard!!

you're like a fat chick swimming! Damn It, This Bitch Flops! I make you 'Jump - backwards' like ya Dancing with Kris Kross!
you a killer? based on the Battles this Kid's Dropped, if anyone 'screaming: Blue murder!'... they're just Angry and Pissed Off!

he chats 24/7, talkin bout his Lavish Eyes, Baggin Dimes, plus his Man-ish Size.. yet no PPV pic?.. quit those FAGGOT LIES!
ya talk tough, I Stand N Sigh cus either you're afraid to Sin or 'fear insects'... since you're scared to handle that Dragon, Fly!

wooooo!... good luck, man!


If his Rant Wrecks a booth! its using Ani-mosti against ink to Grant Text as Truth!
all his shots fail in PPV's giving off a 'Sense' he's the Only Nus' Who Can't Execute!
TGO had You Shook of Fright! using his unborn in 'your book of rites' like 'Ordinal Misuse'!
Mars Brought you 'down to earth' like 'Dating a Depressed Astronaut' with Orbital Issues!
The Scorning reviews had him 'Thundering mad & Seein red' like 'Storming With Hues'!
Swarming This Douche it'll only take 'flying to Britain' for another Mourning of Nu's[News]
What Fly Kicks closes the gap Like Lou Kang! Ya boys'll need 'Jordans on foot' To Boost Range!
i'll make 'sense drop' like Loose Change! only at the Gallows will you see a 'Nus Hang'!
Stalking this pussy like Hunting For Panthers! talking nu growth? I'm chemo Stunting His Cancer!
he's Owning shit? I'm Sonning In Pampers! Only need 'Sense' when being Cunning With Answers!
Nu's Pacing for last! saying Fuck Cents like i'm only concerned with chasing the cash!
in this title run, he's Bracing to crash! only at chaining multies is He 'Making-a-Dash'!
Everything he is 'Creating is Bad'! so If 'Evil's necessary' i'm merely 'Stating the Phax'!
Its become a 'General Consensus' that Evil's always pulling a 'shrek by Saving his Ass'!
If you 'Spring Foward' i'll Rock your 'day lights, saving time' making your Pace Fall Back!
He don't waste all cats! for a 'Nu Era' to go on top, its MLB fans sporting a BaseBall Cap!
He's Got nothing Shooting guard on the court, his shots are 'Jim carey's career' This Liars Done!
his foul lines are tiresome! if what Nu 'deals is ballin' i'm double crossing Jordan like Iverson! [ame=""]Jordan like Iverson! [/ame]
He'll never go 'postal' His Parcels Light! wouldn't 'Pen Strong Punches' with 'Martial Might'!
his skills are Partial Hype! Only 'Researchin comics' has Jordan Been linked to a 'Marvel Sight'!
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Old 03-13-2024, 12:57 PM   #420
AJ The Menace
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Oh’ Red Dragon, Red Dragon; beneath your birth there is a dangerous birth from the heavens
There is a green snake from the garden of eden; he harbors a demons to make your jargon screaming
This Red Dragon loves and adores killing demons and hellspawns; under his wings are tortured demons
Red Dragon, Oh’ Red Dragon; the devil is watching you; with the sharpness of your wings he’s clever
Red Dragon, Oh’ Red Dragon; there is a demon far greater than you; with green wings
The devil cries tears of joy for your death; with tongues and demon horns
He is waiting on hell’s fiery cauldron; with a pitchfork to torture and kill you
Red Dragon, Oh’ Red Dragon; he watches you kill demons every days
He is waiting for you on hell’s cauldron; with his demons to torture you
He will torture you for forty days and forty nights; than kill you
He is the devil on hell’s cauldron; he has a pitchfork and demons
For you hear cries; but beneath ‘HELL” there is screaming
Seer -
‘Beneath the besieger of good and evil; ‘LIE’ A BEAST
Who makes time stand still; when he breathes
I am the snake of the garden of eden; I harbor a demon; my jargon is screaming
I love when the dragon kills demons; it quenches my thirst
I love the garden of eden; i love heaven
I love when he kills demons and sends them to heaven
I remember when I was a angel in heaven; good as day
I loved that I was God’s favorite; God’s favorite angel
I love God with all my heart and soul; he is good
I love heaven with all my heart and soul; it is good
I love angels and demons; they are my heart
I LOVE hell; it is my world
I see through the wings of this dragon; destruction
I am the devil; and I will punish him for sinning in HELL
David and Goliath -
Radiant suntowers hold honesty in brick and mortar; onyx and alabaster radiant glass
The mass of hope and justice; the hope of christianity; in the valves of deep conjures of time
Brilliant beasts of leper seals; snakes and serpents; conjuring black magic in attack sabbath
Attack sabbaths, mammoths of brilliant attack sabbaths; conjuring black magic with white magic
Holding honesty in the bird of a feather; birds of a feather flocking forever in adventure endeavors
Mammoths of brown skin die from baby saber tooth tigers; baby saber tooth was hungry and famished
Yet; if the mammoth saw the baby saber tooth hunting before the attack; sadness cries
For the mammoth would impale the baby sabertooth on his tusk; than send him to hell
One day, David; a valiant prophet and poet was wandering Israel with a slingshot
He cowered in the sun’s rays before hand; waiting for Goliath to come and make day
David ate famished and hungry; slung his slingshot metaphorically at Goliath the triumph
Goliath ate the sands of time; wondering when he was going to to battle David in war
David entered the colliseum with bewilderment; what was going to happen? God knows
For God knows all; and planned Goliaths downfall down the valves of hell
Both faced each other in a bloodbath of morality; David killed Goliath with a stare
David had a plan; it was God’s plan in judgement; david killed Goliath before he slung his rock
David slung his slingshot; and hit Goliath in the head
Yet! Goliath is a strong warrior; and crushed David with his arms and hands
I am wayward lost on board of Noah’s Ark; flow apart the oceans dark
I am a wayward animal from the depths of hell; breaths inhale and exhale
From the lost valves of time and space; time’s erased
For the chasm of life is to tarnish grace; harness grace from time’s erase
From the flow of time and space; dragons and serpents hunted animals
We besieged the time and space; lost time and space; time’s erased
Flowed from the valves of hell; summoned suns from the lost times of space
For when there are demons swimming in a sea of hell; devils with pitchforks plunge darkness into Light
For once I was aboard Noah’s Ark; I saw signs of light and peace
There were animals in the midst of storms; time shared gumption with peace
Animals of dark besiege saw congruent precious past time to persuade the edge of a dagger
For dragons killed animals in the dimension of Noah’s Ark; flowed apart
For I am a demon from hell as-well; harnessing gumption
For when there was a time when animals escaped the floods of hell; they died in flooded waters and went to hell with demons
For there is a time and place for every time; a time and space for destiny
A time and place for pristine water streams; a time and place for serene palaces
Heaven’s Gates opened the seven seas of peace and hell; the hell of a gluttonous kingdom
For where there is a time and place for torture there is a time and place for love
For when I was aboard Noah’s Ark with my peaceful animals
Where they at peace with themselves? When demons from the seas of hell destroyed the Ark and killed the animals
For where I was a boy; I loved the animals of the forrest sycamore trees
I loved the mouth of the sky; I loved the mouth of the sky
In the return of demons and devils; I saw his mouth move with a basilisk tongue
He destroyed demons and devils? He protected and destroyed animals and gluttonous kingdoms
For when I was aboard Noah’s Ark; I saw the edge of blade from a demon animal
I saw the edge of a blade of a demon animal; make my mother squeal
For here I am; on board Noah’s Ark; with a pig and giraffe
Laughing at darkness; seaing what’s bright
Time for Frightful Power! Teeth chew ligaments and tendons break, chest is scraped with Freddy's claws and knives this hour!
I Gouge your eyes with pliers! Ock Get out! or I'll have this *cock stretched out* when he's hung by his dick from the Eiffel Tower!
Toss you in pots of sexual men who start digging within your targeted asshole with balls, bobby pins, darts n sausage's!
Have your arms sawed off you bitch! N his name is * Sin*, so I'll put a crucifix through his chest, just to cross his heart for him!
He's going for Kleenex as the lotion he's squeezing! Jacking off? But I switched it with acid, now his Penis his Peeling
Call the Popo to the precinct! Because he's choked with no breathing! After I *drowned this fagget* in an Ocean of Semen!
Throw him in a cage of pandas till his asshole is raped and battered, then teach the bears a brand new trick!
Damn Dudes Sick !, when I order to grab duke quick! Then open his penis hole, to shove in bamboo sticks!
My hate is confirmed! Your scraped with a firm knife till all I see tangling from your face is some nerves!
Stereotypes? This Asian Will Learn! When I feed his body to my dogs! I guess the tables have turned!
Tie this fagget with lean wire, then open his abdomen with a chainsaw, jagged knife and three pliers!
Have him scorned in pain, torn, in shame! Then have his *Lungs Scorched in flames*, just so this "Dragon' could Breathe FIre!
Watch this monster go - A Colossal foe ripping Apo's 'Skeleton from his body' - Just to give his dog a bone!
And after my Dragon's Maw tears apart your carcass bro - I'll etch 'Rest In Pieces' on your heart of stone!
We'll battle one on one in parts unknown - You won't give me a 'death stare' when I have your face torn!
When there's bad weather and the rain pours - I'll 'peel off your scalp' - so you'll endure an acid brain storm!
Think you'll reign again? - But we'll see the 'shell of your former self' - when this knife scrapes your skin!
It'll cost you an 'arm and a leg' when I amputate your limbs - and my scissors'll 'cut through your frame'...
just to show it's paper thin!
When I 'bury you in catacombs' - I'll have you caving in - my army knife will slice open your stomach in this land of do or die!
I'll have you brutalized with the plans I utilize - Cus I'll 'hang you with your own intestines' - to make it look like an act of suicide!
When I 'blast arms' - you won't get a weapon up! - I'll pry your mouth apart and 'feed you' sevral slugs!
He'll turn into a coward when I dissect his guts - Cus' after I'll 'Drown This Fagget' in AIDS Infected Blood!
My killings are that tragic - and I'll use 'black magic' to resurrect your corpse - just to kill you again in the local morgue!
Visit your tombstone and slice your throat open with both my swords - So I can strum 'The Graveyard Symphony' - on your vocal cords!
I’ll kill your manifest destiny; I have avision sentence; in this duel of wits; this faggot would wish on a prayer like a pacifist//
SURROUND AND STICK..because my bars will ‘’end life’’ like a death row prison sentence//
Try to rumble with me; you can-i-bus nut; you’re nothing/nuthin’ like king of the dot..and ILLMACULATE CONCEPTION//
This faggot is erection; I’ll total the planet with wholesome and granite, like the barbershop cortet//
You’re nothing and something like a fucking marine; sedated and shit//
VOMIT WITH WORDPLAy..I’m dominant;.even if your longbars are longer than mine//
I’ll shatter your spine;; bandit of rhymes;; splashing your nine to pieces of bread//wine//
So quit thinking your in my battle class, faggot ass/

Man Verses Machine
As I look out the window pane, sin is flamed to the point where an inferno is cast
The fire spreads burning our flag - and scorches corpses till they're in an urn for their past
I've developed insomnia because I'm worried and sad - it's only a matter of time before my death is sealed
And I'm on the muddy floor left to squeal - this bloody war has scarred the nation - and it has yet to heal
The threat is real - set in steel and iron - breaths of spieling fire - demolishing our mahogany doors
A slaughtering force - with grenades and bombs for a war - invading our land without a thought of remorse
I could hear them on our course from miles away - harnessing their planet's pride in their grace
But why must they face us with such violent rage? Why must we be sentenced to death on this trial of hate?
I cry and I pray - for peace to flourish again - looking out the window - thinking when the torment will end
My core is in twists - at the sight of foreigners in the mist - blowing holes in the ground - forming a crypt
The sky is pouring with limbs of courageous soldiers - who carried boulders on there shoulders for us
I see the ones who are breathing loading their guns - trying to rebuttal with slugs next to puddles of blood
But they've succumbed to their hunt - their hunger and lust is that of gluttonous scum
A covenants rushed by the government's fund - but it's quickly turned into an abundance of dust
Now these robots roll on concrete roads - firing projectiles at our lofty homes
These rocky drones have been programmed by evil mechanics - to have a heart in an off beat zone
Not even children are spared on this day of tragedy - they're ripped apart by machine guns under the spring sun
They truly are the elite ones - with superior weaponry - plus they outnumber us ten to a meek one
There's nothing our world can produce to stop this madness - all our caskets are surely seen
I hear vivid screams of our unsung heros - as military tanks are blasted to smithereens
These our explicit scenes of the extinction of man - our hourglass has dropped it's last spec of sand
There is no miracle for blessing the land - for destiny has beckoned its plan
Technology has stepped to the stand - taking over the human race while we barely started running
The President has resorted to desperate measures - as he orders atomic bombs be dropped on the country
This is our hell dispersed in regime - for now the entire earth has been seized
I realize this is worse than any burning disease - as I look out the window - and witness Man Versus Machine

White Winter

Grins are shown ,they stay a glow, black footprints lie beneath white winter snow
Past shadows vanish as our sin is stoned, fall ends, yet here rose our friend of hope
He cleansed us when we consumed the menace, lit up our souls then fueled the essence
Now snowflakes fall with our gloom, depression, alas a Christmas with a future present

We’re grateful for our countless blessings, even when we refused to embrace your might
Back when our faces resembled the grayest skies, because we couldn’t fight the pain inside
Back when autumn leaves fell from the tallest trees, we were rotten seeds restrained from light
Just Two brothers with a decaying frame of mind, souls pitch black, that couldn’t change to white

Hawk eyes were on us day and night, for we did what we must to survive
Stealing bread rations, taking tiny bites, a pair of thieves being parasites
We hid in the dumpsters of dark alleys, trying to avoid police that roamed the streets
Just Two miserable homeless teens, searching for the missing piece to their broken dream

Life was looking bleak, autumn leaves fell along with our well being
Lice ticked over our scalps with fleas, skin disease, our health had ceased
Heavy breathing had you blacking out; we grasped each other’s hands to move through this journey strong
But cries were heard for miles on that gloomy dawn, waking up, to see you were nearly gone

We were just two scared kids with fear eating our carcass, not stopping till it’s leaving us heartless
Each day that passed weakened our conscious, oxygen was like breathin' some toxins
On this endless season of autumn, we sat beneath the trees, seen as forgotten
A brown leaf fell to our feet, but we looked in despair as it began to darken…

It seemed like all hope was lost, our sorrow was about to tie this rope a knot
Till a white light appeared with a drawing glow, that lead us to a tree, with a broken cross
We were hesitant to pick up the pieces, for the tree in front of us had all black leaves
But we each took one half; those were the instincts of the grandest thieves

The two pieces were drawn to each other, like they were attracted by the same white beam of light
Each piece had a unfinished writing, but when put together, spelt “Jesus Christ”
Right then, the white light reeled us in, saying that only faith will clear our sins
We accepted him, Jesus, as our savior, friend, whom we swore to worship till the very end

We were just two homeless brothers, but now were the sons of a greater being
Our chests started to glow suddenly, as our black souls were whitened clean
That day started a new beginning, the status of our old life withered
All the black leaves fell from that tree, the change of a black autumn to a white winter

I look into the vast distance; passed the skies blue colorful hues
remembering how the hummingbird's chirp matched your wondrous' mood
you were subtle with gloom; singing it to sleep with lovable tunes
soothing any troubled creature that moved under the moon
the flowers would bloom; every time it sensed your motion in presence
your devotion to blessings captured rising oceans in essence
you glowed with fluorescent fragrances that flourished your life
time would stand still as your tranquil beauty allured in the night
You were the source of delight; and I assured your leave wasn't in vain
For your son is sustained; to shine his bright light on the coming of day
Through perilous clouds summoning gray; I'll clear the thunder and rain
illuminating all that plummet in pain: all when I hover above the terrain
Watch my radiance seize the hand, and dispose of the dire deeds of man
And from the trees and grass to the seas and sand; I promise there’ll be a peaceful land
Once that need is grant; I hope you smile like the sweet sun you savored
I’ll always remember you as my beloved creator; Mother Nature

..A lot of people ask me who I am....
..There's multiple ways to answer that question....
..let me try to explain it to you....


I'm a serpent that was supposed to be bound away for centuries,
In a penetentiary for being the illest entity,
They tried to cure my sickness but couldn't find a remedy,
So they tentatively locked me up for spitting chemically,
When I'm near mercury and alchohol it shakes in thermometers,
Breakin barometers and a dick erection that takes kilometers,
Causin comets to burst and rapin little girls multiple times,
A mouth full of elements and diabolical rhymes,
A mic full of lines and a head that's multi-dimensional,
An unconventional lyrical spiritual interval,
The world's fate seemed disastrous when heard in the prophecies,
Extremely calamitous, even the illest of serpents talk to me,
I know one that knew Adam and Eve, and one from Greek Mythology,
They taught me toxicology while I taught them to speak philosophy,
I attack social psychology while I spit ideology,
Ripping anthology modestly developing high technology,
With a technique that's intangible, so watch in awe with me,
I eat uncooked animals like cannibals so your not as raw as me,
I'm off the chain, I'm a heartless beast with a darkened brain,
Far from insain, cause I'm so untame that I can't be constrained,
Not maintained, suicidal thoughts are hard to be abstained,
So ominous, even my ordinary side is unexplained,
Delirious, serious, fuck I'm not for fun and games,
Only entertained, when I spill a vein and the blood is stained.


Just caused paralysis and I'm beginning to amputate,
Hearin you palpitate while I salivate and strangulate,
A beast with scales, if you agitate I'll castigate,
I calculate, if you begin feeling ill it means the poison has activate,
I'm so cold, even when I spit fire I leave you with chills,
Defeatin my skills is like OD'in and tryna secrete the pills,
I'm unique and ill, rhymes are inhabited by prognostication,
I see your deprivation of lyrical illustration as an implication,
That your dissipatin while I'm spittin incantations in indignation,
My stabilization is a obviously a fabrication,
Regeneratin and harmlessly takin radiation while my brain is phazin,
I'll take mace in my face and say 'Thanks, this is the taste I've been cravin!'
I commit rape on a daily basis to break in a lady's places,
Change into my regular form and drain you until your dried up like a raisin,
I contaminate you with rhymes as I please, depicted as boisterous rappin,
I breathe illness and disease, spit poison and famine,
Even a poisonous dagger stabbed in the back of my skin causes inaction,
Sin's abstraction causes a chain reaction of famine and dissatisfaction,
To enemy's distractions, simply subtracted like mathematic transaction,
My intensity slash density results in hypersensitivity reaction,
An afflicted curse, killin in hospital beds like a wicked nurse,
I only spill rhymes to release the building venom, so when I spit it hurts,
My stomache is filled with toxic fluid so if my hip twists it bursts,
Filled with a curse, to deplete your soul until your spirit thirsts.


I'm not a serpent to be charmed, I'm a serpent that charms humanity,
With demonic plans in me and a bomb armed and implanted in me,
Causing instant catastophe which follows when I spit systematically,
I flip your mentality, filled with mental acrobatics in me,
Tactfully unleashing wrath in me, I use alchemy to burn your family,
Damaging amnesty, so dark that I even bring agony to fantasies,
Verses only end fatally, assaults that attack you painfully,
Someone's bound to get hit like I'm ejaculating aimlessly,
Consistently writing in calligraphy, conscience filled with complicity,
A beast with agility to quickly steal your virginity,
After killing divinities, I've realized no combatant's a match for me,
Gradually spilling my wrath to show rap my capacity,
Substantially, gifted and spitting while shifting the galaxy's gravity,
My anatomy's fit lyrically naturally since before my tragic depravity,
Passively filling you with cavities while causing atrophy passably,
Rapidly sanity is becoming more absent in me,
I swallow you whole, then I regurgitate with acidic contents,
Prolific sonnets constantly spilling out of my mouth like liquid vomit,
I try to quiet my state, but I lie with hate when I hibernate,
Even when tranquilized, the chaos never ceases to try to escape,
I choke you with your own hair until your soul can't forbear,
And kill you before the lord can hear a word of your own prayer,
I devour your lyrics playfully, a snake in a state of latency,
There's no escapin my fate, it's fatally too late for me..


...And that's who I am..
..Now you you know..

..And that's all she wrote..

The crimson-gold entrance of a restaraunt captured my attention; passing by the scent, this blast of vibrant senses
Inhaling the incense of fresh, steamy rice served with fish-fillet, I visioned trays; alas, the finest dishes!
But not a dollar by my pockets- thus, I plopped beside the curb as my mouth watered; I was starvin'
Shorn of penny in hand- then came a brilliant plan, to taste those succulent specials of Robert's China Garden..

..Or whatever the name of this asian eatery! So I came in sneakily- that is, until a waitress seated me
Saying, "Be at ease! You don't have to pay immediately," amazing me with how I'd reached a buffet this easily
Before she gave a drink to me, with great indecency- I left my table to grab a plate to take in secrecy
Trays of great cuisines in reach- the sizzling oysters, steaming beef and crab legs had changed my day infeasibly!

I picked out elegant arrangements of won-tons, coconut shrimps, and even found a seasoned flounder platter
Torn decisions of foreign dishes; will it be the orange chicken- or pork and ribs with sweet-and-sour batter?
In the midst of a mental conflict, my eyes flickered toward the sushi section for a second and suddenly, I froze-
Were my eyes decieved? No- I could see, it was wrapped in rice indeed: a god-damn California roll.

* * *

That little taste of deliciousness in roasted seaweed; the sight was like a girl in remote Tahiti with no bikini
The fact that it lay still untouched, freshly-wrapped amidst the countertops without notice was so demeaning
I darted toward it, people shouting, "Slow the fuck down!" but now- my lungs found the aroma of kung pao stir fry
So I spun around to follow it saying, "I'll save the roll for last," as I'd come across this calamari seafood delight!

While gathering octopus- I was dazzled by Foo Young galore; piling my plate, leaving room for no more
My eyes glued to the potstickers coated in soy sauce mixtures and Chow Mein, as if I'd never seen a noodle before
Caught up in embellished dela***ies; a faint forgetfulness descended upon the entree I'd in store for last
The roll, alas! I leaped forward, dashing across the floorboard toward the sushi- until I felt a shoulder tap

A man said, "I'm sorry, but you've made too much of a ruckus," snatching the plate from where my fingers gripped
I lunged at my luncheon- but fell on my stomach as he pulled back, and knocked me out the door with a single kick
There I was once again, on the curb with my mouth watering; forever banned from this place 'till I turned old
But I promised myself; one day, I would sneak in again and get my hands on that god-damn California roll.

I remember the innocent sparkle that glimmered so subtle under the Northern Lights; your sapphiren eyes
Oblivious to the cold, we'd play, scurrying through the snow, each day; embracing Boreas' frozen paradise
Life-long companions, venturing amidst the blisterin' blizzards, held together strong by empathy's zealous ties
We'd oathed never to leave eachother's side; lives even death couldn't seperate, as energy never dies

I remember we thought we were ageless and undying; protected by the bond of immortal vows
It was until one night, when a song of sadness and lament drifted amongst the air carried by mournful howls
We'd followed its broken-hearted tune through mountainous expanse, as suddenly the sound of silence sung;
That striking stillness I'll never forget, when a dog's figure loomed over his companion's, who's time had come

I remember its head in the fur of its fallen brethren, as it let go a weathered belief, that never he'd leave
We came to it and shared its sorrow; accompanied its misery, and as the moonlight shone, together we'd grieved
We let little shimmering tear drops embrace the mountainside's earth; let our woes brandish into stone
Imagining how the two brothers used to run and play like us; just a couple wolves dancing in the snow


I remember luxuriant stories we'd tell; how Elysian Fields' golden gates awaited us beyond the Northern Star
'O Sparkling beacon, we chased to the Arctic region's farthest reaches, determined to find utopia no matter how far
Our feet were driven forward with scuttled pursuit; painted in our mind like a portrait, this wonderful view
Envisioning lands of warmth; greens that contrasted to the sheets of white, which flourished in colorful hues

I remember we aged and our souls became weary; still, we searched this land far from home, long departed
But we grew old, and we grew tired; so my journey with you to utopia had come to an end, but not forgotten
I could see you dieing, and we both knew a trickling flicker of life would soon put your sapphiren eyes to rest
You promised me we would meet again, whether it life or death, then you died with your final breath

So I put my head in your fur, my fallen brethren; howling as the moonlight shone, giving you a tenderly kiss
Whispering in your ear, one last oath; that I would meet you in utopia, where your energy lives
Little shimmering teardrops embraced the frosted earth, as I let my woes brandish into stone
and I remembered how we used to run and play, each day.. just a couple wolves dancing in the snow


The Hammer loose & ringing,
Im bangin Superwomen. Orc got a Madam moving with him from Japan & two in Yemen
Ya man is stupid with 'em, & I stay switchin up that Bank Role like Janet Hubert-Whitten
Fuck a Bar I'ma grip Chrome
The hardest with Brimstone & u'll be Rolling if I Start Running like the Car in the Flinstones
Got Barbies banged.. & necks will get clocked bruh. My set is a Monster with Bacardi plans
I'm a Party man. U hardly BLAM! Have ya crew screamin 'GET TO THE CHOPPER' like Arnie Fans
In lamens I'm too fly. Insane with the moves guy, flow like Rain in a Blue Sky
I'd play Five Finger Roullete with the Blade of Battousai after a Table of Moonshine
There's no Revival, I'm the ONLY Rival. My techs move in haste n' by stealth
Fuck a Broken Idol, I wrote the Bible after Coke & Five Pills then Excommunicated myself
Let the ruckus flow: U going where the Dead Heading
I'm cooking dope - was at the Red Wedding during the Head Wetting & told Roose Bolton to fuck a goat
You'll never be witnessed with a pen of just mishits
don't needta *Slow It Down.* U need every rap slogan that ever existed plus one Helllll of a wish list
Duck if you step cuz Im fucked in the head, don't let the hole in it spook ya
I'd play Russian Roulette covered in Lead with a Loaded Bazooka after a Bowl of Sambucha
THIS man a Beast!? Fantasy.
I'm an evil Lord -- you a Keebler Dwarf with a bland physique
The heaters off: I'd squeeze n' torch a Ouija board 'til even Satan can't stand the Heat
You ain't got the Bones to speak. I'm the Coldest Priest, roaming streets ina Robe of Meat
I stole the Golden Fleece from a Roman Fleet all because I was Trolling Geeks while Cold in Greece
Im getting it now, Burden is cute.. taking Virgins in groups like Suburbias loose
Murderous too. Trust if 'my Heads in the Clouds' I'm conversing w/ Zeus over a Bourbon or two
I'm the Wordsmith on a Molly with hammer fist blows
.... ''Now you're First to Get this Body'' like what Adam was told when God was handling dough
It's quicksand when this bastard comes through,
I'll Master a coup. Disastrous dude. I once touched MC Hammer mid dance with HIS hand
They need a Banner all in red or a Camera on my head for putting an extravaganza on in text
Bars are soft as hell; you listen to Alanis Morissete both in the car and on cassette
I bring a Hammer for the set. Your Arms small, that's a Tyrannosaurus Rex
I'm totin' blammers that'd ghost Bin Laden, acting so Aladdin in a Sire's turban
I'm toasting Stalin in Copenhagen; the Iron Curtain's supplying Burden:
You're welcome for the fire wording
Orc's pensive with wordplay, armed with a Kenshin Reverse-Blade that'll leave heads a group
Did I mention that Burd's great? The penmanship's first rate....
I'm a Poltergeist of Walter White in an incredible crew that's set up to shoot
The caustic type with irreverent views. My dick Elephant huge.
I'm like Bob Marley. The Don Yardie.
No, wait.. I'm Tom Hardy. That's a Legend to you (in one helllll of a suit)
I'll turn up to ya Mom's party and be both clever and cute in my finest pair of leopard print shoes
I'm every gal's weakness; they leak fluid. This man's penis has its own beat to it --
Trust when I'm in the streets moving they play Val Venis' theme music.
& I take a Barbarian Selfie,
Ur manner is soft: when the Hammer is wrought, know the carrions plenty
Danaerys man will get offed... #NodisrespecttoBarristanSelmy
I'm Bombing so stay where da range is; this meth head'll be left black
It's common to have the Clay make u famous. I'm talking Celebrity Deathmatch
We know Ozil. I'm so real that when I type hymens move, it's light shit too
U vs Bison moves: U couldn't be Klose to a legend & I score more times than dude
The poll shows u nice w/ the Mentions? we'll see when the Wessons clear
U'll take a slide ina second. Now ya girl be Raiden the legend & we ain't talkn Metal Gear
Hollows don't knock twice. I'm a mad ripped Brad Pitt, bitches wanna swallow the cock right
You ain't THAT kid, SAVAGE. if Man get his Sack gripped... it's followed by ''Cough Twice''
I'm the Martyr of War. The heart of a Brawl.. leave man rabid & in parts on the floor
The rap addict, grab ya nan's Black wig 'Fly thru the air & take a Stab at it'.. no Darts in a Board
U trying to shoot often? Dude stop it. You'll die if you do cock it & lie ina Blue coffin
Wana lose ya Health. Well.. then Suit Yaself & we ain't talking Buying a New Closet
This bastards gay.. yo I ain't evil, I'm Hot. The feeble will rot with dreams of the top
Since u passed away, ya girl cut my pic & Masturbate -- they call me the Cream of the Crop
Ya girl love my wording as well. She said you nervous as hell
Ur Caucasian. No.. I said your Cock Asian, it whispers ''Sorry Father, I failed u'' & tries to murder itself
I'm the sickest Head, you'll be lifted dead. Orc's Heracles when the Herald speaks
I'll put an end to this Chicken Head.. & we ain't talking Preparing Feasts or Tearing Meat
U'll lay broken in defeat n' opened in the street. U emboldened w. retreat but it's dead wrong
I'll choke him in his sleep.. dump the body & Have him 'Rolling in the Deep' like Adelles song
It's the Tsar with these quotes, I'll rip apart a Hero just to arm the Heat scope
Sparkkk til he's smoke. Mark the beast's throat.
How this Spar gone be dope?! it's ORC vs Darker Ego times every Bar that he's Wrote
I'm at Benihana with ya Baby Momma dressed as Master Chief in Heavy Armour
I SHOULD clip the snaggle-teeth Manatee witha magazine...
...but fuuuck it I'm a steady charmer
This is Big Baby gone mad, man's killed in a second when the FINISH HIM beckons
The Switchblade is on hand but the Kick game is Hwoarang if we bringing that Tekken
I'm in Vegas sippin' with a thot like Mel B
Insane at spitting, my veins are different
As hotttt as Hell be.
Man like Thomas Shelby with the Razor hidden & the Gauge for gripping
Praise the women; I'm stillll stronger than Killmonger with the Double Blades
I've been Heel longer than a Summer day but my Steel somber as a Judges wake
The GOD flows sick: I'll bring all manner of pain like Sandor Clegane the sickest version
I had the hollows picked.. but you 'already got those Tips' when I fixed your wording
This is BANANAS... The clip too. Got the Hammer equipped to damage the kids crew
You'd need Ravishing Rick Rude, a Panther, a Schitzu, a Gat and like Six dudes just to FATHOM the slick moves
The fandom's legit, true. How sick can a kid be!? Vicious & filthy when moving the right hand
A Shooter with nice tan, even Richard Kuklinski wish he could pinch me, I'm cooler than Iceman

The Russian cannons fire round-shot to snatch men from our ranks,
Our drummers play on and our men march forwards en masse.
The Sargants shout “Form up!” The ranks thin and reform as men die,
But the French columns march on our Golden Eagle banners held high.

I am Henry Zuran - Major in a unit of 300 French Heavy Dragoons,
We are the elite mounted infantry attached to Colonel Maxwall’s platoon.
I was dismounted and watched the battle from a nearby ridge,
30, 000 French against 50, 000 Russians, the battle was big.
But it was ending, the sounds of volleys grew further and further apart,
Neither side could gain ground and both armies were at an impasse.

A junior officer was running over, “Major Zuran, Colonel Maxwall says he is unwell,
And he is not fit to lead the cavalry force through that hell.”
“My God man, the Colonel must be fit to lead unless he’s dead?”
The officer looked embarrassed “Sir the Colonel is drunk he will not rise from his bed.”
The young man looked up over the hill,
He saw the great white clouds of smoke from the firing drills,
The Russian cannon had taken a heavy toll it was notorious,
The young man spoke “Major Zuran have we won?” I said “Yes of course man, France is always victorious!”
In truth it was indecisive, in a way both sides were defeated,
Heavy losses and death tolls as both main forces retreated.
Only slowly retreating rear-guards were left on the field,
And in that moment - I knew my destiny had been revealed.
I saw a chance for glory and for pride, a chance to snatch victory and claim France a great prize,
A cart full of wounded was dragged past over the rise,
The young officer doubled over and vomited, I saw the fear in his eyes,
I said “Come with me man, into the battle we’ll ride!”

When I studied as a young man, the military academy said I was too aggressive,
They wrote I was too direct and that “In battle you must be deceptive.”
But now for one day I will be in command, I have only one chance,
I will perform such a deed that the Emperor himself will make me a Marshall of France.
My Dragoons will be like the hammer, the enemy will shatter apart,
I will strike through their rear-guard and rip out their heart.

The enemy was retreating in square their bayonets levelled on guard,
It is taught that no horse can break through steel held with levelled arms,
For cavalry to break an infantry square has been called impossibly hard,
But still I will order my men to charge! And I will lead the vanguard!
Because today the Russians have already suffered death and defeat,
Their morale will be low and their resolve will be weak,
It will not take much to turn the enemy to panic,
When one man runs so does another - and then their whole force will be frantic.
My men will fight for me more than that Maxwall drunkard and bore,
I have fought beside these men from the Rhineland, to Spain and now here at Warsaw.
I am not one for words, I gathered my men shouted “Vive Le’Emperor!” and then turned,
Facing the enemy they were 2 hills away, the next moments all blurred,
A slow canter at first, the trumpeter played as our horses began to gallop,
Over the rolling hills we quickened as we neared to our challenge.
The enemy had cannon in their first square! An almighty sound and a great fireball,
We were met with a musketry volley, I saw Dragoons to the left and right of me fall,
I saw a Dragoon being dragged by the stirrup along by his mare,
His horse was shot but the beast slid and crashed into the first square.
It created a gap! I pointed my sword and charged towards it,
I felt a terrible shot in my shoulder but I just had to ignore it,
I was the first inside the square, hacking at the infantry line,
My horse was stabbed in its side as more and more Dragoons arrived.
My horse reared up I held tight the reigns and back its head jerked,
The enemy broke, cavalry had smashed a square, now this was a first!
The second and third squares heard the screaming men, clanging metal and hooves slamming into the earth,
Our curved cavalry sabres were designed for this kind of work.
All three squares broke – Spur on, lean right, slash and spur on again,
Hack downwards, hack upwards and kill the fleeing men,
We killed until our arms grew heavy and tired,
We killed until the sun fell and extinguished its fire,
Three broken enemy squares nothing was left or desired,
A glorious day, I looked around at the events that transpired.
I saw my happy soldiers, the dead enemy, and those that were captured,
My men knew we had done something magic, I knew today was an affirmation of my own skill in tactics,
I knew it would not take much to turn the enemy to panic,
And so 300 French Dragoons had defeated 4000 Russians and captured 3 battle standards.
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