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Old 04-19-2024, 02:02 AM   #521
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“You are lost in the depths of darkness; this desolate valley is an endless margin
Only you again - can become light’s presented target, or end up a leper’s carcass.
Broaden your horizons over the horizon, and seek The Lord as your saving grace
For your life is precious, embrace your lake; only then can you change your fate”

The Black Moon, suddenly disappeared, for I'd dissipated my fear, and the magnificent horizon had never looked more clear
I followed it for miles on end, it was pleasantly revered – yet one of my footnotes were not too sincere.
For I decided near my heart’s lake to write poems against my God – and there was no doubt, his descendants saw
So The Black Moon descended again; a method called, and the beautiful horizon might as well been a sent mirage.

Many serene white moons have passed; where I've seen the Black Moon; descend in my slumber
How I wished for the horizon, or maybe I should have prayed - to have it by the end of the summer
I want to ascend from rubble - my heart's lake quenches holy waters from the heavens
Yet my soul refuses to quit-infusing with sin - denying the help from a church or a reverend.

Yes, I didn't turn to a Methodist, or turn to a Methodist - to repent for my sins
Instead I dabbled in sex, fighting, and alcoholism, all coming from the hellish depths of within'
I continued to write blasphemous poems near my heart's lake, while watching skeletons subside in the surface
Maybe it was time I realized scrutinizing is worthless, and lived with the intent of finding a purpose.

Living with the intent of finding a purpose to live, what are the gifts - that journey will give?
Will it be a serpent that slithers in the crevice of rifts, or holy water for extinguishing the hell's fire - burning my crypt.
I see the ghastly Black Moon, hover over my heart's lake, and the whistling wind is trapping my breath
Maybe one day, I'll see the beautiful horizon again, glistening over this valley of death.

Many serene white moons have passed, and the Black Moon descended over my self
The sky was starless, maybe it was meant for me - as a phoenix from ash arose for my health
Devilish memories flooded the lake of my heart; as demons appeared out of dirt from the valley
Even he himself; Satan in the flesh, waited for my breath - for he felt I deserved a finale!

Yes, I am freighted of my demons and devil(s), but I must face them - face to face
For I know with you, Lord - and the savior's flame, I will have a saving grace.

Seraphim's response:

We've heard your cry, thy bless'ed son - the tides of your heart's lake have rendered much
May you follow the magnificent horizon, ascend and such - and feel The Lord's tender touch.
Your dreams beckon, reach out for the valley of death to prosper, passed the clouds and tests of somber
For you are one with Heaven's father, and with him - evil, will be forever conquered.

With that, the demons have vanquished, for I feel a miraculous light in my soul
Satan retracted his menacing presence, and to see God's miracle was a sight to behold
For The Black Moon ascended, and the beautiful Horizon never looked so bright, for my destined charm raised
And thus began a miraculous journey, as I was baptized in my heart's lake.

A psychic's cry on Greek Mythology
Sharp sword katana tongue; son of a sword; rummage accord; Djinn and Mystic of the Mystic Bible Belt
All I hear with my six sense is 'I need help' Sirens tell of hell; I'm a Siren with assuring kindness
My burning iris burns the fire of the sun; I am hell's flame; compel vain
I'm a demon prince; I render hell's reign; in Hell; Angels are Hell's pray
Excel chains at horsemen and cherubs; slice you with a sword; then my maws will tear up
'Iccubus' was a Angel named Icarus's rare come; I sliced with a sword with no remorse
Daedelus made his way to the devil's whereabouts; the fires of Egypt blared the mouse
I am Demon; a sharp sword aired the proud; and with a Asherah Pole; cut down anyone who dare arouse
I'm a psychic with a pair of vows; Noah's ark; approached by a Griffin; the ocean choked him submissive
Hades provoked him a mistress; the devil saw him delicious; made him gluttonous punishment
Demons are fucking a succubus; sucking a hundred winds; lunge from the hugs of kids
Aphrodite and her sisters were fucking wet; at night had sex with her till' the sun was set
A psychic I punish breaths; under the sunset I give them a hellish death; killed their death
Saw Medusa's and her Gorgons with my own two eyes; fulfilled their death; killed their breaths
For the serpent of Eden; ate every snake atop of Medusa's head; she learned she was sinful through her death
Cerberus grew some heads; as his morality was rendered obsolete; for it's ribcage; I caught it's seethe
Punish hunger pains of Vikings; 666 devils with pitchforks; tortured and scorched them with hell's flame
To Zeus's sons; and their felt vain; I murdered Hercules and Ares with hell's flame
I look Zeus straight in the eyes; shed tears of joy; making him cry; the sight of this is sickening
Your people's pride's wickedness; you will burn in hell for eternity; as I murder the Second Icarus


There once was a dragon; THE SUN/SON OF A FAGGOT -- dunce of a maggot
He created trouble all over towns and city's; surrounding witty; THE PUN OF MAGNUMS
I am the dragon; fire breathing flames; the sire seethe the brain; denial from cocaine
I gassed fumigation; reserved adjacent; from the sparkling river
THE HEART WILL DELIVER: harbor and quiver from the mark of a inch worm
THE DARK MADE ME DELIVER; numerous fire breathing flames to hell when it froze over
I was sought a psychic who levitated mountains and turned his walls to a blood spray fountain
I am numerous sea dog's -- the wretched hexes embellshed testament of resentment win(D)
ENDING THE PREFICATE pushing the deficit of every fucking KIN(G) AND KIN
TIl one day a fucking psychic named JOHN APPRACHED ME
I didn't enjoy his presence; he was after my essence; the bath of presents
THE LAUGH OF PEASENTS: is that all you deliver when we worship this dragon!??
No it isn't he said; bursting red from curses, after curses after curses
WE ARE WOMAN SEERS: we suck the red dragons cock; dead faggot mock!?
RED TANGENT FOX: he looked at the horizon than burst blood
THIRST MUD; the dragon laughed; and bursted flames; burning him to smithreens
IT WAS LIKE A GULLOOTINE; serene sun serene sun oh' serene sun..

..IT WAS A KING..who's time had come..

I look into the vast distance; passed the skies blue colorful hues
remembering how the hummingbird's chirp matched your wondrous' mood
you were subtle with gloom; singing it to sleep with lovable tunes
soothing any troubled creature that moved under the moon
the flowers would bloom; every time it sensed your motion in presence
your devotion to blessings captured rising oceans in essence
you glowed with fluorescent fragrances that flourished your life
time would stand still as your tranquil beauty allured in the night
You were the source of delight; and I assured your leave wasn't in vain
For your son is sustained; to shine his bright light on the coming of day
Through perilous clouds summoning gray; I'll clear the thunder and rain
illuminating all that plummet in pain: all when I hover above the terrain
Watch my radiance seize the hand, and dispose of the dire deeds of man
And from the trees and grass to the seas and sand; I promise there’ll be a peaceful land
Once that need is grant; I hope you smile like the sweet sun you savored
I’ll always remember you as my beloved creator; Mother Nature
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Old 04-19-2024, 02:03 AM   #522
Sinacog's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2018
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OF Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit
Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast
Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,
Sing Heav'nly Muse, that on the secret top
Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire
That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed,
In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth
Rose out of Chaos: or if Sion Hill
Delight thee more, and Siloa's brook that flow'd
Fast by the Oracle of God; I thence
Invoke thy aid to my adventrous Song,
That with no middle flight intends to soar
Above th' Aonian Mount, while it pursues
Things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhime.
And chiefly Thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer
Before all Temples th' upright heart and pure,
Instruct me, for Thou know'st; Thou from the first
Wast present, and with mighty wings outspread
Dove-like satst brooding on the vast Abyss
And mad'st it pregnant: What in me is dark
Illumin, what is low raise and support;
That to the highth of this great Argument
I may assert Eternal Providence,
And justifie the wayes of God to men.

Say first, for Heav'n hides nothing from thy view
Nor the deep Tract of Hell, say first what cause
Mov'd our Grand Parents in that happy State,
Favour'd of Heav'n so highly, to fall off
From thir Creator, and transgress his Will
For one restraint, Lords of the World besides?
Who first seduc'd them to that foul revolt?
Th' infernal Serpent; he it was, whose guile
Stird up with Envy and Revenge, deceiv'd
The Mother of Mankind, what time his Pride
Had cast him out from Heav'n, with all his Host
Of Rebel Angels, by whose aid aspiring
To set himself in Glory above his Peers,
He trusted to have equal'd the most High,
If he oppos'd; and with ambitious aim
Against the Throne and Monarchy of God
Rais'd impious War in Heav'n and Battel proud
With vain attempt. Him the Almighty Power
Hurld headlong flaming from th' Ethereal Skie
With hideous ruine and combustion down
To bottomless perdition, there to dwell
In Adamantine Chains and penal Fire,
Who durst defie th' Omnipotent to Arms.
Nine times the Space that measures Day and Night
To mortal men, he with his horrid crew
Lay vanquisht, rowling in the fiery Gulfe
Confounded though immortal: But his doom
Reserv'd him to more wrath; for now the thought
Both of lost happiness and lasting pain
Torments him; round he throws his baleful eyes
That witness'd huge affliction and dismay
Mixt with obdurate pride and stedfast hate:
At once as far as Angels kenn he views
The dismal Situation waste and wilde,
A Dungeon horrible, on all sides round
As one great Furnace flam'd, yet from those flames
No light, but rather darkness visible
Serv'd onely to discover sights of woe,
Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace
And rest can never dwell, hope never comes
That comes to all; but torture without end
Still urges, and a fiery Deluge, fed
With ever-burning Sulphur unconsum'd:
Such place Eternal Justice had prepar'd
For those rebellious, here thir prison ordained
In utter darkness, and thir portion set
As far remov'd from God and light of Heav'n
As from the Center thrice to th' utmost Pole.
O how unlike the place from whence they fell!
There the companions of his fall, o'rewhelm'd
With Floods and Whirlwinds of tempestuous fire,
He soon discerns, and weltring by his side
One next himself in power, and next in crime,
Long after known in Palestine, and nam'd
Beelzebub. To whom th' Arch-Enemy,
And thence in Heav'n call'd Satan, with bold words
Breaking the horrid silence thus began.

If thou beest he; But O how fall'n! how chang'd
From him, who in the happy Realms of Light
Cloth'd with transcendent brightness didst out-shine
Myriads though bright: If he whom mutual league,
United thoughts and counsels, equal hope
And hazard in the Glorious Enterprize,
Joynd with me once, now misery hath joynd
In equal ruin: into what Pit thou seest
From what highth fall'n, so much the stronger prov'd
He with his Thunder: and till then who knew
The force of those dire Arms? yet not for those,
Nor what the Potent Victor in his rage
Can else inflict, do I repent or change,
Though chang'd in outward lustre; that fixt mind
And high disdain, from sence of injur'd merit,
That with the mightiest rais'd me to contend,
And to the fierce contention brought along
Innumerable force of Spirits arm'd
That durst dislike his reign, and me preferring,
His utmost power with adverse power oppos'd
In dubious Battel on the Plains of Heav'n,
And shook his throne. What though the field be lost?
All is not lost; the unconquerable Will,
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield:
And what is else not to be overcome?
That Glory never shall his wrath or might
Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace
With suppliant knee, and deifie his power,
Who from the terrour of this Arm so late
Doubted his Empire, that were low indeed,
That were an ignominy and shame beneath
This downfall; since by Fate the strength of Gods
And this Empyreal substance cannot fail,
Since through experience of this great event
In Arms not worse, in foresight much advanc't,
We may with more successful hope resolve
To wage by force or guile eternal Warr
Irreconcileable, to our grand Foe,
Who now triumphs, and in th' excess of joy
Sole reigning holds the Tyranny of Heav'n.

So spake th' Apostate Angel, though in pain,
Vaunting aloud, but rackt with deep despare:
And him thus answer'd soon his bold Compeer.

O Prince, O Chief of many Throned Powers,
That led th' imbattelld Seraphim to Warr
Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds
Fearless, endanger'd Heav'ns perpetual King;
And put to proof his high Supremacy,
Whether upheld by strength, or Chance, or Fate,
Too well I see and rue the dire event,
That with sad overthrow and foul defeat
Hath lost us Heav'n, and all this mighty Host
In horrible destruction laid thus low,
As far as Gods and Heav'nly Essences
Can perish: for the mind and spirit remains
Invincible, and vigour soon returns,
Though all our Glory extinct and happy state
Here swallow'd up in endless misery.
But what if he our Conquerour, (whom I now
Of force believe Almighty, since no less
Then such could hav orepow'rd such force as ours)
Have left us this our spirit and strength intire
Strongly to suffer and support our pains,
That we may so suffice his vengeful ire,
Or do him mightier service as his thralls
By right of Warr, what e're his business be
Here in the heart of Hell to work in Fire,
Or do his Errands in the gloomy Deep;
What can it then avail though yet we feel
Strength undiminisht, or eternal being
To undergo eternal punishment?
Whereto with speedy words th' Arch-fiend reply'd.

Fall'n Cherube, to be weak is miserable
Doing or Suffering: but of this be sure,
To do ought good never will be our task,
But ever to do ill our sole delight,
As being the contrary to his high will
Whom we resist. If then his Providence
Out of our evil seek to bring forth good,
Our labour must be to pervert that end,
And out of good still to find means of evil;
Which oft times may succeed, so as perhaps
Shall grieve him, if I fail not, and disturb
His inmost counsels from thir destind aim.
But see the angry Victor hath recall'd
His Ministers of vengeance and pursuit
Back to the Gates of Heav'n: the Sulphurous Hail
Shot after us in storm, oreblown hath laid
The fiery Surge, that from the Precipice
Of Heav'n receiv'd us falling, and the Thunder,
Wing'd with red Lightning and impetuous rage,
Perhaps hath spent his shafts, and ceases now
To bellow through the vast and boundless Deep.
Let us not slip th' occasion, whether scorn,
Or satiate fury yield it from our Foe.
Seest thou yon dreary Plain, forlorn and wilde,
The seat of desolation, voyd of light,
Save what the glimmering of these livid flames
Casts pale and dreadful? Thither let us tend
From off the tossing of these fiery waves,
There rest, if any rest can harbour there,
And reassembling our afflicted Powers,
Consult how we may henceforth most offend
Our Enemy, our own loss how repair,
How overcome this dire Calamity,
What reinforcement we may gain from Hope,
If not what resolution from despare.

Thus Satan to his neerest Mate
With Head up-lift above the wave, and Eyes
That sparkling blaz'd, his other Parts besides
Prone on the Flood, extended long and large
Lay floating many a rood, in bulk as huge
As whom the Fables name of monstrous size,
Titanian, or Earth-born, that warr'd on Jove,
Briareos or Typhon, whom the Den
By ancient Tarsus held, or that Sea-beast
Leviathan, which God of all his works
Created hugest that swim th' Ocean stream:
Him haply slumbring on the Norway foam
The Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff,
Deeming some Island, oft, as Sea-men tell,
With fixed Anchor in his skaly rind
Moors by his side under the Lee, while Night
Invests the Sea, and wished Morn delayes:
So stretcht out huge in length the Arch-fiend lay
Chain'd on the burning Lake, nor ever thence
Had ris'n or heav'd his head, but that the will
And high permission of all-ruling Heaven
Left him at large to his own dark designs,
That with reiterated crimes he might
Heap on himself damnation, while he sought
Evil to others, and enrag'd might see
How all his malice serv'd but to bring forth
Infinite goodness, grace and mercy shewn
On Man by him seduc't, but on himself
Treble confusion, wrath and vengeance pour'd.
Forthwith upright he rears from off the Pool
His mighty Stature; on each hand the flames
Drivn backward slope thir pointing spires, and rowld
In billows, leave i'th'midst a horrid Vale.
Then with expanded wings he stears his flight
Aloft, incumbent on the dusky Air
That felt unusual weight, till on dry Land
He lights, as if it were Land that ever burn'd
With solid, as the Lake with liquid fire;
And such appear'd in hue, as when the force
Of subterranean wind transports a Hill
Torn from Pelorus, or the shatter'd side
Of thundring Aetna, whose combustible
And fewel'd entrals thence conceiving Fire,
Sublim'd with Mineral fury, aid the Winds,
And leave a singed bottom all involv'd
With stench and smoak: Such resting found the sole
Of unblest feet. Him followed his next Mate,
Both glorying to have scap't the Stygian flood
As Gods, and by thir own recover'd strength,
Not by the sufferance of supernal Power.

Is this the Region, this the Soil, the Clime,
Said then the lost Arch-Angel, this the seat
That we must change for Heav'n, this mournful gloom
For that celestial light? Be it so, since he
Who now is Sovran can dispose and bid
What shall be right: fardest from him his best
Whom reason hath equald, force hath made supream
Above his equals. Farewel happy Fields
Where Joy for ever dwells: Hail horrours, hail
Infernal world, and thou profoundest Hell
Receive thy new Possessor: One who brings
A mind not to be chang'd by Place or Time.
The mind is its own place, and in it self
Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n.
What matter where, if I be still the same,
And what I should be, all but less then he
Whom Thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; th' Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure, and in my choyce
To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav'n.
But wherefore let we then our faithful friends,
Th' associates and copartners of our loss
Lye thus astonisht on th' oblivious Pool,
And call them not to share with us their part
In this unhappy Mansion, or once more
With rallied Arms to try what may be yet
Regaind in Heav'n, or what more lost in Hell?

So Satan spake, and him Beelzebub
Thus answer'd. Leader of those Armies bright,
Which but th' Omnipotent none could have foyld,
If once they hear that voyce, thir liveliest pledge
Of hope in fears and dangers, heard so oft
In worst extreams, and on the perilous edge
Of battel when it rag'd, in all assaults
Thir surest signal, they will soon resume
New courage and revive, though now they lye
Groveling and prostrate on yon Lake of Fire,
As we erewhile, astounded and amaz'd,
No wonder, fall'n such a pernicious highth.

He scarce had ceas't when the superiour Fiend
Was moving toward the shoar; his ponderous shield
Ethereal temper, massy, large and round,
Behind him cast; the broad circumference
Hung on his shoulders like the Moon, whose Orb
Through Optic Glass the Tuscan Artist views
At Ev'ning from the top of Fesole,
Or in Valdarno, to descry new Lands,
Rivers or Mountains in her spotty Globe.
His Spear, to equal which the tallest Pine
Hewn on Norwegian hills, to be the Mast
Of some great Ammiral, were but a wand,
He walkt with to support uneasie steps
Over the burning Marle, not like those steps
On Heavens Azure, and the torrid Clime
Smote on him sore besides, vaulted with Fire;
Nathless he so endur'd, till on the Beach
Of that inflamed Sea, he stood and call'd
His Legions, Angel Forms, who lay intrans't
Thick as Autumnal Leaves that strow the Brooks
In Vallombrosa, where th' Etrurian shades
High overarch't imbowr; or scatterd sedge
Afloat, when with fierce Winds Orion arm'd
Hath vext the Red-Sea Coast, whose waves orethrew
Busirus and his Memphian Chivalry,
While with perfidious hatred they pursu'd
The Sojourners of Goshen, who beheld
From the safe shore thir floating Carkases
And broken Chariot Wheels, so thick bestrown
Abject and lost lay these, covering the Flood,
Under amazement of thir hideous change.
He call'd so loud, that all the hollow Deep
Of Hell resounded. Princes, Potentates
Warriers, the Flowr of Heav'n, once yours, now lost,
If such astonishment as this can sieze
Eternal spirits; or have ye chos'n this place
After the toyl of Battel to repose
Your wearied vertue, for the ease you find
To slumber here, as in the Vales of Heav'n?
Or in this abject posture have ye sworn
To adore the Conquerour? who now beholds
Cherube and Seraph rowling in the Flood
With scatter'd Arms and Ensigns, till anon
His swift pursuers from Heav'n Gates discern
Th' advantage, and descending tread us down
Thus drooping, or with linked Thunderbolts
Transfix us to the bottom of this Gulfe.
Awake, arise, or be for ever fall'n.

They heard, and were abasht, and up they sprung
Upon the wing, as when men wont to watch
On duty, sleeping found by whom they dread,
Rouse and bestir themselves ere well awake.
Nor did they not perceave the evil plight
In which they were, or the fierce pains not feel;
Yet to thir Generals Voyce they soon obeyd
Innumerable. As when the potent Rod
Of Amrams Son in Egypts evill day
Wav'd round the Coast, up call'd a pitchy cloud
Of Locusts, warping on the Eastern Wind,
That ore the Realm of impious Pharaoh hung
Like Night, and darken'd all the Land of Nile:
So numberless were those bad Angels seen
Hovering on wind under the Cope of Hell
'Twixt upper, nether, and surrounding Fires;
Till, as a signal giv'n, th' uplifted Spear
Of thir great Sultan waving to direct
Thir course, in even ballance down they light
On the firm brimstone, and fill all the Plain;
A multitude, like which the populous North
Pour'd never from her frozen loyns, to pass
Rhene or the Danaw, when her barbarous Sons
Came like a Deluge on the South, and spread
Beneath Gibralter to the Lybian sands.
Forthwith from every Squadron and each Band
The Heads and Leaders thither hast where stood
Thir great Commander; Godlike shapes and forms
Excelling human, Princely Dignities,
And Powers that earst in Heaven sat on Thrones;
Though of thir Names in heav'nly Records now
Be no memorial blotted out and ras'd
By thir Rebellion, from the Books of Life.
Nor had they yet among the Sons of Eve
Got them new Names, till wandring ore the Earth,
Through Gods high sufferance for the tryal of man,
By falsities and lyes the greatest part
Of Mankind they corrupted to forsake
God thir Creator, and th' invisible
Glory of him that made them, to transform
Oft to the Image of a Brute, adorn'd
With gay Religions full of Pomp and Gold,
And Devils to adore for Deities:
Then were they known to men by various Names,
And various Idols through the Heathen World.
Say, Muse, the Names then known, who first, who last,
Rous'd from the slumber, on that fiery Couch,
At thir great Emperors call, as next in worth
Came singly where he stood on the bare strand,
While the promiscuous croud stood yet aloof?
The chief were those who from the Pit of Hell
Roaming to seek thir prey on earth, durst fix
Thir Seats long after next the Seat of God,
Thir Altars by his Altar, Gods ador'd
Among the Nations round, and durst abide
Jehovah thundring out of Sion, thron'd
Between the Cherubim; yea, often plac'd
Within his Sanctuary it self thir Shrines,
Abominations; and with cursed things
His holy Rites, and solemn Feasts profan'd,
And with thir darkness durst affront his light.
First Moloch, horrid King besmear'd with blood
Of human sacrifice, and parents tears,
Though for the noyse of Drums and Timbrels loud
Thir childrens cries unheard, that past through fire
To his grim Idol. Him the Ammonite
Worshipt in Rabba and her watry Plain,
In Argob and in Basan, to the stream
Of utmost Arnon. Not content with such
Audacious neighbourhood, the wisest heart
Of Solomon he led by fraud to build
His Temple right against the Temple of God
On that opprobrious Hill, and made his Grove
The pleasant Vally of Hinnom, Tophet thence
And black Gehenna call'd, the Type of Hell.
Next Chemos, th' obscene dread of Moabs Sons,
From Aroar to Nebo, and the wild
Of Southmost Abarim; in Hesebon
And Heronaim, Seons Realm, beyond
The flowry Dale of Sibma clad with Vines,
And Eleale to th' Asphaltick Pool.
Peor his other Name, when he entic'd
Israel in Sittim on thir march from Nile
To do him wanton rites, which cost them woe.
Yet thence his lustful Orgies he enlarg'd
Even to that Hill of scandal, but the Grove
Of Moloch homicide, lust hard by hate;
Till good Josiah drove them hence to Hell.
With these cam they, who from the bordring flood
Of old Euphrates to the Brook that parts
Egypt from Syrian ground, had general names
Of Baalim and Ashtaroth, those male,
These Feminine. For Spirits when they please
Can either Sex assume, or both; so soft
And uncompounded is thir Essence pure,
Nor ti'd or manacl'd with joynt or limb,
Nor founded on the brittle strength of bones,
Like cumbrous flesh; but in what shape they choose
Dilated or condens't, bright or obscure,
Can execute thir aerie purposes,
And works of love or enmity fulfill.
For those the Race of Israel oft forsook
Thir living strength, and unfrequented left
His righteous Altar, bowing lowly down
To bestial Gods; for which thir heads as low
Bow'd down in Battel, sunk before the Spear
Of despicable foes. With these in troop
Came Astoreth, whom the Phoenicians call'd
Astarte, Queen of Heav'n, with crescent Horns;
To whose bright Image nightly by the Moon
Sidonian Virgins paid thir Vows and Songs,
In Sion also not unsung, where stood
Her Temple on th' offensive Mountain, built
By that uxorious King, whose heart though large,
Beguil'd by fair Idolatresses, fell
To idols foul. Thammuz came next behind,
Whose annual wound in Lebanon allur'd
The Syrian Damsels to lament his fate
In amorous dittyes all a Summers day,
While smooth Adonis from his native Rock
Ran purple to the Sea, suppos'd with blood
Of Thammuz yearly wounded; the Love-tale
Infected Sions daughters with like heat,
Whose wanton passions in the sacred Porch
Ezekial saw, when by the Vision led
His eye survay'd the dark Idolatries
Of alienated Judah. Next came one
Who mourn'd in earnest, when the Captive Ark
Maim'd his brute Image, head and hands lopt off
In his own Temple, on the grunsel edge,
Where he fell flat, and sham'd his Worshipers:
Dagon his Name, Sea Monster, upward Man
And downward Fish: yet had his Temple high
Rear'd in Azotus, dreaded through the Coast
Of Palestine, in Gath and Ascalon
And Accaron and Gaza's frontier bounds.
Him follow'd Rimmon, whose delightful Seat
Was fair Damascus, on the fertil Banks
Of Abbana and Pharphar, lucid streams.
He also against the house of God was bold:
A Leper once he lost and gain'd a King,
Ahaz his sottish Conquerour, whom he drew
Gods Altar to disparage and displace
For one of Syrian mode, whereon to burn
His odious offrings, and adore the Gods
Whom he had vanquisht. After these appear'd
A crew who under Names of old Renown,
Osiris, Isis, Orus and thir Train
With monstrous shapes and sorceries abus'd
Fanatic Egypt and her Priests, to seek
Thir wandring Gods Disguis'd in brutish forms
Rather then human. Nor did Israel scape
Th' infection when thir borrow'd Gold compos'd
The Calf in Oreb: and the Rebel King
Doubl'd that sin in Bethel and in Dan,
Lik'ning his Maker to the Grazed Ox,
Jehovah, who in one Night when he pass'd
From Egypt marching, equal'd with one stroke
Both her first born and all her bleating Gods
Belial came last, then whom a Spirit more lewd
Fell not from Heaven, or more gross to love
Vice for it self: To him no Temple stood
Or Altar smoak'd; yet who more oft then hee
In Temples and at Altars, when the Priest
Turns Atheist, as did Ely's Sons, who fill'd
With lust and violence the house of God.
In Courts and Palaces he also Reigns
And in luxurious Cities, where the noyse
Of riot ascends above thir loftiest Towrs,
And injury and outrage: And when Night
Darkens the Streets, then wander forth the Sons
Of Belial, flown with insolence and wine.
Witness the Streets of Sodom, and that night
In Gibeah, when the hospitable door
Expos'd a Matron to avoid worse rape.
These were the prime in order and in might;
The rest were long to tell, though far renown'd,
Th' Ionian Gods, of Javans issue held
Gods, yet confest later then Heav'n and Earth
Thir boasted Parents; Titan Heav'ns first born
With his enormous brood, and birthright seis'd
By younger Saturn, he from mightier Jove
His own and Rhea's Son like measure found;
So Jove usurping reign'd: these first in Creet
And Ida known, thence on the Snowy top
Of cold Olympus rul'd the middle Air
Thir highest Heav'n; or on the Delphian Cliff,
Or in Dodona, and through all the bounds
Of Doric Land; or who with Saturn old
Fled over Adria to th' Hesperian Fields,
And ore the Celtic roam'd the utmost Isles.
All these and more came flocking; but with looks
Down cast and damp, yet such wherein appear'd
Obscure some glimps of joy, to have found thir chief
Not in despair, to have found themselves not lost
In loss itself; which on his count'nance cast
Like doubtful hue: but he his wonted pride
Soon recollecting, with high words, that bore
Semblance of worth, not substance, gently rais'd
Thir fanting courage, and dispel'd thir fears.
Then strait commands that at the warlike sound
Of Trumpets loud and Clarions be upreard
His mighty Standard; that proud honour claim'd
Azazel as his right, a Cherube tall:
Who forthwith from the glittering Staff unfurld
Th' Imperial Ensign, which full high advanc't
Shon like a Meteor streaming to the Wind
With Gemms and Golden lustre rich imblaz'd,
Seraphic arms and Trophies: all the while
Sonorous mettal blowing Martial sounds:
At which the universal Host upsent
A shout that tore Hells Concave, and beyond
Frighted the Reign of Chaos and old Night.
All in a moment through the gloom were seen
Ten thousand Banners rise into the Air
With Orient Colours waving: with them rose
A Forrest huge of Spears: and thronging Helms
Appear'd, and serried Shields in thick array
Of depth immeasurable: Anon they move
In perfect Phalanx to the Dorian mood
Of Flutes and soft Recorders; such as rais'd
To hight of noblest temper Hero's old
Arming to Battel, and in stead of rage
Deliberate valour breath'd, firm and unmov'd
With dread of death to flight or foul retreat,
Nor wanting power to mitigate and swage
With solemn touches, troubl'd thoughts, and chase
Anguish and doubt and fear and sorrow and pain
From mortal or immortal minds. Thus they
Breathing united force with fixed thought
Mov'd on in silence to soft Pipes that charm'd
Thir painful steps o're the burnt soyle; and now
Advanc't in view, they stand, a horrid Front
Of dreadful length and dazling Arms, in guise
Of Warriers old with order'd Spear and Shield,
Awaiting what command thir mighty Chief
Had to impose: He through the armed Files
Darts his experienc't eye, and soon traverse
The whole Battalion views, thir order due,
Thir visages and stature as of Gods,
Thir number last he summs. And now his heart
Distends with pride, and hardning in his strength
Glories: For never since created man,
Met such imbodied force, as nam'd with these
Could merit more then that small infantry
Warr'd on by Cranes: though all the Giant brood
Of Phlegra with th' Heroic Race were joyn'd
That fought at Theb's and Ilium, on each side
Mixt with auxiliar Gods; and what resounds
In Fable or Romance of Uthers Sons
Begirt with British and Armoric Knights;
And all who since Baptiz'd or Infidel
Jousted in Aspramont or Montalban,
Damasco, or Marocco, or Trebisond
Or whom Biserta sent from Afric shore
When Charlemain with all his Peerage fell
By Fontarabbia. Thus far these beyond
Compare of mortal prowess, yet observ'd
Thir dread commander: he above the rest
In shape and gesture proudly eminent
Stood like a Towr; his form had yet not lost
All her Original brightness, nor appear'd
Less then Arch Angel ruind, and th' excess
Of Glory obscur'd; As when the Sun new ris'n
Looks through the Horizontal misty Air
Shorn of his Beams, or from behind the Moon
In dim Eclips disastrous twilight sheds
On half the Nations, and with fear of change
Perplexes Monarch. Dark'n'd so, yet shon
Above them all th' Arch Angel; but his face
Deep scars of Thunder had intrencht, and care
Sat on his faded cheek, but under Browes
Of dauntless courage, and considerate Pride
Waiting revenge: cruel his eye, but cast
Signs of remorse and passion to behold
The fellows of his crime, the followers rather
(Far other once beheld in bliss) condemn'd
For ever now to have thir lot in pain,
Millions of Spirits for his fault amerc't
Of Heav'n, and from Eternal Splendors flung
For his revolt, yet faithfull how they stood,
Thir Glory witherd. As when Heavens Fire
Hath scath'd the Forrest Oaks, or Mountain Pines,
With singed top thir stately growth though bare
Stands on the blasted Heath. He now prepar'd
To speak; whereat thir doubl'd Ranks they bend
From wing to wing, and half enclose him round
With all his Peers: attention held them mute.
Thrice he assayd, and thrice in spight of scorn,
Tears such as Angels weep, burst forth: at last
Words interwove with sighs found out thir way.

O Myriads of immortal Spirits, O Powers
Matchless, but with th' Almighty, and that strife
Was not inglorious, though th' event was dire,
As this place testifies, and this dire change
Hateful to utter: but what power of mind
Foreseeing or presaging, from the Depth
Of knowledge past or present, could have fear'd,
How such united force of Gods, how such
As stood like these, could ever know repulse?
For who can yet beleeve, though after loss,
That all these puissant Legions, whose exile
Hath emptied Heav'n, shall fail to re-ascend
Self-rais'd, and repossess thir native seat?
For mee be witness all the Host of Heav'n,
If counsels different, or danger shun'd
By mee, have lost our hopes. But he who reigns
Monarch in Heav'n, till then as one secure
Sat on his Throne, upheld by old repute,
Consent or custome, and his Regal State
Put forth at full, but still his strength conceal'd,
Which tempted our attempt, and wrought our fall.
Henceforth his might we know, and know our own
So as not either to provoke, or dread
New warr, provok't; our better part remains
To work in close design, by fraud or guile
What force effected not: that he no less
At length from us may find, who overcomes
By force, hath overcome but half his foe.
Space may produce new Worlds; whereof so rife
There went a fame in Heav'n that he ere long
Intended to create, and therein plant
A generation, whom his choice regard
Should favour equal to the Sons of Heaven:
Thither, if but to pry, shall be perhaps
Our first eruption, thither or elsewhere:
For this Infernal Pit shall never hold
Caelestial Spirits in Bondage, nor th' Abyss
Long under darkness cover. But these thoughts
Full Counsel must mature: Peace is despaird,
For who can think Submission? Warr then, Warr
Open or understood must be resolv'd.

He spake: and to confirm his words, out-flew
Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the thighs
Of mighty Cherubim; the sudden blaze
Far round illumin'd hell: highly they rag'd
Against the Highest, and fierce with grasped Arms
Clash'd on thir sounding Shields the din of war,
Hurling defiance toward the Vault of Heav'n.

There stood a hill not far whose griesly top
Belch'd fire and rowling smoak; the rest entire
Shon with a glossie scurff, undoubted sign
That in his womb was hid metallic Ore,
The work of Sulphur. Thither wing'd with speed
A numerous Brigad hasten'd. As when Bands
Of Pioners with Spade and Pickax arm'd
Forerun the Royal Camp, to trench a Field,
Or cast a Rampart. Mammon led them on,
Mammon, the least erected Spirit that fell
From heav'n, for ev'n in heav'n his looks and thoughts
Were always downward bent, admiring more
The riches of Heav'ns pavement, trod'n Gold,
Then aught divine or holy else enjoy'd
In vision beatific: by him first
Men also, and by his suggestion taught
Ransack'd the Center, and with impious hands
Rifl'd the bowels of thir mother Earth
For Treasures better hid. Soon had his crew
Op'nd into the Hill a spacious wound
And dig'd out ribs of Gold. Let none admire
That riches grow in Hell; that soyle may best
Deserve the precious bane. And here let those
Who boast in mortal things, and wond'ring tell
Of Babel, and the works of Memphian Kings
Learn how thir greatest Monuments of Fame,
And Strength and Art are easily out-done
By Spirits reprobate, and in an hour
What in an age they with incessant toyle
And hands innumerable scarce perform.
Nigh on the Plain in many cells prepar'd
That underneath had veins of liquid fire
Sluc'd from the Lake, a second multitude
With wond'rous Art found out the massie Ore,
Severing each kind, and scum'd the Bullion dross:
A third as soon had form'd within the ground
A various mould, and from the boyling cells
By strange conveyance fill'd each hollow nook,
As in an Organ from one blast of wind
To many a row of Pipes the sound-board breaths.
Anon out of the earth a Fabrick huge
Rose like an Exhalation, with the sound
Of Dulcet Symphonies and voices sweet,
Built like a Temple, where Pilasters round
Were set, and Doric pillars overlaid
With Golden Architrave; nor did there want
Cornice or Freeze, with bossy Sculptures grav'n,
The Roof was fretted Gold. Not Babilon,
Nor great Alcairo such magnificence
Equal'd in all thir glories, to inshrine
Belus or Serapis thir Gods, or seat
Thir Kings, when Aegypt with Assyria strove
In wealth and luxurie. Th' ascending pile
Stood fixt her stately highth, and strait the dores
Op'ning thir brazen foulds discover wide
Within, her ample spaces, o're the smooth
And level pavement: from the arched roof
Pendant by suttle Magic many a row
Of Starry Lamps and blazing Cressets fed
With Naphtha and Asphaltus yeilded light
As from a sky. The hasty multitude
Admiring enter'd, and the work some praise
And some the Architect: his hand was known
In Heav'n by many a Towred structure high,
Where Scepter'd Angels held thir residence,
And sat as Princes, whom the supreme King
Exalted to such power, and gave to rule,
Each in his Hierarchie, the Orders bright.
Nor was his name unheard or unador'd
In ancient Greece; and in Ausonian land
Men call'd him Mulciber; and how he fell
From Heav'n, they fabl'd, thrown by angry Jove
Sheer o're the Chrystal Battlements; from Morn
To Noon he fell, from Noon to dewy Eve,
A Summers day; and with the setting Sun
Dropt from the Zenith like a falling Star,
On Lemnos th' Aegaean Ile: thus they relate,
Erring; for he with this rebellious rout
Fell long before; nor aught avail'd him now
To have built in Heav'n high Towrs; nor did he scape
By all his Engins, but was headlong sent
With his industrious crew to build in hell.
Mean while the winged Haralds by command
Of Sovran power, with awful Ceremony
And Trumpets sound throughout the Host proclaim
A solemn Councel forthwith to be held
At Pandaemonium, the high Capital
Of Satan and his Peers: thir summons call'd
From every Band and squared Regiment
By place or choice the worthiest; they anon
With hunderds and with thousands trooping came
Attended: all access was throng'd, the Gates
And Porches wide, but chief the spacious Hall
(Though like a cover'd field, where Champions bold
Wont ride in arm'd, and at the Soldans chair
Defi'd the best of Panim chivalry
To mortal combat or carreer with Lance)
Thick swarm'd, both on the ground and in the air,
Brusht with the hiss of russling wings. As Bees
In spring time, when the Sun with Taurus rides,
Pour forth thir populous youth about the Hive
In clusters; they among fresh dews and flowers
Flie to and fro, or on the smoothed Plank,
The suburb of thir Straw-built Cittadel,
New rub'd with Baum, expatiate and confer
Thir State affairs. So thick the aerie crowd
Swarm'd and were straitn'd; till the Signal giv'n
Behold a wonder! they but now who seemd
In bigness to surpass Earths Giant Sons
Now less then smallest Dwarfs, in narrow room
Throng numberless, like that Pigmean Race
Beyond the Indian Mount, or Faerie Elves,
Whose midnight Revels, by a Forrest side
Or Fountain some belated Peasant sees,
Or dreams he sees, while over-head the Moon
Sits Arbitress, and neerer to the Earth
Wheels her pale course, they on thir mirth and dance
Intent, with jocond Music charm his ear;
At once with joy and fear his heart rebounds.
Thus incorporeal Spirits to smallest forms
Reduc'd thir shapes immense, and were at large,
Though without number still amidst the Hall
Of that infernal Court. But far within
And in thir own dimensions like themselves
The great Seraphic Lords and Cherubim
In close recess and secret conclave sat
A thousand Demy-Gods on golden seat's,
Frequent and full. After short silence then
And summons read, the great consult began.
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Old 04-19-2024, 02:04 AM   #523
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Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
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Old 04-19-2024, 02:06 AM   #524
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Equipped alien weaponery aimed directly at the planes trajectory
Traverse this plane wit telepathy; levitate out a blackhole wit a sign that reads...
"R.I.P Malaysia Flight 370"
Degree in chemistry; mix hydrocloric brews; Agent Orange and Blue
Watching Neigh Palm weapons big enough to turn the whole Vienam forest floor a fluorescent hue
Mordors hordes weapons in view, fire at will; Admire the skill
aim skyward and reel; drag ya leader back to the frontline and funeral pyre the kill
Ya Lord Sire forreal; from start to finish I create and flow well
I'm even a motherfucking psychopath at the check-in... welcome to Bates Motel.
Mix Vodka, Kahula and Baileys - that's a recipe for disaster
Getting Drunk in Washington protesting funerals with Westboro Baptists after
You forced this laughter watch you grab ya throat vomiting
Addicted to holy water promethazine ready to accept Morpheus peace offerings
A cult following, popularity is the reason they rally
Describing my crew? the Term 'In' is Welcome... more than Walking Dead's season finale
Group Therapy session, psychiatrists diagnosis is clear
and the beast inside is starting to tick... Captain Hooks Crocodile is near

The Glock 9 that I'm grippin could start a bonfire.. I'll hog tie ya division
A dogfighter w/ SWAT sniper precision; my strong right'd make God cry in submission
W/ shots primed to go online in an instant, put the pistol-grip to ya neck
Rippin into ya flesh; the grimmest picture of Death's sickle swingin in synergistic effect
Constructin your fate w/ multiple blades I culled from the Ancients
Approach your city carryin the skulls of the vanquished like the hull of a slave ship
Summon the strength of Goliath.. hit like a Congo viper hocking saliva
Somalian pirate in the wake of Poseidon, my optical fibers like an Oculus visor
A locust swarmin out the lotus blossom, the wrong one to go to war w/
Ronin swordsman in cloaking armor like a Trojan horse full of Roman Spartans
A polar storm shiftin the global orbit, reached the pinnacle of lethal cynosure
My genes're sinister.. DNA print reads as genius literature w/ Nietzsche's signature
Brain fires impulses from pilot's controls.. process data w/ dire results
My mind make a diamond corrode; to write what I know'd leave you white as a ghost
Or w/ Meyer syndrome.. I'm Einstein if he wired his skull to a nitrogen bulb
A dynamo clone in a scientist's coat, deciphering rows of binary code

I'll take a fictional setting and rake the thistle and webbing
Nabatean idioms reckoned I'd face a zillion legends
To skate the literal tempests - my ancient friends wouldn't mention
Inept friars, protect ya neck fibers when I'm raving to GZA with clenched fists
Let's make it simple as Reddit; if Para & Saber's gripping the weapon
you're off to a rocky start boxin' with the old guard like Mason Dixon's obsession
Just taste the venom, accept it - Pagan riddles erected
If Kano's kissing your empress, each page is visual leverage
RESPECT my team. We ain't your average Aretha Franklin nipple suppressors
We came to give you a lesson, a statement issued to enrich or triple investments
Overhaulin' with no balls - couldn't even scrape the Michelin's melon
I'm eight parts phalanx, nine percent gold digger
Five percent 5-Percenter, cypher set stone slinger
Prescribing final deaths to idle lines of vets, no zingers
cause V's an unsympathetic, isometric cybersect CoHpe stickler
Megatron rebuilt by Chevy, the system's not gonna fall
The cinderblocks in my palms had Liston droppin' his jaws
Enough subtle teasing. No longer preachin' to Priory's
A fuckin' beast when I'm writing these on eternal scrolls of summer evening ivory
Another creature entirely with another creature inside of me

Scavenging half dead planets. Barely clinging to life with metallic hands
Condemed to this rusted junkian planet for being subordinate to Galvatron plans
Cosmic atmosphere's barely breathable. Exhaust fumes depleted passed refuel
Who would think the extravagant lackluster battle against Ultra Magus would be my last duel?
My ranks steadily on decline. While Blitwing made a gut-wrenching power move
I'd side with StarScream but he still thinks 2nd in command is cool.
Envied Megatron's Ruled. Iron fists tactics. Knew I'd never squeal on my comrades
Despite the water boarding. Ironhide never got info outside of military dog tags
the gutless attacks were relentess. Optimus Prime's strategic warfare primitive at best
I was One Cybertronic laser beam away from blowing the matrix right outta his chest
Empowered by dark engergon with an explosive nature to rep the Decepticon emblem
scrolled through the long list of allies, while fully trusting none of 'em
Enlisted that Engergon-grabbing, double-talking Swindle simply
until he was spotted at Autobot City fraternizing with the enemy
Obliterate. Destroy. Recharge. Repeat. the hitlist was embedded on my cerebellum
Warpath, Sunstreaker, Bronz, Bumblee. Knew none were on my level
so I acquired the combaticons and left StarScream, that arrogant punk, behind
& stormed Teletran One. disrupted the signaling and malfunctioned its design
but the backup generation kicked in and supplied energon boosts through the station
so I took out Blaster and his legion of cassette tapes to disengage satellite communications
then the combaticons flanked the rear entrance; oil carcinogens protruding from gaseous exposure
That left 15% of the autobot personnel buried beneath the cave smashed by the bolders
So we continued the attack the same force that made StarScream obsolete
Counterstrikes were meek at the best, this time Megatron won't command us to retreat
So I deployed Thrust, Derge, Cyclonus, and the stunticons to continue the punishment
& trampled over the carcasses but someone forgot the dinobots were under it
because energon charged my drunken ambition the pursuit continued to level all foe
Perplexed antics led the reckless confrontations, but Tripticon was near invisible
Who fired off 20 cluster missiles leaving Grimlock and Snarl extinct beyond recognition
Back into the far east of Autobots HQ, Optimus Prime recanted regretted his decision
So I strutted up to prime with the guns blazin and realized Bruticus AWOL on this mission
the vacancy left was quickly filled by Menacer who took over that the position
Next recruits saw Astrotrain, Blitwing, and Octane barricading the corridors with combustible toxins
send message back to Galvatron but Shockwave managed to scrambling it up again
Even contacted SoundWave to deploy Lazerbeak and Ratbat to decode the message clearly
despite the failed communication and sabotaged espionage attempts, Galvatron could finally hear me
So I continued the relentless attack, on the verge of the Autobot demise
but understood treachery lurked amongst my lieutenants; Jetfire's the most I despise
cause he infiltrated the decipticons ranks masquerading as one of our allies
before I could give the Kill orders. I'd have to irradicate and expose his disguise
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Old 04-19-2024, 02:10 AM   #525
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I bucket 'til the drumstick.. that's KFC
The .40 give 'em whiplash.. that ain't even breakneck speeds
Big dong swingin at my knees like a bowling pin
& my nuts're Double Trouble, nicknamed my ballsack the Olsen Twins
I brought a knife that'll Bobby Flay ya.. all my lines is Versace-tailored
Only play w/ them dollar signs 'cause I wake up on auto-grind like a coffee maker
Fuck a shotty, I'll pull pistols.. there's just somethin about cocking a full nickle
You on the corner w/ ya ass clenched, while 'Boris w/ a bad bitch.. no Rocky & Bullwinkle
The zen killer.. you a comedy act; Ben Stiller
The left put you on ice, no warm fuzzy feelings.. that's a Chin chilla
I let my chrome set the tone like a metronome
The gat in your face & my finger got the Reaction to spray like Kenneth Cole's men's cologne
Twist you up like pretzel dough & scream on 'em like a megaphone
Scream on 'em like an Ethiopian w/ Tourette syndrome standin next to Joe at a metal show
Keep a clip by the dresser.. got P90's equipped w/ suppressors
Beam'll aim & this heat exchange turn you to liquid like a mixing condenser
My straight right feared.. my left wrapped around the gauge like earlobes
Keep somethin large by the waist that go hard in the paint like clear coat
I strangle the game.. you on that sucka shit, my bankroll's insane
You sellin crack while I went back to get my Master's like Django Unchained
a Russian marksman when trouble startin; duct tape on the double cartridge
Get pistol-whipped off the buckle harness, smackin ya face w/ the serial like Uncle Martin
My Glock's untamed & I ain't w/ the frontin.. not today
Catch you outta pocket & get called on audible when my shotgun play
You even talk, the gat gets drawn. Turn ya whole block to Babylon.
Boy cross that line, you gon' see body parts fly... like dropping an atom bomb
Ya'll faker than Halloween blood.. this 9mm holdin factory slugs
My weapons're knockouts; even the chopper got a sharp hook like a grappling gun
Hold heat like Cyclops shades, give you a high-top fade w/ Psylocke's blade
Talk shit, I'm cookin Pan w/ that cold metal - that's how you icebox Cake
Ya crew sweet as pie.. I got rounds that cost a hundred a slug
No pre-heat when I roll up on your boysenberry y'all fruitcakes under the crust
The fade rough.. get straight cut; that's a hard part
Coke cookin up, I walk around w/ my nose fulla dust; that's an aardvark
Have ya fam sleepin 20,000 leagues deep; I'm talkin tidal explosions
Only Delta waves they'll be feeling's when I crash their fucking flight in the ocean
I got the game in a Gracie hold - this bitch in Cruise control like Katie Holmes
Catch me in the street, masked up w/ them shells; that's Casey Jones
I got your crack fiend Trap Queen in my kitchen whippin the hardest
I had to introduce her to my stove 'cause that bitch's retarded
OG status.. the hype's infectious when ya'll see these bars smash
I'm certified from breathin life into these dummies, no CPR class
been itchin to pounce shit, u'd see fists to a mouth splits;
get bruised & left w/ more hook marks than the riddlers outfit
We click pistols.. silencer on the 9, getcha shit riddled
Guns & butter; potato on the biscuit, that's a McGriddle
don't see competition, just a buncha noobs I'm running through
Game recognize game; I feel like Jayceon Taylor staring at a buck, confused
open season.. I'm loadin pieces w/ red dots & homing beacons
You claim presidential, but no one fucking knows who you are like Grover Cleveland
My psyche's fucked.. put ya whole team on ice; Mighty Ducks
That 40 ringing on your block like the ice cream truck
Talk is cheap.. I'm on that God degree like divinity school
Carve a figure-eight in ya fuckin throat & watch your blood infinity pool
Crime business, no eye witness.. shots roar when I stretch the metal
Burner up in the briefcase, your whole top floor can get the memo
Shit's feelin like Dawn of the Dead, I was gone 'til November
But the champ's back; you faggots don't deserve an honorable mention
& I constantly pressure any opponent w/ a flawless offensive
King of the division, watch as every head in the tournament's severed
A thoroughbred born in the trenches w/ the strongest genetics
It ain't just a dominant gesture when I slaughter contenders like Conor McGregor
Bags wanna be Bronsolino.. I was finna chill, but fuck it, I'm gone
Oh, you like Action? Figures.. 'cause you play w/ 'em in the tub at ya mom's
My big homie chefin a lot, baking soda next to the kettle w/ rocks
Dog, ya name's Constrikta & you can't even wrap ya head around gettin a job
Aero can get it too.. the RPG I'm totin'll blast you out of ya home
Only Wall Street you'll see is the entire fuckin front of your house in the road
Shotty by the waist, I ain't fuckin w/ them tranquilizers
Talk shit & Big Poppa Pump flyin off the buckle like a Frankensteiner
Peep the highroller steez.. pyrokinesis, I'm a psycho unleashed
Keep a nine holstered, plus that chopper in the car like a Micro Machine
'm sealing ya fate.. Achilles heel, I'm really real; you a play gangster
We'll only see Chin strap when I fade him ear-to-ear w/ a straight razor
An immovable boss.. drive-by's & funeral plots
Catch me hangin out the whip w/ two pipes, no dual exhaust
My right gun's a Peacemaker, my left gun's a big chopper
I'm a lead dumper, wig shopper.. that's a head hunter; witch doctor
girl's a foul ho.. bitch goin down slow like the Dow Jones
Knock her mouth hole out cold, Head bangin off the buckle like Al Snow
Python strangler.. rearrange your atoms like an ion chamber
The iron banger put your feet by your head like a Lion Tamer
Straight head shots.. you talk wreckless, we bang them Glocks
& I put that shit on everything like Frank's Red Hot
Riot pump.. I'm in the streets like scare tactics & tear gas canisters
Mobbin on sets, plus the chopper on deck like an aircraft carrier
Your ass owe me money, I'm in your living room w/ the snub to ya jaw
Have your bitch screamin, "D-d-do-do you have it?!" right before I put your GUTS on the wall
Too many clones that found a name.. s'why I'm stayin out the game
Bunch'a Samuel L. Jackson ass niggas, all these "motherfuckas" sound the same
My swag lives forever.. keep the mask & Beretta w/ a flaskful of Devil's Cut
Plus, the strap where the weapon's hung got more rounds than Allen from Metal Slug

“When empty space is all that's left, let the void be filled.”

well, the best it can manage.




…… It's Gawd, Allah, the next'a kin - a past-unanimous branding, all been scarred upon His melanin .. oh yes, the martian's got a membership,
would-be the martyr prophet legends sing, yet when I start to chalk the message in? Christ'll rob it for glory & claim he marked the blotted penmanship -
then he'll die again denying that his karma got the best of him ………
that's why:
These carbon copy residents can gargle cocks 4 president, I'm still the sargeant known for carving marble rocks with metal fists,
an artist not to meddle with. yall can spawn the outer layer, go & bargain shop for eloquence .. but the quest itself's retarded, ain't no mall to cop intelligence!
it's hard to mock this fella's gift, a militant soul of wisdom .. the visions was so persistant, that i stitched up six infinities bridging the solar systems;
a sickening flow precision, kid that visited rogues in prisons, blood-etched sketches exhchanged, as pictographs depicted a global mission..
a glistening throne existed once, I'd sit with a robed magician .. Next to hell, flames blackening, yet living a cold existance ……
A pit in the snow, imprisoned in the brilliance of hope arisen, held triple 9 mm.'s to the prisms of holy christians,
..diggin a hole to piss in, the pilgrim, track forests & paths lost, backfired the mechanical nazareth with nada more than hacksaw,
a Lord with a glass jaw..but when swordsman attacks fall, the highest titans of my time would absorb it & back off!
in morgues with a black shawl, suited up, boxing with tyson's folks; eye contact lapses witnesses to shock in a frightening jolt -
had my irises lined with twice as many watts as a lightning bolt!
copped every model of microscope, now those astrologists like the flow .. live life abiding by a manuscript the Gods of the Mayans wrote,
so Novices might just choke, used my mind's eye to fry an ommelete with whitened toast, then run up to grapple the last apostle n‘ slice his throat!
the drops is described as "GOAT", Blacketh overlooks planets uncharted .. instantly branded the hardest, once I left the last tyrannosaurus cast in a tarpit,
ravish the harvest, let inhabants starve then drag around half of the carcusses back to the lab, extracted fragments stashed in the carpet ……
follow paths in the darkness, breeze by ya legion of fake cats .. walk a week straight, 8th day breaks, i'm asleep in a haystack;
breathin a gray black, smoke's catchin up, i need to evade that ..
given father saturn such a reason to hate, that clouds now follow where i travel & they freeze when I make camp!
most keying up lame raps, kids be rockin the spits frail .. so ya whore read sex stories, while my cock in the bitch tale -
jump to pond from a ship's sail, dove in goddesses, mahogany pigtails; and used poseidons tridant allthewhile for choppin up fishscale!
the prophet that kings hail, shine brighter than fair days. knives to write, python fang aligned, decipher the airwaves,
stride inside of a bear cave, had the hide of his hair shaved..hang the bloody skins, dry 'em out with just a lighter & hairspray!
flyin' higher than airplanes, sword bends low, the endo & weed smoke captures me .. then i rapidly mastered fu jukendo in zero gravity,
got murder counts, scenes indecent, nuff to resemble an emo's fantasy.
in benzos with C-notes strapped to me, still don't let no amigos hassle much beef, its off the wall, like echoes in meatloaf factories,
……We PbP, plus the some extra leftover EO family……
Men of metal that gleam so placidly, flash & see 'em burn n' melt to ashes .. it's the return of Hellsing, faggots.
us 5, patrol the site without no verbal help from admins, so we ‘run this shit’ .. while yall ‘cant even start a light jog’ like ‘nocturnal health fanatics’……
infernos shelfed schematics, galactics shoved to the cornerstone; once again I summon the sword of poem, crowned a prince of the writtens 'til i swung it up toward the throne,
cut jugular cords with chrome, leave nothin but gore n bone, when He collapsed , i adapted as the covenant's lord alone …
The son of a force unkown, was re-birthed in enchanted light .. so observe as the tactics strike,
reversin the axis, might just turn the tide straight down to quench my thirst in the afterlife,
verbals'll crack the mic, among crowds, standin out just like a bergundy patch on white..
grab conservatives, stab em twice, unearths my version of catholic's christ ..He whom prays in burning churches with the virgin hermaphrodite!
still lurk in a castle, white, where urban kids have to fight .. they'll crack ya jaws on the pavement, call it curbin ya appetite;
the servant of ashen knights, all perched with a jagged knife. the day i bowed down to they power was the permanent sacrifice ……
i was searchin for answers, hikin' through it all, Godless .. met men in uniform on unicorns who drooled & talked nonsense,
Disproving all concepts, eyed a shine, drew close, then I moved & saw bronzes .. gold, silver radiation, flanked a unabomb cartridge..
dig the human thought process: black acid, n substance, gas-lined to dynomite, ignites traumatic combustion;
like volcanic eruptions, the cracks & concussions can self-compress to gravel at a hat's drop, then vanish to nothin,
must be magic or somethin, but when blacketh is bustin .. it turns present tense sentences to passive discussions,
so from spanish to russian, my mechanics demonstrate immaculate functions, trail markers left as relics beckoning each path to destruction..
a bastid, corrupted, flick spikes & samoan darts, kick up shit til you idiots get hyper than joan of arc,
twin vipers n' polar sharks swim right to ya vocals, sharp - replace ya eyes with a pair of trick dice & a joker's card!
this writin, the dopest art; all scrawled in grenade pencils, white hot flames to the page, then I started to blaze mentals,
charcoal to trace stencils, the author & aged rebel .. translate words to advanced lit in the earliest sanskrit from the walls of the Jade Temple,
armor of gray metal, heartbeatin with the speed of pure aqua, body temperature turning up the heat of your sauna,
.. or premature lava, understand, i'm STILL speakin for allah, from the slums of my hometown to the streets of nirvana!
so please, if you wanna - step to get thrown in fifty coffins, each a seperate limb, hymns, yo i'm known to rip these often,
the flow is sickly, watch this: they all stand to it, then i blow n kid's knees soften; shit'll buckle up quicker than a motorist precaution,
from the low abyss, it's awesome how a glimpse of the essence can terrorize these bitches in seconds,
use primitive weapons, words and mind, then they mimiced the presence .. now viewing most writtens been like clicking on a crystal reflection,
each myth is a lesson, all concluding and the ending point that Disc is legend.
that next level invaded, guess i've risen from heaven, swoop like vultures every now and then to take my pick of the peasants,
then i'm strippin the flesh n‘ find nothing within .. resort to explosive, last hand grenade stuck in the pin;
then they bludgeon the wings, fall to ground helpless, aint no love to begin, guess i made it full-circle, passion been runnin too thin.
pour up rum n' the gin, commit a couple'a sins .. then on my death day, make ready for the coming of Grim,
cuz when somethin existed, it can suddenly dim .. that's why all your praise on my writing is now dust in the wind.
it wasn't to win .. not to be the best in this cypher shit, it's just another stepping stone that drove my quest for enlightenment,
so I guess that it's time to quit, the message is dried n' ripped.. claimed the throne on my own, now to let the messiah sit,
left the measurments twice as thick, no use tryna stretch time, or to wet it & light the wick .. it's best to just flicker out, leave methods to die, then split ……
there's still venomous lines to spit, so this next generation had better ignite the script .. cuz yo,

it's a lot harder than it looks to get ya veteran licenses.

mark 'em.


1. Emily

one night I wander waywardly. Aimlessly along the rayless streets
past granite shanties, befogged by rain and sleet, not one warm nook to lay and sleep
then I find you. A curly little caterpillar, who'd crawled beneath the trestle
sleepy, nestled in the dying Whitlow and Shepherd's-Purse that streaks the pebbles
pipe still hot and redolent - your ring-less fingers scorched a coffee-hue
hair as black as fossil-fuel, a dog-eared shower curtain shrugged on top of you
the sign above the bar blinks apple-neon, one broke bulb is a crypt for the flies
you've pissed on your thighs, head cranked back and tilted, like you're kissing the sky
you're beautiful. Below the methane emissions that hang like a rainbow
i lay my head on this magnanimous angel, fall fast asleep in her halogen halo
she wakes. Her crystal eyes, they fall on me like breaking waves on sand
and when i kneel to present the rock, she doesn't hesitate to take my hand


2. Tomorrow

dear Emily,

you left, i descended. Every time i close my eyes, i see the eels
bloated, black aliens ... wheezing with disease, more than even the streets can yield
their sweltry hide's like boiled kale, moist and pale - they're eating me
nowadays you're keeping clean, but I had no such grace bequeathed to me
i shan't lie. The sidewalk would be softer, if i had your hand to hold
had you not gone back to home, this concrete - would not be, quite so damp and cold
don't you remember? How we set into motion no fettering notion of honour or pride?
slinging rock on the side? - we were Ben Sanderson and Sera, we were Bonnie and Clyde
regardless, i still chalk my poems on the boulevard ... maybe you read them
it's like you always said, they make that little square of pavement an Eden
don't worry, i won't post this letter, it would only be fueling my sorrow
please love me. please love me.

yours truly,



3. Panacea

now you'll see me. You fucking robot, your garden is so sickly green
home so crisp and clean, ph-neutral soap, pro-plus, propane pumps and Listerine
crow bar up beneath the lintel - easy, simple, tears and splinters blend with the rain
it bends with the strain, the oak cracks, I hesitate - then remember the pain
the guardian comes - a shabby old Terrier, hardly a vessel of speed and strength
she's in less than decent health. But our eyes align and for a moment, i see myself
an LP hiccups under a needle, from buzzard to beetle, creatures preserved for exhibition
it's thin and brief; some inner peace - but there's no extradition from this mental prison
i creep up the stairs, my whitened knuckles lightly brushing the balustrade
i am afraid. But Emily, you said to me - you promised you'd never take your hand away
wherever you go the pain will follow
i'm just a bad dream, of course. But at least you've faced Tomorrow.

Are You Not Brave / Writing exercise / L.N.


Last night I had a crazy dream, not even half of it good though
I must preface by saying, I'm in love - don't worry, this is far from a Love Note
Lola Nash is her name, but back to the dream, a land of lakes and twisting brooks
An orphic place of Luring Numinous, from Lea's Neverending, to Labyrinthine Nooks
I was in the tavern, diffidently sipping mead from a faux-golden cup
Languishing Noticeably, when I was suddenly approached by the Local Nut
There this ogre stood with his oafish mug - gawking at me, saying squat
Then - a tremendous belch, I Laughed Noisily, coughed and gave him a Lazy Nod
He sat besides me ... "Listen Neighbor, might you part with any extra fairy-dust"?
This made me a Little Nervous, but the portly fellow couldn't be Less Nefarious
I untwisted a Lachrymiform Napkin, and gave him a pinch of effervescent matter
"Bless you Squire ... you ever heard of Lord Niflheim, the Legendary Necromancer?"
Tiring of this Leper's Natter, I was sure i'd run him through in a moment
Be it King, or Queen or Lonely Nomad, I don't have time for Ludicrous Notions
But when he produced a curious amulet, i felt compelled to let him finish
"Take a look" - so i did, 4 Lions, Necks stretched inside a Luminescent Nimbus
"Niflheim gave me this blessed trinket, alas, it can only be used by the brave"
"Hold it in a Butter-Cap Mushroom Patch, kneel, and speak Lucifers Name"
I asked, "but what will happen?" - then his jolly smile turned to blackest scorn
Glaring past that Long Nose, that boil-ridden snot-encrusted, Lurching Naricorn
"Are you not brave?" His voice was deep and smooth, it hit me like a sedative
"You should Leave Now" - he seemed less a friendly drunk, more a Lifelong Nemesis
"Oh I am, I'm going to the Butter-Cap Mushroom Patch, would Mister like to come?"
Suddenly the room was icy, misty, as though we were swimming in Liquid Nitrogen
But I could feel the panic rising, that caustic anxiety strumming my throat
"It's alright Squire, follow me" - again, his voice as soft as a Lullabye's Note
I did, it was hard to keep up; an odd sight this plump chap skipping swiftly
Through a forest thick and windy, till there they were, 50 mushrooms Lilting Nimbly
The air was bitter, filmy, I couldn't decide if it was scanty or venomous
I forced a breath anyway, then picked a mushroom from its Lacteous Nebula
It was like a Lingering Nightmare, like viewing the world through smokey glass
I said, "Let's Not do this" ... "But Squire, are you not in love with Lola Nash?"
My heart, it froze, collapsed, I'd so-far helmed my sanity: he capsized the vessel
I felt Limp, Naked, looked at my palm, no mushroom, instead the amulet Lightly Nestled
"Look No further than this - are you not brave? Then you must make the darkest vow"
"In Lucifers Name" - imbued with a shame so wretched, my stomach felt like Lava Now
I knelt, perhaps out of love, perhaps I just wanted this Hell to be finished
Oh ... who am i kidding? I spoke Lucifers Name because I'm a Lecherous Nitwit
Thunder and lightning, the violent roar of the forest ensued, I was helpless
Then i was whisked away through some refulgent conduit, some Luminous Nexus
I awoke abruptly, flustered, I hurdled over my duvet feeling desperate, awful
Later, Nontheless, after a few soporific classes, my day was Lenitive, Normal
But the dream was vivid still, i couldn't wait to get my love alone at last
After the bell rung, I Loitered Nervously, and then I saw her: Lola Nash
I said, with impeccable eloquence, "Sup bitch, how bout we get our freak on"
Her reply was simple but poignant, I think you'll agree: she said, "dream on"
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Old 04-19-2024, 06:28 AM   #526
John Dillinger
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Originally Posted by Kill Spree View Post
Yeah and I’ve KO’d you every battle after that lol. Also you weirdo faggot I have a full head of hair
It’s so easy to rile you up lmao

You take this too serious blood
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Old 04-19-2024, 10:40 AM   #527
Kill Spree
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That’s what I thought blood
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Old 04-19-2024, 10:41 AM   #528
Kill Spree
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Originally Posted by Sinacog View Post
I bucket 'til the drumstick.. that's KFC
The .40 give 'em whiplash.. that ain't even breakneck speeds
Big dong swingin at my knees like a bowling pin
& my nuts're Double Trouble, nicknamed my ballsack the Olsen Twins
I brought a knife that'll Bobby Flay ya.. all my lines is Versace-tailored
Only play w/ them dollar signs 'cause I wake up on auto-grind like a coffee maker
Fuck a shotty, I'll pull pistols.. there's just somethin about cocking a full nickle
You on the corner w/ ya ass clenched, while 'Boris w/ a bad bitch.. no Rocky & Bullwinkle
The zen killer.. you a comedy act; Ben Stiller
The left put you on ice, no warm fuzzy feelings.. that's a Chin chilla
I let my chrome set the tone like a metronome
The gat in your face & my finger got the Reaction to spray like Kenneth Cole's men's cologne
Twist you up like pretzel dough & scream on 'em like a megaphone
Scream on 'em like an Ethiopian w/ Tourette syndrome standin next to Joe at a metal show
Keep a clip by the dresser.. got P90's equipped w/ suppressors
Beam'll aim & this heat exchange turn you to liquid like a mixing condenser
My straight right feared.. my left wrapped around the gauge like earlobes
Keep somethin large by the waist that go hard in the paint like clear coat
I strangle the game.. you on that sucka shit, my bankroll's insane
You sellin crack while I went back to get my Master's like Django Unchained
a Russian marksman when trouble startin; duct tape on the double cartridge
Get pistol-whipped off the buckle harness, smackin ya face w/ the serial like Uncle Martin
My Glock's untamed & I ain't w/ the frontin.. not today
Catch you outta pocket & get called on audible when my shotgun play
You even talk, the gat gets drawn. Turn ya whole block to Babylon.
Boy cross that line, you gon' see body parts fly... like dropping an atom bomb
Ya'll faker than Halloween blood.. this 9mm holdin factory slugs
My weapons're knockouts; even the chopper got a sharp hook like a grappling gun
Hold heat like Cyclops shades, give you a high-top fade w/ Psylocke's blade
Talk shit, I'm cookin Pan w/ that cold metal - that's how you icebox Cake
Ya crew sweet as pie.. I got rounds that cost a hundred a slug
No pre-heat when I roll up on your boysenberry y'all fruitcakes under the crust
The fade rough.. get straight cut; that's a hard part
Coke cookin up, I walk around w/ my nose fulla dust; that's an aardvark
Have ya fam sleepin 20,000 leagues deep; I'm talkin tidal explosions
Only Delta waves they'll be feeling's when I crash their fucking flight in the ocean
I got the game in a Gracie hold - this bitch in Cruise control like Katie Holmes
Catch me in the street, masked up w/ them shells; that's Casey Jones
I got your crack fiend Trap Queen in my kitchen whippin the hardest
I had to introduce her to my stove 'cause that bitch's retarded
OG status.. the hype's infectious when ya'll see these bars smash
I'm certified from breathin life into these dummies, no CPR class
been itchin to pounce shit, u'd see fists to a mouth splits;
get bruised & left w/ more hook marks than the riddlers outfit
We click pistols.. silencer on the 9, getcha shit riddled
Guns & butter; potato on the biscuit, that's a McGriddle
don't see competition, just a buncha noobs I'm running through
Game recognize game; I feel like Jayceon Taylor staring at a buck, confused
open season.. I'm loadin pieces w/ red dots & homing beacons
You claim presidential, but no one fucking knows who you are like Grover Cleveland
My psyche's fucked.. put ya whole team on ice; Mighty Ducks
That 40 ringing on your block like the ice cream truck
Talk is cheap.. I'm on that God degree like divinity school
Carve a figure-eight in ya fuckin throat & watch your blood infinity pool
Crime business, no eye witness.. shots roar when I stretch the metal
Burner up in the briefcase, your whole top floor can get the memo
Shit's feelin like Dawn of the Dead, I was gone 'til November
But the champ's back; you faggots don't deserve an honorable mention
& I constantly pressure any opponent w/ a flawless offensive
King of the division, watch as every head in the tournament's severed
A thoroughbred born in the trenches w/ the strongest genetics
It ain't just a dominant gesture when I slaughter contenders like Conor McGregor
Bags wanna be Bronsolino.. I was finna chill, but fuck it, I'm gone
Oh, you like Action? Figures.. 'cause you play w/ 'em in the tub at ya mom's
My big homie chefin a lot, baking soda next to the kettle w/ rocks
Dog, ya name's Constrikta & you can't even wrap ya head around gettin a job
Aero can get it too.. the RPG I'm totin'll blast you out of ya home
Only Wall Street you'll see is the entire fuckin front of your house in the road
Shotty by the waist, I ain't fuckin w/ them tranquilizers
Talk shit & Big Poppa Pump flyin off the buckle like a Frankensteiner
Peep the highroller steez.. pyrokinesis, I'm a psycho unleashed
Keep a nine holstered, plus that chopper in the car like a Micro Machine
'm sealing ya fate.. Achilles heel, I'm really real; you a play gangster
We'll only see Chin strap when I fade him ear-to-ear w/ a straight razor
An immovable boss.. drive-by's & funeral plots
Catch me hangin out the whip w/ two pipes, no dual exhaust
My right gun's a Peacemaker, my left gun's a big chopper
I'm a lead dumper, wig shopper.. that's a head hunter; witch doctor
girl's a foul ho.. bitch goin down slow like the Dow Jones
Knock her mouth hole out cold, Head bangin off the buckle like Al Snow
Python strangler.. rearrange your atoms like an ion chamber
The iron banger put your feet by your head like a Lion Tamer
Straight head shots.. you talk wreckless, we bang them Glocks
& I put that shit on everything like Frank's Red Hot
Riot pump.. I'm in the streets like scare tactics & tear gas canisters
Mobbin on sets, plus the chopper on deck like an aircraft carrier
Your ass owe me money, I'm in your living room w/ the snub to ya jaw
Have your bitch screamin, "D-d-do-do you have it?!" right before I put your GUTS on the wall
Too many clones that found a name.. s'why I'm stayin out the game
Bunch'a Samuel L. Jackson ass niggas, all these "motherfuckas" sound the same
My swag lives forever.. keep the mask & Beretta w/ a flaskful of Devil's Cut
Plus, the strap where the weapon's hung got more rounds than Allen from Metal Slug

“When empty space is all that's left, let the void be filled.”

well, the best it can manage.




…… It's Gawd, Allah, the next'a kin - a past-unanimous branding, all been scarred upon His melanin .. oh yes, the martian's got a membership,
would-be the martyr prophet legends sing, yet when I start to chalk the message in? Christ'll rob it for glory & claim he marked the blotted penmanship -
then he'll die again denying that his karma got the best of him ………
that's why:
These carbon copy residents can gargle cocks 4 president, I'm still the sargeant known for carving marble rocks with metal fists,
an artist not to meddle with. yall can spawn the outer layer, go & bargain shop for eloquence .. but the quest itself's retarded, ain't no mall to cop intelligence!
it's hard to mock this fella's gift, a militant soul of wisdom .. the visions was so persistant, that i stitched up six infinities bridging the solar systems;
a sickening flow precision, kid that visited rogues in prisons, blood-etched sketches exhchanged, as pictographs depicted a global mission..
a glistening throne existed once, I'd sit with a robed magician .. Next to hell, flames blackening, yet living a cold existance ……
A pit in the snow, imprisoned in the brilliance of hope arisen, held triple 9 mm.'s to the prisms of holy christians,
..diggin a hole to piss in, the pilgrim, track forests & paths lost, backfired the mechanical nazareth with nada more than hacksaw,
a Lord with a glass jaw..but when swordsman attacks fall, the highest titans of my time would absorb it & back off!
in morgues with a black shawl, suited up, boxing with tyson's folks; eye contact lapses witnesses to shock in a frightening jolt -
had my irises lined with twice as many watts as a lightning bolt!
copped every model of microscope, now those astrologists like the flow .. live life abiding by a manuscript the Gods of the Mayans wrote,
so Novices might just choke, used my mind's eye to fry an ommelete with whitened toast, then run up to grapple the last apostle n‘ slice his throat!
the drops is described as "GOAT", Blacketh overlooks planets uncharted .. instantly branded the hardest, once I left the last tyrannosaurus cast in a tarpit,
ravish the harvest, let inhabants starve then drag around half of the carcusses back to the lab, extracted fragments stashed in the carpet ……
follow paths in the darkness, breeze by ya legion of fake cats .. walk a week straight, 8th day breaks, i'm asleep in a haystack;
breathin a gray black, smoke's catchin up, i need to evade that ..
given father saturn such a reason to hate, that clouds now follow where i travel & they freeze when I make camp!
most keying up lame raps, kids be rockin the spits frail .. so ya whore read sex stories, while my cock in the bitch tale -
jump to pond from a ship's sail, dove in goddesses, mahogany pigtails; and used poseidons tridant allthewhile for choppin up fishscale!
the prophet that kings hail, shine brighter than fair days. knives to write, python fang aligned, decipher the airwaves,
stride inside of a bear cave, had the hide of his hair shaved..hang the bloody skins, dry 'em out with just a lighter & hairspray!
flyin' higher than airplanes, sword bends low, the endo & weed smoke captures me .. then i rapidly mastered fu jukendo in zero gravity,
got murder counts, scenes indecent, nuff to resemble an emo's fantasy.
in benzos with C-notes strapped to me, still don't let no amigos hassle much beef, its off the wall, like echoes in meatloaf factories,
……We PbP, plus the some extra leftover EO family……
Men of metal that gleam so placidly, flash & see 'em burn n' melt to ashes .. it's the return of Hellsing, faggots.
us 5, patrol the site without no verbal help from admins, so we ‘run this shit’ .. while yall ‘cant even start a light jog’ like ‘nocturnal health fanatics’……
infernos shelfed schematics, galactics shoved to the cornerstone; once again I summon the sword of poem, crowned a prince of the writtens 'til i swung it up toward the throne,
cut jugular cords with chrome, leave nothin but gore n bone, when He collapsed , i adapted as the covenant's lord alone …
The son of a force unkown, was re-birthed in enchanted light .. so observe as the tactics strike,
reversin the axis, might just turn the tide straight down to quench my thirst in the afterlife,
verbals'll crack the mic, among crowds, standin out just like a bergundy patch on white..
grab conservatives, stab em twice, unearths my version of catholic's christ ..He whom prays in burning churches with the virgin hermaphrodite!
still lurk in a castle, white, where urban kids have to fight .. they'll crack ya jaws on the pavement, call it curbin ya appetite;
the servant of ashen knights, all perched with a jagged knife. the day i bowed down to they power was the permanent sacrifice ……
i was searchin for answers, hikin' through it all, Godless .. met men in uniform on unicorns who drooled & talked nonsense,
Disproving all concepts, eyed a shine, drew close, then I moved & saw bronzes .. gold, silver radiation, flanked a unabomb cartridge..
dig the human thought process: black acid, n substance, gas-lined to dynomite, ignites traumatic combustion;
like volcanic eruptions, the cracks & concussions can self-compress to gravel at a hat's drop, then vanish to nothin,
must be magic or somethin, but when blacketh is bustin .. it turns present tense sentences to passive discussions,
so from spanish to russian, my mechanics demonstrate immaculate functions, trail markers left as relics beckoning each path to destruction..
a bastid, corrupted, flick spikes & samoan darts, kick up shit til you idiots get hyper than joan of arc,
twin vipers n' polar sharks swim right to ya vocals, sharp - replace ya eyes with a pair of trick dice & a joker's card!
this writin, the dopest art; all scrawled in grenade pencils, white hot flames to the page, then I started to blaze mentals,
charcoal to trace stencils, the author & aged rebel .. translate words to advanced lit in the earliest sanskrit from the walls of the Jade Temple,
armor of gray metal, heartbeatin with the speed of pure aqua, body temperature turning up the heat of your sauna,
.. or premature lava, understand, i'm STILL speakin for allah, from the slums of my hometown to the streets of nirvana!
so please, if you wanna - step to get thrown in fifty coffins, each a seperate limb, hymns, yo i'm known to rip these often,
the flow is sickly, watch this: they all stand to it, then i blow n kid's knees soften; shit'll buckle up quicker than a motorist precaution,
from the low abyss, it's awesome how a glimpse of the essence can terrorize these bitches in seconds,
use primitive weapons, words and mind, then they mimiced the presence .. now viewing most writtens been like clicking on a crystal reflection,
each myth is a lesson, all concluding and the ending point that Disc is legend.
that next level invaded, guess i've risen from heaven, swoop like vultures every now and then to take my pick of the peasants,
then i'm strippin the flesh n‘ find nothing within .. resort to explosive, last hand grenade stuck in the pin;
then they bludgeon the wings, fall to ground helpless, aint no love to begin, guess i made it full-circle, passion been runnin too thin.
pour up rum n' the gin, commit a couple'a sins .. then on my death day, make ready for the coming of Grim,
cuz when somethin existed, it can suddenly dim .. that's why all your praise on my writing is now dust in the wind.
it wasn't to win .. not to be the best in this cypher shit, it's just another stepping stone that drove my quest for enlightenment,
so I guess that it's time to quit, the message is dried n' ripped.. claimed the throne on my own, now to let the messiah sit,
left the measurments twice as thick, no use tryna stretch time, or to wet it & light the wick .. it's best to just flicker out, leave methods to die, then split ……
there's still venomous lines to spit, so this next generation had better ignite the script .. cuz yo,

it's a lot harder than it looks to get ya veteran licenses.

mark 'em.


1. Emily

one night I wander waywardly. Aimlessly along the rayless streets
past granite shanties, befogged by rain and sleet, not one warm nook to lay and sleep
then I find you. A curly little caterpillar, who'd crawled beneath the trestle
sleepy, nestled in the dying Whitlow and Shepherd's-Purse that streaks the pebbles
pipe still hot and redolent - your ring-less fingers scorched a coffee-hue
hair as black as fossil-fuel, a dog-eared shower curtain shrugged on top of you
the sign above the bar blinks apple-neon, one broke bulb is a crypt for the flies
you've pissed on your thighs, head cranked back and tilted, like you're kissing the sky
you're beautiful. Below the methane emissions that hang like a rainbow
i lay my head on this magnanimous angel, fall fast asleep in her halogen halo
she wakes. Her crystal eyes, they fall on me like breaking waves on sand
and when i kneel to present the rock, she doesn't hesitate to take my hand


2. Tomorrow

dear Emily,

you left, i descended. Every time i close my eyes, i see the eels
bloated, black aliens ... wheezing with disease, more than even the streets can yield
their sweltry hide's like boiled kale, moist and pale - they're eating me
nowadays you're keeping clean, but I had no such grace bequeathed to me
i shan't lie. The sidewalk would be softer, if i had your hand to hold
had you not gone back to home, this concrete - would not be, quite so damp and cold
don't you remember? How we set into motion no fettering notion of honour or pride?
slinging rock on the side? - we were Ben Sanderson and Sera, we were Bonnie and Clyde
regardless, i still chalk my poems on the boulevard ... maybe you read them
it's like you always said, they make that little square of pavement an Eden
don't worry, i won't post this letter, it would only be fueling my sorrow
please love me. please love me.

yours truly,



3. Panacea

now you'll see me. You fucking robot, your garden is so sickly green
home so crisp and clean, ph-neutral soap, pro-plus, propane pumps and Listerine
crow bar up beneath the lintel - easy, simple, tears and splinters blend with the rain
it bends with the strain, the oak cracks, I hesitate - then remember the pain
the guardian comes - a shabby old Terrier, hardly a vessel of speed and strength
she's in less than decent health. But our eyes align and for a moment, i see myself
an LP hiccups under a needle, from buzzard to beetle, creatures preserved for exhibition
it's thin and brief; some inner peace - but there's no extradition from this mental prison
i creep up the stairs, my whitened knuckles lightly brushing the balustrade
i am afraid. But Emily, you said to me - you promised you'd never take your hand away
wherever you go the pain will follow
i'm just a bad dream, of course. But at least you've faced Tomorrow.

Are You Not Brave / Writing exercise / L.N.


Last night I had a crazy dream, not even half of it good though
I must preface by saying, I'm in love - don't worry, this is far from a Love Note
Lola Nash is her name, but back to the dream, a land of lakes and twisting brooks
An orphic place of Luring Numinous, from Lea's Neverending, to Labyrinthine Nooks
I was in the tavern, diffidently sipping mead from a faux-golden cup
Languishing Noticeably, when I was suddenly approached by the Local Nut
There this ogre stood with his oafish mug - gawking at me, saying squat
Then - a tremendous belch, I Laughed Noisily, coughed and gave him a Lazy Nod
He sat besides me ... "Listen Neighbor, might you part with any extra fairy-dust"?
This made me a Little Nervous, but the portly fellow couldn't be Less Nefarious
I untwisted a Lachrymiform Napkin, and gave him a pinch of effervescent matter
"Bless you Squire ... you ever heard of Lord Niflheim, the Legendary Necromancer?"
Tiring of this Leper's Natter, I was sure i'd run him through in a moment
Be it King, or Queen or Lonely Nomad, I don't have time for Ludicrous Notions
But when he produced a curious amulet, i felt compelled to let him finish
"Take a look" - so i did, 4 Lions, Necks stretched inside a Luminescent Nimbus
"Niflheim gave me this blessed trinket, alas, it can only be used by the brave"
"Hold it in a Butter-Cap Mushroom Patch, kneel, and speak Lucifers Name"
I asked, "but what will happen?" - then his jolly smile turned to blackest scorn
Glaring past that Long Nose, that boil-ridden snot-encrusted, Lurching Naricorn
"Are you not brave?" His voice was deep and smooth, it hit me like a sedative
"You should Leave Now" - he seemed less a friendly drunk, more a Lifelong Nemesis
"Oh I am, I'm going to the Butter-Cap Mushroom Patch, would Mister like to come?"
Suddenly the room was icy, misty, as though we were swimming in Liquid Nitrogen
But I could feel the panic rising, that caustic anxiety strumming my throat
"It's alright Squire, follow me" - again, his voice as soft as a Lullabye's Note
I did, it was hard to keep up; an odd sight this plump chap skipping swiftly
Through a forest thick and windy, till there they were, 50 mushrooms Lilting Nimbly
The air was bitter, filmy, I couldn't decide if it was scanty or venomous
I forced a breath anyway, then picked a mushroom from its Lacteous Nebula
It was like a Lingering Nightmare, like viewing the world through smokey glass
I said, "Let's Not do this" ... "But Squire, are you not in love with Lola Nash?"
My heart, it froze, collapsed, I'd so-far helmed my sanity: he capsized the vessel
I felt Limp, Naked, looked at my palm, no mushroom, instead the amulet Lightly Nestled
"Look No further than this - are you not brave? Then you must make the darkest vow"
"In Lucifers Name" - imbued with a shame so wretched, my stomach felt like Lava Now
I knelt, perhaps out of love, perhaps I just wanted this Hell to be finished
Oh ... who am i kidding? I spoke Lucifers Name because I'm a Lecherous Nitwit
Thunder and lightning, the violent roar of the forest ensued, I was helpless
Then i was whisked away through some refulgent conduit, some Luminous Nexus
I awoke abruptly, flustered, I hurdled over my duvet feeling desperate, awful
Later, Nontheless, after a few soporific classes, my day was Lenitive, Normal
But the dream was vivid still, i couldn't wait to get my love alone at last
After the bell rung, I Loitered Nervously, and then I saw her: Lola Nash
I said, with impeccable eloquence, "Sup bitch, how bout we get our freak on"
Her reply was simple but poignant, I think you'll agree: she said, "dream on"
Shut the fuck up
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Old 04-19-2024, 11:39 AM   #529
John Dillinger
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Originally Posted by Kill Spree View Post
That’s what I thought blood
Good one doofus
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Old 04-21-2024, 04:16 AM   #530
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I'm a opulent wrapper; conglomerate zapper; OPTMIIST WRAPPER
PESSISMIST WRAPPER: zenobite pen' dragon end faggots with red tangets
I'm out of this world like the SUN AND THE MOON; counting your doom
pounding the zoom! Astounding and cool for the announcments of skools
I ended life on alien planets; slaying the granite which was genocide
PEST ASIDE(PESITCIDE); ending rhymes; I'm the sly of rhymes..
I'm ending time; opulent wrapper;-- talking the zapper; popping the matter
COCKING THE HAMMER; I'm ending music with liquid swords through your door
I'm the moment of time; oceans divine; copius rhymes; showing the swine
That they can't catch me; with a bullet of baton; I'm the rap phenomenon
CAP AND ZAP the oxymoron's gone; cold songs eat the jasper's and casper's..
RAPPING MASTER: killing ponographer's with fucking assessets of matter
I throw you into the lion's den; you ain't a friend; it's coming to an end..
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Old 04-21-2024, 04:30 AM   #531
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My despondent life moves with the waves of a dreary ocean, I bare emotions of a fish that’s lost his way
At constant times I drown in a place where there’s barely solace, while careless Seagulls guffaw at my fall in pain
My pumping ventricles are wished to be clogged by an Octopus, whose absorbent grungy tentacles yearn my earn
Yet the unpleasant Eel won’t even shock me shook, for this broken fish has no electrical current worth
And I’m besieged in vacancy, swimming the seas in atrophy, trying to have the strength of mighty sailing ships
But a cynical hermit crab designed my skeleton, which is why I’m mistook for a spineless Jellyfish
If only I’d had a blissful companion we swim the Atlantic, and stay together as engagement followed through
But with my miserable antics that mission's Titanic, the sea to me will forever be a space of solitude
It’s all in view, all this fish’s infinite limitations, if only you could see through the eyes I count with
I tried to get a definite reputation, but received the disgraceful stripes of clown fish
I’ve just been racing through life contesting aloof, hoping eventually in my gills, potency grew
Now my soul is in two and water’s reflecting my mood, I guess that's why this sorrowed ocean is blue..

And every night I wish the horizon; shed a light to where I’ll subside in
I wish to sever ties with Poseidon, and he’d end my life with his Trident...

I wish…

I wish a ship of oil, tipped and boiled on my scaly skin; I wish demented mortals, ripped and soiled both my tail and fins
I wish to end with this distress, in depths of an abyssal trench, I wish this fish had twist in nets, and finally submit to death!

I wish…

I wish a morbid band of sharks had embarked to drown my symphony,
I wish a swordfish stabbed my heart and the scars bled out in infamy…

But then I realize if I was granted all the wishes I said
I’d just be back where I started, sleeping with the fishes again…

Will I ever lift from this sorrow?

I’m swimming in the depths of depression with no way to set to ascension, as my mind’s spinning in a seeped whirlpool
Suddenly out the corner of my cornea, on the Ocean’s sandy floor in blood, I spot a lying Sea Turtle
I swam towards the sand that centered thee; he must have been a century, on how his shell’s design emerged
But his neck gashed by an enemy, and as a dying remedy, he whispered me his final words…

“Through the ups and downs of ocean waters, eventually you’ll find your way
No need to stop at frozen harbors, for in this sea we call life, the tide will change…

And you will Ascend Passed The Waves"

With that, his eyes began to slightly close, as his carcass slowly faded away
Now, with those words of wisdom, I’ll always remember to savor this day

1 year later


Now I look at a hurricane straight in the eye, and blind it with my bright complexion
I clear all the burning rain, grayest of skies, and move it when I fight deception
I’m in the right direction as the waters have settled; I’m passing marginal levels as the light’s reflection
My heights extended passed the mark of the devil, I’m leaving sharks with the pebbles as the night intended
My flight’s ascended, as I’m elevating the softest, no more warring scenes of contemplating the hardships
I’ll pass the ninth dimension, reach into the sea and make a so serene constellation of starfish
Now I’m one like a group of sea lions, as the aurora borealis has my mind enchanted
I’m so high with peace I’ll seek Sirens, to form an alluring exploring voyage to find Atlantis
Now there’s no holding catalyst, and no more hazardous frantic bliss
Now my only passing wish, is all see the light without an Angler fish
That there’s hope to the pain and the strife, it's all in the changing tides
Take the past and ocean wave it goodbye, now alas you will elevate your life...

To Greater Heights.

And Ascend Passed the Waters to paradise.

In a devilish world plagued with professed malevolence, relentless rebellions, and demented sentiments
Where men are never hesitant to burn scripture in hell’s fire; and teach their kin to detest the testaments
A man prays every day with bless’ed grace; for God in Heaven’s gates to save the earth and restore love
For his wife had died in labor wishing for a reborn sun; for him, his daughter, and newborn son…

Dear God,

“I thank you for the blessings you gave to me gradually, but tainted morality, continues to make way in deceasing man
May your limitless ways make the sinful decay-wither away, so I may raise my family in a peaceful land”


It’s been a week since my wife had died and I cry at night; missing her pristine, gracious voice
But then I look at who she passed my way before she passed away; a beautiful, serene baby boy
O’ how you and your sister fill my face with joy; even in a blistering world where hate destroys
For I know if I pray and have faith in choice; we may one day see a place of poise…

So as the years pass way, I pray…

I pray and read the bible while taking care of my kin; who I’ve managed to raise even In these days of living
I’ve kept them sheltered and nourished so their lives could be wealthy and flourished; away from the state of sinning
For if you practice Christianity you’re battered and hanged, so in the shadows of man we tip toe and whisper
We must move intelligently with the bible in hand, as I begin to teach them the Lord’s Holy Scripture…

We begin reading stories from the bible; O ’how these disciples can’t refrain their eyes from the print
The stories they favor were of Judas the traitor, and how God sent his only son to die for our sins…
Both have immense light from within, it shows with their grins, God’s word has brought forth their faith
They are especially ecstatic when we kneel by the mattress; and I passionately; teach them to pray

So as the years pass way, we pray…

Over the years they’ve both become gracious apostles, especially the boy; so dedicated to praising the gospel
With the bible in hand I stepped in his presence, for he wanted to ask me a question, which had his mind raided and boggled
He asks: “Under the suns blinding colors,… what happened to that one person missing? I wonder, what happened to your wife, your lover? What happened to the one who gave me life...

My Mother?

Ah, I knew this question was to come…and I had to be honest with my son …so I read him a line from Jobs 1:21….

“The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh away:…"

At first he looks at me exasperated and bothered, then in an instant he hugs me and says “thank you father”
I look at him briefly and feel such a gust of divinity; that I don’t seem to feel when I glance at my daughter
I realize he is one who is one with the holy trinity; and it shows with how his soul shines like glistening pearls
I realize he is one whose spirit could enforce serenity, and bring forth everlasting peace in the world


Thinking it would be safe for one day to go out, I sent my daughter to buy bread rations in a market near the house, but instead she roamed near the south; where calamities fare about
Little did she know she had forgotten to take off her cross necklace; and is held at knife point by a man till’ she blatantly shouts; “Don’t kill me and I’ll tell you my families whereabouts!”

Ah, how history repeats itself

As my son and I our praying to God and savior Jesus Christ, I feel the door open wide; it’s my daughter and a man; his face filled with slaughter and intrusive sin
He lunges at my son with a putrid grin, and stabs him with a crucifix, so I punch him and kick him, then pick up my son like an infant, and quickly run through the wind

I run holding my son passed burnt down cathedrals and hordes of foul people; thinking to myself: “I have to save my boy”
Then I realize he is one whose soul is desolate to any deadly sin; his respected death will bring the world faith and joy
BUT I CARE NOT! His cries for help make me cry myself, and I don't want to repeat when my wife had depart
Yet even his sister’s arrival was right on the mark; as he absorbs man’s sin; and dies in my arms…

“O’ How the Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh away"...


Dear God,

"I thank you for answering my prayers, and restoring love, thus giving the world light under a reborn sun.
But there’s just one thing that I pray you’d give back O’Lord, and that’s the presence of my belov’ed


In a heavenly world blessed with professed benevolence, replenished rebellions, and breathless elegance
Where men are never hesitant to repent as reverends, and teach their kin to respect the testaments
A man cries for God to bring his son back to life; for his essence plummets in plight
He cries for the boy that Heaven summoned to light: The Second Coming of Christ
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Old 04-21-2024, 04:50 AM   #532
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“When empty space is all that's left, let the void be filled.”

well, the best it can manage.




…… It's Gawd, Allah, the next'a kin - a past-unanimous branding, all been scarred upon His melanin .. oh yes, the martian's got a membership,
would-be the martyr prophet legends sing, yet when I start to chalk the message in? Christ'll rob it for glory & claim he marked the blotted penmanship -
then he'll die again denying that his karma got the best of him ………
that's why:
These carbon copy residents can gargle cocks 4 president, I'm still the sargeant known for carving marble rocks with metal fists,
an artist not to meddle with. yall can spawn the outer layer, go & bargain shop for eloquence .. but the quest itself's retarded, ain't no mall to cop intelligence!
it's hard to mock this fella's gift, a militant soul of wisdom .. the visions was so persistant, that i stitched up six infinities bridging the solar systems;
a sickening flow precision, kid that visited rogues in prisons, blood-etched sketches exhchanged, as pictographs depicted a global mission..
a glistening throne existed once, I'd sit with a robed magician .. Next to hell, flames blackening, yet living a cold existance ……
A pit in the snow, imprisoned in the brilliance of hope arisen, held triple 9 mm.'s to the prisms of holy christians,
..diggin a hole to piss in, the pilgrim, track forests & paths lost, backfired the mechanical nazareth with nada more than hacksaw,
a Lord with a glass jaw..but when swordsman attacks fall, the highest titans of my time would absorb it & back off!
in morgues with a black shawl, suited up, boxing with tyson's folks; eye contact lapses witnesses to shock in a frightening jolt -
had my irises lined with twice as many watts as a lightning bolt!
copped every model of microscope, now those astrologists like the flow .. live life abiding by a manuscript the Gods of the Mayans wrote,
so Novices might just choke, used my mind's eye to fry an ommelete with whitened toast, then run up to grapple the last apostle n‘ slice his throat!
the drops is described as "GOAT", Blacketh overlooks planets uncharted .. instantly branded the hardest, once I left the last tyrannosaurus cast in a tarpit,
ravish the harvest, let inhabants starve then drag around half of the carcusses back to the lab, extracted fragments stashed in the carpet ……
follow paths in the darkness, breeze by ya legion of fake cats .. walk a week straight, 8th day breaks, i'm asleep in a haystack;
breathin a gray black, smoke's catchin up, i need to evade that ..
given father saturn such a reason to hate, that clouds now follow where i travel & they freeze when I make camp!
most keying up lame raps, kids be rockin the spits frail .. so ya whore read sex stories, while my cock in the bitch tale -
jump to pond from a ship's sail, dove in goddesses, mahogany pigtails; and used poseidons tridant allthewhile for choppin up fishscale!
the prophet that kings hail, shine brighter than fair days. knives to write, python fang aligned, decipher the airwaves,
stride inside of a bear cave, had the hide of his hair shaved..hang the bloody skins, dry 'em out with just a lighter & hairspray!
flyin' higher than airplanes, sword bends low, the endo & weed smoke captures me .. then i rapidly mastered fu jukendo in zero gravity,
got murder counts, scenes indecent, nuff to resemble an emo's fantasy.
in benzos with C-notes strapped to me, still don't let no amigos hassle much beef, its off the wall, like echoes in meatloaf factories,
……We PbP, plus the some extra leftover EO family……
Men of metal that gleam so placidly, flash & see 'em burn n' melt to ashes .. it's the return of Hellsing, faggots.
us 5, patrol the site without no verbal help from admins, so we ‘run this shit’ .. while yall ‘cant even start a light jog’ like ‘nocturnal health fanatics’……
infernos shelfed schematics, galactics shoved to the cornerstone; once again I summon the sword of poem, crowned a prince of the writtens 'til i swung it up toward the throne,
cut jugular cords with chrome, leave nothin but gore n bone, when He collapsed , i adapted as the covenant's lord alone …
The son of a force unkown, was re-birthed in enchanted light .. so observe as the tactics strike,
reversin the axis, might just turn the tide straight down to quench my thirst in the afterlife,
verbals'll crack the mic, among crowds, standin out just like a bergundy patch on white..
grab conservatives, stab em twice, unearths my version of catholic's christ ..He whom prays in burning churches with the virgin hermaphrodite!
still lurk in a castle, white, where urban kids have to fight .. they'll crack ya jaws on the pavement, call it curbin ya appetite;
the servant of ashen knights, all perched with a jagged knife. the day i bowed down to they power was the permanent sacrifice ……
i was searchin for answers, hikin' through it all, Godless .. met men in uniform on unicorns who drooled & talked nonsense,
Disproving all concepts, eyed a shine, drew close, then I moved & saw bronzes .. gold, silver radiation, flanked a unabomb cartridge..
dig the human thought process: black acid, n substance, gas-lined to dynomite, ignites traumatic combustion;
like volcanic eruptions, the cracks & concussions can self-compress to gravel at a hat's drop, then vanish to nothin,
must be magic or somethin, but when blacketh is bustin .. it turns present tense sentences to passive discussions,
so from spanish to russian, my mechanics demonstrate immaculate functions, trail markers left as relics beckoning each path to destruction..
a bastid, corrupted, flick spikes & samoan darts, kick up shit til you idiots get hyper than joan of arc,
twin vipers n' polar sharks swim right to ya vocals, sharp - replace ya eyes with a pair of trick dice & a joker's card!
this writin, the dopest art; all scrawled in grenade pencils, white hot flames to the page, then I started to blaze mentals,
charcoal to trace stencils, the author & aged rebel .. translate words to advanced lit in the earliest sanskrit from the walls of the Jade Temple,
armor of gray metal, heartbeatin with the speed of pure aqua, body temperature turning up the heat of your sauna,
.. or premature lava, understand, i'm STILL speakin for allah, from the slums of my hometown to the streets of nirvana!
so please, if you wanna - step to get thrown in fifty coffins, each a seperate limb, hymns, yo i'm known to rip these often,
the flow is sickly, watch this: they all stand to it, then i blow n kid's knees soften; shit'll buckle up quicker than a motorist precaution,
from the low abyss, it's awesome how a glimpse of the essence can terrorize these bitches in seconds,
use primitive weapons, words and mind, then they mimiced the presence .. now viewing most writtens been like clicking on a crystal reflection,
each myth is a lesson, all concluding and the ending point that Disc is legend.
that next level invaded, guess i've risen from heaven, swoop like vultures every now and then to take my pick of the peasants,
then i'm strippin the flesh n‘ find nothing within .. resort to explosive, last hand grenade stuck in the pin;
then they bludgeon the wings, fall to ground helpless, aint no love to begin, guess i made it full-circle, passion been runnin too thin.
pour up rum n' the gin, commit a couple'a sins .. then on my death day, make ready for the coming of Grim,
cuz when somethin existed, it can suddenly dim .. that's why all your praise on my writing is now dust in the wind.
it wasn't to win .. not to be the best in this cypher shit, it's just another stepping stone that drove my quest for enlightenment,
so I guess that it's time to quit, the message is dried n' ripped.. claimed the throne on my own, now to let the messiah sit,
left the measurments twice as thick, no use tryna stretch time, or to wet it & light the wick .. it's best to just flicker out, leave methods to die, then split ……
there's still venomous lines to spit, so this next generation had better ignite the script .. cuz yo,

it's a lot harder than it looks to get ya veteran licenses.

mark 'em.

Equipped alien weaponery aimed directly at the planes trajectory
Traverse this plane wit telepathy; levitate out a blackhole wit a sign that reads...
"R.I.P Malaysia Flight 370"
Degree in chemistry; mix hydrocloric brews; Agent Orange and Blue
Watching Neigh Palm weapons big enough to turn the whole Vienam forest floor a fluorescent hue
Mordors hordes weapons in view, fire at will; Admire the skill
aim skyward and reel; drag ya leader back to the frontline and funeral pyre the kill
Ya Lord Sire forreal; from start to finish I create and flow well
I'm even a motherfucking psychopath at the check-in... welcome to Bates Motel.
Mix Vodka, Kahula and Baileys - that's a recipe for disaster
Getting Drunk in Washington protesting funerals with Westboro Baptists after
You forced this laughter watch you grab ya throat vomiting
Addicted to holy water promethazine ready to accept Morpheus peace offerings
A cult following, popularity is the reason they rally
Describing my crew? the Term 'In' is Welcome... more than Walking Dead's season finale
Group Therapy session, psychiatrists diagnosis is clear
and the beast inside is starting to tick... Captain Hooks Crocodile is near

The Glock 9 that I'm grippin could start a bonfire.. I'll hog tie ya division
A dogfighter w/ SWAT sniper precision; my strong right'd make God cry in submission
W/ shots primed to go online in an instant, put the pistol-grip to ya neck
Rippin into ya flesh; the grimmest picture of Death's sickle swingin in synergistic effect
Constructin your fate w/ multiple blades I culled from the Ancients
Approach your city carryin the skulls of the vanquished like the hull of a slave ship
Summon the strength of Goliath.. hit like a Congo viper hocking saliva
Somalian pirate in the wake of Poseidon, my optical fibers like an Oculus visor
A locust swarmin out the lotus blossom, the wrong one to go to war w/
Ronin swordsman in cloaking armor like a Trojan horse full of Roman Spartans
A polar storm shiftin the global orbit, reached the pinnacle of lethal cynosure
My genes're sinister.. DNA print reads as genius literature w/ Nietzsche's signature
Brain fires impulses from pilot's controls.. process data w/ dire results
My mind make a diamond corrode; to write what I know'd leave you white as a ghost
Or w/ Meyer syndrome.. I'm Einstein if he wired his skull to a nitrogen bulb
A dynamo clone in a scientist's coat, deciphering rows of binary code

I'll take a fictional setting and rake the thistle and webbing
Nabatean idioms reckoned I'd face a zillion legends
To skate the literal tempests - my ancient friends wouldn't mention
Inept friars, protect ya neck fibers when I'm raving to GZA with clenched fists
Let's make it simple as Reddit; if Para & Saber's gripping the weapon
you're off to a rocky start boxin' with the old guard like Mason Dixon's obsession
Just taste the venom, accept it - Pagan riddles erected
If Kano's kissing your empress, each page is visual leverage
RESPECT my team. We ain't your average Aretha Franklin nipple suppressors
We came to give you a lesson, a statement issued to enrich or triple investments
Overhaulin' with no balls - couldn't even scrape the Michelin's melon
I'm eight parts phalanx, nine percent gold digger
Five percent 5-Percenter, cypher set stone slinger
Prescribing final deaths to idle lines of vets, no zingers
cause V's an unsympathetic, isometric cybersect CoHpe stickler
Megatron rebuilt by Chevy, the system's not gonna fall
The cinderblocks in my palms had Liston droppin' his jaws
Enough subtle teasing. No longer preachin' to Priory's
A fuckin' beast when I'm writing these on eternal scrolls of summer evening ivory
Another creature entirely with another creature inside of me
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Old 04-21-2024, 04:54 AM   #533
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I'm an angel I kill first borns while their mamas watch I turn cities into salt I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls and from now till kingdom come the only thing you can count on in your existince is never understanding why

Thief in the night fangs in your jugular
Bleeding you dry I live in a glass house
Throwing Meteorites
Appeased the gods in a previous life
And I slice the throat of Sweeney Todd
For get my piece of the pie
I'm the angel of death
Outpacing olympic swimmers
Wit the titanics anchors chained to my legs
All without breaking a sweat
From the underground
And I'm craving the taste of your flesh
Like the day of the dead
Here for gaining respect
Enforce the laws of gravity
And draw the sword of Democles
To the nape of your neck
Communist Marxist
Sharpshooter locked on my target
I was breast feed cancer and bottles of Arsenic
Blind swordsman wandering darkness
I'll drop the queen's severed head in the offering basket
I'm eating outta coffins and caskets
And everyone in my field of vision
Just crops to the harvest
I'm a hell-born Seraphim
Four faces with torned feather wings
Spawning forth the four Nephilim
Burying peace pipes
Diggin up the hatchet
Deepthroat my dick till it singes in your stomach acid
We unattractive ferocious creatures
I got master degree burns
After a heatstroke of genius
Rush the doors from dusk till dawn
My entrourage plot on top of Scotland yard
Cause we above the law
Withstand the force of a juggernaut
We're the receipe for disaster
And the beats cooking up a storm
All powerful being during hours of sleeping
I levitate between the ground and the ceiling
Advance lifeform found in my semen
Haven't started to rap yet this is
Just the sound of my breathing
A mental plane like Eynola Gay
I'm slashing open throats of backstabbers
Wit my shoulder blade
Step off the planet it would float away
Tormented by growing pains
Of my ever evolving brain
I sever ties wit heaven skies
And wage wars that makes Armaggedon
Resemble a training exercise
Third eye blessed with second sight
A centerbite I've survived the new mexico desert testing sites
If I do start to smoke weed I'll take two tokes
And won't breathe after a whole week and OD
Battling me you wont get cold feet
The meer thought of facing Possessed
Will freeze the fluid in both knees
Product of a Warlock and a Witch knock you for six
Piledrive you down a bottomless pit
Push my luck over the top of a cliff
I don't bite the hand that feeds me
I chew it off at the wrist
I forge a sword from a thundabolt
And I'll rub in salt into bullet wounds
Just to the make the slug disolve

Verse 1(Possessed)

I’m born invincible and second to none
Breath in my lungs exits with the force of bullets projected from guns
I'm venomous, my weapon's my tongue
A single word turns heaven into decrepid trenches and slums
One inch punch will push the earth next to the sun
Supreme being, conceived and born in less than a month
Blood streams as deep as oceans
Heart pumps hemoglobin
So fast my bones suffer extreme erosion
I burn microphone key components
Im a natural leader, my alter ego's an eagle totem
Fuck heat, my missiles seek revenge
I adapt my heartbeat to a speed I don’t need to breathe again
And slay the sinful people that killed Jim Caviezel
I feel the effects of stigmata instead of pins and needles
Hail the prince of evil
Lifes a movie, I yell cut during an act of God, fuck being in the sequel
Beast from an opposite realm
Lifespan twice as long as the elves
Increased strength viruses bond with my cells
Apocalyptic, complex as quantum physics
Make the earth plates shift whenever I wash the dishes
The word play's sick, run for first aid kits
Waiting to blow up through rap like bombs in birthday gifts
When my troops bring the raw
You lose limbs in war
I tie my hands behind my back and moodswing a sword
It’s Rhyme Asylum, we reside inside your dreams
Corupt your mind with the cries of silent screams
It’s Rhyme Asylum, we reside inside your dreams
Behind ya eyes when you try to lie asleep
It’s Rhyme Asylum, we reside inside your dreams
Corupt your mind with the cries of silent screams
Rhyme Asylum, the dawn of a new species, and the last of a dying breed

Verse 2(Psiklone)

Discovered by explorers in the remains of ancient ruins
I grew angel wings drinking holy water mixed with aviation fluid
Take off vertical like Harrier Jump jets
Breathe into my sails and cross the ocean carried in one breath
Faster than supersonic nuclear rockets
Stand on Earth in meteor showers and punch back the moving comets
Welcome to Rhyme Asylum, where violent cyphers lack oxygen
So rappers black out like fighter pilots
I do the opposite of dying wishes
Find my lyrics scribed inside a pharaoh's coffin, hidden hieroglyphics
My apocalypse will end life’s existence
Train raw in freezing rainstorms sparring with my fighting spirit
My dragon's heart's breathing a firestorm
In Jurassic park beating the dinosaurs till they're breathing on life support
Psiklone the freak of nature, I read books with my eyes closed
Running my fingers over the piece of paper
The beast that resides in Loch Ness, unidentified flying object
Weaving giant size spider cobwebs
Find me selling souls on Death's doorstep
Baptise me and see a burning crucifix on my blessed forehead
My sole intention's to leave opponents breathless
I strike them with the sun's energy to implode their solar plexus
Blow motion sensors and fade into blackness
Slam both fists in the south pole and bench press the weight of the planet
It’s Rhyme Asylum, we reside inside your dreams
Corupt your mind with the cries of silent screams
It’s Rhyme Asylum, we reside inside your dreams
Behind ya eyes when you try to lie asleep
It’s Rhyme Asylum, we reside inside your dreams
Corupt your mind with the cries of silent screams
Rhyme Asylum, the dawn of a new species, and the last of a dying breed
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Old 04-21-2024, 04:56 AM   #534
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Aw, yeah (It's like this, like this)
It's Eminem baby, back up in that motherfucking ass
('Til forever, 'til forever)
One time for your motherfucking mind
(For MCs, MCs)
We represent the 313
You know what I'm saying?
Yo they don't know shit about this
For the '96

Ayo, my pen and paper cause a chain reaction
To get your brain relaxing, the zany-acting maniac in action
A brainiac in fact son, you mainly lack attraction
You look insanely wack when just a fraction of my tracks runs
My rhyming skills got you climbing hills
I travel through your mind and chill your spine like siren drills
I'm sliming grills of roaches, with spray that disinfects
And twisting necks of rappers 'til their spinal column disconnects
Put this in decks and check the monologue, turn your system up
Twist 'em up, and indulge in the marijuana smoke
This is the season for noise pollution contamination
Examination of more car tunes than animation
My lamination of nar-er-ration
Hits a snare and bass in a track for duck rapper interrogation
When I declare invasion, there ain't no time to be staring gazing
I turn the stage into a barren wasteland
I'm infinite

You heard of hell well I was sent from it
I went to it serving a sentence for murderin' instruments
Now I'm trying to repent from it
But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it
I'm infinite

Bust it, I let the beat commence so I can beat the sense in your elite defense
I got some meat to mince, a crew to stomp and then two feet to rinse
I greet the gents and ladies, I spoil loyal fans
I foil plans and leave fluids leaking like oil pans
My coiled hands around this microphone are lethal
One thought in my cerebral is deeper than a Jeep full of people
MCs are feeble, I came to 'cause some pandemonium
Battle a band of phony MCs and stand the lonely one
Imitator, intimidator, stimulator, simulator of data, eliminator
There's never been a greater since the burial of Jesus
Fuck around and catch all the venereal diseases
My thesis will smash a stereo to pieces
My a cappella releases classic masterpieces through telekinesis
It eases you mentally, gently, sentimentally, instrumentally
With entity, dementedly meant to be infinite

You heard of hell well I was sent from it
I went to it serving a sentence for murderin' instruments
Now I'm trying to repent from it
But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it
I'm infinite

Man I got evidence I'm never dense and I been clever ever since
My residence was hesitant to do some shit that represents the M-O
So I'm assuming all responsibility
'Cause there's a monster real in me that always wants to kill MCs
Mic nestler, slamming like a wrestler
Here to make a mess of a lyric-smuggling embezzler
No one is specialer, my skill is intergalactical
I get cynical act a fool then I send a crew back to school
I never packed a tool or acted cool, it wasn't practical
I'd rather let a tactical, tactful track tickle your fancy
In fact I can't see, or can't imagine
A man who ain't a lover of beats or a fan of scratching
So this is for my family, the kid who had a cameo on my last jam
Plus the man who never had a plan B
Be all you can be, 'cause once you make an instant hit
I'm tensed a bit and tempted when I see the sins my friends commit
I'm infinite

You heard of hell well I was sent from it
I went to it serving a sentence for murderin' instruments
Now I'm trying to repent from it
But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it
I'm infinite
You heard of hell well I was sent from it
I went to it serving a sentence for murderin' instruments
Now I'm trying to repent from it
But when I hear the beat I'm tempted to make another attempt at it
I'm infinite

'95, '96 ('96)
And on and on and on (and on and on)


I was born with a dick in my brain, yeah fucked in the head
My stepfather said that I sucked in the bed
'Til one night he snuck in and said
We're going out back, I want my dick sucked in the shed
Can't we just play with Teddy Ruxpin instead?
After I fuck you in the butt, get some head
Bust a nut, get some rest
The next day my mother said "I don't know what the fuck's up with this kid!
The bastard won't even eat nothing he's fed
He just hung himself in the bedroom he's dead"
"Debbie don't let that fucker get you upset
Go in there, stick a fuckin' cigarette to his neck I bet you he's fakin' it
I bet you I bet he probably just wants to see how upset you would get I'll go handle this of course, unless you object"
"Ah go fuck his brains out, if any's left in his head"

If you could count the skeletons in my closet
Under my bed and up under my faucet
Then you would know I've completely lost it
Is he nuts? No! He's insane!
If you could count the skeletons in my closet
Under my bed and up under my faucet
Then you would know I've completely lost it
Is he nuts? No! He's insane!

"Did you get him?" Naaw, fucker tried to bite my face off I just got fuckin' chased off with a chainsaw!
Then he took the chainsaw, bit the fuckin' blades off
Ate the blades, stuck a baseball in a slingshot
Then he aimed at his own face, let the thing pop
Took his eye out, picked it up and played ping pong
Then he played ping pong with his own ding dong!
That motherfucker's got nuts like King Kong
Then he set the lawn mower out on the dang lawn
And he laid all up underneath it with the thing on
Then he took his pants, he took every fuckin' thing off
Everything, except his tank top and his training bra
Ain't he raw? Yeah maniac, that's Shady dog
Man that motherfucker's gangsta, ain't he dog?
Shady dog, what be going through that fuckin' brain of yours
Say no more, what the fuck you waitin' for, sing along

If you could count the skeletons in my closet
Under my bed and up under my faucet
Then you would know I've completely lost it
Is he nuts? No! He's insane!
If you could count the skeletons in my closet
Under my bed and up under my faucet
Then you would know I've completely lost it
Is he nuts? No! He's insane!

Don't you know what felch means? (yeah), well then tell me
Would you rather get felched or do the felching?
Fuck him in the ass, suck the cum out while you're belching
Burp, belch, then go back for a second helping
Can you dig what I'm sayin' man, can you smell me?
I want you to feel me like my stepfather felt me (oohh)
Fuck a little puppy, kick the puppy while he's yelping "Shady what the fuck you saying!?"
I don't know help me! What the fuck's happening, I think I'm fucking melting
"Marshall I just love you boy, I care about your well being"
No Dad, I said no
I don't need no help peeing I'm a big boy, I can do it by myself see!
I only get naked when the babysitter tells me
She showed me a movie like "Nightmare on Elm Street"
But it was X, and they called it "Pubic Hair on Chelsea"
"Well this is called ass rape, and we're shooting the jail scene"

If you could count the skeletons in my closet
Under my bed and up under my faucet
Then you would know I've completely lost it
Is he nuts? No! He's insane!
If you could count the skeletons in my closet
Under my bed and up under my faucet
Then you would know I've completely lost it
Is he nuts? No! He's insane!
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Old 05-22-2024, 08:21 AM   #535
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Default Swag & Flow

I'm a omniscient wrapper; ancient in heaven's time -- blade and nine
Take my time -- ZIM with the clapper; laser gun shoots at time
I am carnivorous -- ancient being; sorcerer with sorcery from ancient times
Cake walk -- I ate the cake -- a walk in the park -- SWINGING ON MC's
King of all MC's -- blade of fortune hits the brain of scorching
Laymen dormant oppinhimer wrapper with the legs of horsemen
I conglomeratE MC -- king of the sea; posidents trident was used against him
AGAINST HIM -- then i stabbed him -- shoot against men..
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Old 05-22-2024, 08:28 AM   #536
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I'm the nine clapper, design wrapper -- you're blade is rusty and not clean
I'm time machine -- a fucking ''TIME MACHINE'' forever being
OMNISICNET WITH THE PEN -- pen zygote' flys and eats a nine
BREATHING TIME -- decease a rhyme with the easy lines
YOU COULDN't blade run -- running away from me -- the stunt MC
THE CUNT MC -- I've seen better shows when the beretta blows
I'm the time machine -- broke your heart like scorpion//
GERMAN PEN -- with words of phlegm -- burning ten emcee's like BOUTASAI//
I'm AJ THE MENACE, -- breathing ark design, dark the nine
SHOT AT DARK, created light with the spark of shine
I'm your worst nightmare like SWORDSMAN FROM the 8th dimension
FEATHER ASCENSION -- A FISH' S ASCENSION -- time intervention//
I'm the conglomerate MC, you're nuttin/nothing like peant butter and jelly
SO WHEN ITS PEANTUT BUTTER JELLY TIME, you're smelly like grapy jelly from A APES CELLY//
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Old 05-22-2024, 08:33 AM   #537
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Old 05-23-2024, 05:10 PM   #538
dead man
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dead man has a brilliant futuredead man has a brilliant futuredead man has a brilliant futuredead man has a brilliant futuredead man has a brilliant futuredead man has a brilliant futuredead man has a brilliant futuredead man has a brilliant futuredead man has a brilliant futuredead man has a brilliant futuredead man has a brilliant future

Ok bro
Zack Wicks for president
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Old 05-23-2024, 06:13 PM   #539
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WAR is upon is and victory is slaughtered with noise
Water is poised, conquering toys like guns and ammo on camels
I am AJ The Menace, caliber X - ready to take on robots with skulls --
Like a fucking skull fuck with trolls, the toll is toolies blasted --
COOKIES snatched bitch! Computer chips are congruent to nothing!
BOOMING the subject, consuming these numbers like blubber nuggets
CONVENANTS and the government are bubble gum to robot scum
I am a mercenary from the matrix -- nursery rhymes are the safe sex
Slave text -- capable of owning slave ships for GODS LIKE ANUBIS
Popping the toolie was all we can do as we look for ARMISTICE ON GUNS
Hung guns, fire balls of fire -- wire balls of wire -- capable of taking us out -
That's why the ocean is where they belong for facing king kong and GODZILLA..
Pop snickers and cop killers -- drug dealers, and cock sniffers..
POP snickers -- pot stickers, lot cars were blown to pieces
A bomb exploded and take out my district unit -- it was putrid
These robots think we're pathetic, the medic had said it
AMBULANCE take my soldier brtheren to near by huts
PIZZA hut was lost, we asked what to do to seers in huts..
BEER was drunk -- we drank to kill the robots disgustingly
COMBUSTION GENES, double helix was ripped out of the robots skull
FUCKING BOLT -- ducking lightning bolts, as sent lightning to kill the BOTS
FULFULL THE PLOT, for it was all said in done, when I GOT SHOT..

I'm AJ The Menace here to make statements with language arts
Ban the darts, I'll just use them to my advantage and exact the art
I'm a nucleus matrix, abusing the great sex -- I am the Archetype of war
Part the skies for war, ember skies fall from the sky to the ground and shots are fired
This bot is wiered, caught the fire -- bomb the towers -- clock the cops with power
I am the statement that no-one can fuck with me unless their attractive
BLAM on the maps bitch -- Cardiovasgular disease is what my opponents have from running away
Some will be gay, and say ''WE WANT TO FUCK YOU UP'' till' i fuckiNG SLAY
I'm nuclear wrath -- holding a staff like moses only this will be wrath
I bomb sesmic tension with recollection -- i killed everyone in heaven
I am a reverend, a priest and pastor -- eating raptors
DEPLETING raptures for nuclear disasters with dragons
I AM the archetype for dragons, i killed the bottom guy with hatchets
RATCHET bitches spit on my cock, than i bust a condom in their snatches
I'm the bomb ellesiactics -- bombing faggots to smithereens
I'm a gullotine -- drowing subamarines who aren't enginiereed
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Old 05-24-2024, 11:29 PM   #540
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Default Sinacog -- PORTFOLIO

My despondent life moves with the waves of a dreary ocean, I bare emotions of a fish that’s lost his way
At constant times I drown in a place where there’s barely solace, while careless Seagulls guffaw at my fall in pain
My pumping ventricles are wished to be clogged by an Octopus, whose absorbent grungy tentacles yearn my earn
Yet the unpleasant Eel won’t even shock me shook, for this broken fish has no electrical current worth
And I’m besieged in vacancy, swimming the seas in atrophy, trying to have the strength of mighty sailing ships
But a cynical hermit crab designed my skeleton, which is why I’m mistook for a spineless Jellyfish
If only I’d had a blissful companion we swim the Atlantic, and stay together as engagement followed through
But with my miserable antics that mission's Titanic, the sea to me will forever be a space of solitude
It’s all in view, all this fish’s infinite limitations, if only you could see through the eyes I count with
I tried to get a definite reputation, but received the disgraceful stripes of clown fish
I’ve just been racing through life contesting aloof, hoping eventually in my gills, potency grew
Now my soul is in two and water’s reflecting my mood, I guess that's why this sorrowed ocean is blue..

And every night I wish the horizon; shed a light to where I’ll subside in
I wish to sever ties with Poseidon, and he’d end my life with his Trident...

I wish…

I wish a ship of oil, tipped and boiled on my scaly skin; I wish demented mortals, ripped and soiled both my tail and fins
I wish to end with this distress, in depths of an abyssal trench, I wish this fish had twist in nets, and finally submit to death!

I wish…

I wish a morbid band of sharks had embarked to drown my symphony,
I wish a swordfish stabbed my heart and the scars bled out in infamy…

But then I realize if I was granted all the wishes I said
I’d just be back where I started, sleeping with the fishes again…

Will I ever lift from this sorrow?

I’m swimming in the depths of depression with no way to set to ascension, as my mind’s spinning in a seeped whirlpool
Suddenly out the corner of my cornea, on the Ocean’s sandy floor in blood, I spot a lying Sea Turtle
I swam towards the sand that centered thee; he must have been a century, on how his shell’s design emerged
But his neck gashed by an enemy, and as a dying remedy, he whispered me his final words…

“Through the ups and downs of ocean waters, eventually you’ll find your way
No need to stop at frozen harbors, for in this sea we call life, the tide will change…

And you will Ascend Passed The Waves"

With that, his eyes began to slightly close, as his carcass slowly faded away
Now, with those words of wisdom, I’ll always remember to savor this day

1 year later


Now I look at a hurricane straight in the eye, and blind it with my bright complexion
I clear all the burning rain, grayest of skies, and move it when I fight deception
I’m in the right direction as the waters have settled; I’m passing marginal levels as the light’s reflection
My heights extended passed the mark of the devil, I’m leaving sharks with the pebbles as the night intended
My flight’s ascended, as I’m elevating the softest, no more warring scenes of contemplating the hardships
I’ll pass the ninth dimension, reach into the sea and make a so serene constellation of starfish
Now I’m one like a group of sea lions, as the aurora borealis has my mind enchanted
I’m so high with peace I’ll seek Sirens, to form an alluring exploring voyage to find Atlantis
Now there’s no holding catalyst, and no more hazardous frantic bliss
Now my only passing wish, is all see the light without an Angler fish
That there’s hope to the pain and the strife, it's all in the changing tides
Take the past and ocean wave it goodbye, now alas you will elevate your life...

To Greater Heights.

And Ascend Passed the Waters to paradise.

My despondent life moves with the waves of a dreary ocean, I bare emotions of a fish that’s lost his way
At constant times I drown in a place where there’s barely solace, while careless Seagulls guffaw at my fall in pain
My pumping ventricles are wished to be clogged by an Octopus, whose absorbent grungy tentacles yearn my earn
Yet the unpleasant Eel won’t even shock me shook, for this broken fish has no electrical current worth
And I’m besieged in vacancy, swimming the seas in atrophy, trying to have the strength of mighty sailing ships
But a cynical Hermit Crab designed my skeleton, which is why I’m mistook for a spineless Jellyfish
If only I’d had a blissful companion we'd swim the Atlantic, and stay together as engagement followed through
But with my miserable antics that mission's Titanic, the sea to me will forever be a space of solitude
It’s all in view, all this fish’s infinite limitations, if only you could see through the eyes I count with
I tried to get a definite reputation, but received the disgraceful stripes of clown fish
I’ve just been racing through life contesting aloof, hoping eventually in my gills, potency grew
Now my soul is in two and water’s reflecting my mood.. that's why this sorrowed ocean is blue...

And every night I wish the horizon, shed a light to where I’ll subside in
I wish to sever ties with Poseidon, and he’d end my life with his Trident...

I wish…

I wish a ship of oil, tipped and boiled on my scaly skin, I wish demented mortals, ripped and soiled both my tail and fins
I wish to end with this distress, in depths of an abyssal trench, I wish this fish had twist in nets, and finally submit to death!

I wish…

I wish a morbid band of sharks had embarked to drown my symphony
I wish a swordfish stabbed my heart and the scars bled out in infamy

But then I realize if I was granted all the wishes I said
I’d just be back where I started, swimming with the fishes again…

Will I ever lift from this sorrow?

I’m swimming in the depths of depression with no way to set to ascension, as my mind’s spinning in a seeped whirlpool
Suddenly out the corner of my cornea, on the ocean’s sandy floor in blood, I spot a lying Sea Turtle
I swam towards the sand that centered thee; he must have been a century, on how his shell’s design emerged
But his neck gashed by an enemy, and as a dying remedy, he whispered me his final words…

“Through the ups and downs of ocean waters, eventually you’ll find your way
No need to stop at frozen harbors, for in this sea we call life, the tides will change…

And you will Ascend Passed The Waves"

With that, his eyes began to slightly close, as his carcass slowly faded away
Now, with those words of wisdom, I’ll always remember to savor this day


Now I look at a hurricane straight in the eye, and blind it with my bright complexion
I clear all the burning rain, grayest of skies, and move it when I fight deception
I’m in the right direction as the waters have settled, I’m passing marginal levels as the light’s reflection
My heights extended passed the mark of the devil, I’m leaving sharks with the pebbles as the night intended
My flight’s ascended, as I’m elevating the softest, no more warring scenes of contemplating the hardships
I’ll pass the ninth dimension, reach into the sea and make a so serene constellation of starfish
Now I’m one like a group of Sea Lions, as the Aurora Borealis has my mind enchanted
I’m so high with peace I’ll seek Sirens, to form an alluring exploring voyage to find Atlantis
Now there’s no holding catalyst, and no more hazardous frantic bliss
Now my only passing wish, is all see the light without an Angler fish
That there’s hope to the pain and the strife, it's all in the changing tides
Take the past and ocean wave it goodbye, now alas you will elevate your life..

To Greater Heights.

And Ascend Passed the Waters to paradise.

Grins are shown ,they stay a glow, black footprints lie beneath white winter snow
Past shadows vanish as our sin is stoned, fall ends, yet here rose our friend of hope
He cleansed us when we consumed the menace, lit up our souls then fueled the essence
Now snowflakes fall with our gloom, depression, alas a Christmas with a future present

We’re grateful for our countless blessings, even when we refused to embrace your might
Back when our faces resembled the grayest skies, because we couldn’t fight the pain inside
Back when autumn leaves fell from the tallest trees, we were rotten seeds restrained from light
Just Two brothers with a decaying frame of mind, souls pitch black, that couldn’t change to white

Hawk eyes were on us day and night, for we did what we must to survive
Stealing bread rations, taking tiny bites, a pair of thieves being parasites
We hid in the dumpsters of dark alleys, trying to avoid police that roamed the streets
Just Two miserable homeless teens, searching for the missing piece to their broken dream

Life was looking bleak, autumn leaves fell along with our well being
Lice ticked over our scalps with fleas, skin disease, our health had ceased
Heavy breathing had you blacking out; we grasped each other’s hands to move through this journey strong
But cries were heard for miles on that gloomy dawn, waking up, to see you were nearly gone

We were just two scared kids with fear eating our carcass, not stopping till it’s leaving us heartless
Each day that passed weakened our conscious, oxygen was like breathin' some toxins
On this endless season of autumn, we sat beneath the trees, seen as forgotten
A brown leaf fell to our feet, but we looked in despair as it began to darken…

It seemed like all hope was lost, our sorrow was about to tie this rope a knot
Till a white light appeared with a drawing glow, that lead us to a tree, with a broken cross
We were hesitant to pick up the pieces, for the tree in front of us had all black leaves
But we each took one half; those were the instincts of the grandest thieves

The two pieces were drawn to each other, like they were attracted by the same white beam of light
Each piece had a unfinished writing, but when put together, spelt “Jesus Christ”
Right then, the white light reeled us in, saying that only faith will clear our sins
We accepted him, Jesus, as our savior, friend, whom we swore to worship till the very end

We were just two homeless brothers, but now were the sons of a greater being
Our chests started to glow suddenly, as our black souls were whitened clean
That day started a new beginning, the status of our old life withered
All the black leaves fell from that tree, the change of a black autumn to a white winter

The man is named Arthur, a man who shows no love for man-kind – he lives about life with a manic mind
The savage kind that laughs at your cries, and is glad if you died – he’s truly an evil mad hatter by design
He’s a business man living on an island hosting five hundred and five – so everyone knows his havoc ways
But setting foot on that airplane that had been delayed – they wouldn't know - what would happen that day..

Arthur had arrived on the plane with a smug on his face – all because his private departure was late
He sat on the back seat - opposite of where the flight attendant should be – so she’d have to walk back and forth through the lane
“Is my coffee ready yet”!? He yelled across the plane in disdain – not caring about the dismay of the lady who served him
“Coming right away sir” – she said with pain in her words – wishing he wouldn't treat her like a slave or a servant!

5 Hours have passed since Arthur has been on the plane – now he's drinking champagne and writing down notes
But not for his job – No – he’s writing down quotes – so his arsenal of mass verbal weaponry grows
“The people of my island are all idiots – so after this trip – I'll leave with my riches and give nothing to them”
Well maybe the mayor – I’ll leave him a prayer – where he turns to vapors or chokes on his phlegm!”

Suddenly while writing – Arthur hears a loud noise – which falters his poise - and sends him in distress
“What was that sound, you better tell me right now, land this plane on the ground!!” - Arthur yells very upset!
Next thing you know – the engine combusts into flames - This must be the reason the flight was delayed!
(Pilot) “Brace for impact – we are going to crash - God I haven’t been bad - save me with your grace!!!!”


The plane crashes face first on a deserted island – killing the flight attendant - and pilot in the cockpit
But out of the rubble comes Arthur – injured and noxious – glad that he's survived this violent process
“That was a close call, but my left arm is fractured – and my forehead is bleeding faster and faster
I must find a medical kit – for tissue and making a splint – he quickly thinks looking at the disaster

Scouting the plane – Arthur finds the supplies he needs to survive – and nurtures himself back to good health
“Where am I exactly”? He says to himself – I better find a radio and call for some help
Yet he finds nothing but debris and ash from the plane, so he tries to call from his cellular phone
But there’s no signal in these vast parts unknown, as he looks around to realize…he’s alone


"Finally! I'm free from every human being!" Arthur screams ecstatically while running on white sand
"I'm free from all imbeciles, simpletons, and infidels" - he screams following a maniacal laugh
But as soon as Arthur's celebration is finished - he realizes just what that really means
It means that as long as he's stuck on this desolate island - not a single soul will ever be seen!

This can't be...

"This can't be!" Arthur cries in denial - "It's only me on this island? That I just can't believe!"
He scours day and night for someone alive – passing through vines and coconut leaves
Finding no-one – he shades himself with a tree to hide from the blistering sun - and sits idly on a stone
Looking deep into the Ocean with his mind Trapped in a zone - he wishes that he was - safely back home

5 months pass and Arthur is running out of of hope - he doesn't want to live here - melancholic and broke
For being alone had damaged his soul - but changed him into an actual human being with a pulse
"I'm sorry - I just want to go home" he says everyday - " I promise I'll never have hate or anger displayed"
As he walks devil's sand with a coconut in his hand - he begins to kneel down and give God his praise..

That's it...

"That's it"! As Arthur finishes praying - his mind sparks revelation - so he gets up and sprints towards the plane
Looking in a craze - he finds the tools he was rummaging for - a pen, paper and empty bottle of champagne!
But instead of merely writing "help" on the note - he writes an atonement for everyone on his island - even the Mayor he hated the most
"I'm sorry everyone for my hateful - disgraceful - frivolous quotes - especially you - The Mayor Of My Home!"

Signed, Arthur

And so the bottle is sent out to sea - a bottle atoned - going where the crashing waves take it
Till 5 months later it washes up on a Beach - intact with the note - not broken nor tainted
It's picked up by a man in a suit - who was looking at fish - but the sparkling bottle he couldn't resist!
He opens and reads it - then says while balling a fist - "Wait till' everyone on the island hears about this!"

You're forgiven, Arthur.

The night blankets the sky in the bat of an eye; words of peace wither away in a battle of cries
War has commenced and our doors will be hit with the forces of sin in only a matter of time
Aircraft missiles swerve passed the heads; bombs bombard the land till' the mass is spread
And here I stand; mother with her son in hand; mind sharp to poke holes in this plan of death
This beautiful boy will not be another passing breath in this vile genocidal overthrow
So I'll fight for his life till' I'm choose to fold, and know he'll stay alive with wholesome growth

I hear the footsteps, they're growing louder by the second, these soldiers have come, rounded with their weapons
*THUD* THUD*, they're at the door, pounding with aggression, my heart's beating, they start breaching, as I'm scouting for an exit!

I see a window; I open it in dismay; when suddenly a soldier spots me like a predator does his prey
I see the killer in his eyes; he's ready to engage; when he aims; cocks back his heavy weapon and sprays..

*BANG* *BANG*...

...But he misses his shot for his sinister plot; I sprint down a river to set for escape!
"After them soldiers, get your weapons in place! These degenerate peasants are getting away!"

The abundance of soldiers are coming in closer, aiming and spraying their guns at my head!
A bullet brushes my neck and I run out of breath, but I won't let my son succumb to his death!

Before I'm killed instantly, I'll set my son on this piece of debris, and send him down the river afloat!
But before I save your precious life; and send you into the night; there's something that I want you to know!

My Son

"Where ever you may go, I know God's shining sun will rise
And the forever growing grass will be greener on the other side"



Meanwhile from far down the river ...

The day twinkles the sky in the blink of an eye; words of peace prosper in the meaning of life
The future looks bright for the people alive; as their laughter commences; cleaning the strife
When word has spread of the christian genocide; the atheist's and agnostics did not look too surprised
All looked to continue with their lives although nothing had rised; except a woman; who had sympathy in her eyes

Although common sense has released me from pent-up religions
This genocide is a tragedy I wish on no Christian
Limbs on the floor, children ripped up with shells
This cursed day on earth is their own living hell
If only I believed in such heavenly grace
I would pray all this fire and brimstone away...

*Baby Crying*

Ah, what is this that I hear, entering the crevice of my ear?; it's coming from the never ending river near the pier
I look when everything is clear, to find there's not a thing to fear; for it's a beautiful baby boy; of not even a year

He must be a survivor from the mass genocide, for gunshot residue on his head is shown
I refuse to let this child sleep on a bed of stone, so I shall claim his innocent life as my own

Here in this home, hope will never be lost, your voice is heard and dreams are sought
As the spirit of freedom fulfills us all, you'll feel more than the gleam of god

Let the whimsical wind free your soul, illuminating within to ease your toll
Here where you have hold of your destiny, where there's rendered peace to reach your goals

You shall live a prosperous life full of frolic and light; here where the land is sweeter
Here where the sun shines on the path of leaders, on the other side of the river; where the grass is greener..

'Fury of the frosted dragon was once told as a myth; but now behold the unfold of my grip
I’m one who’s intended to run through the weapons, protecting the peasants and nobles that live
These militant, primitive soldiers in mist; will suffer the limitless cold that I whim
I flicker my wings to be seen like a solar eclipse; releasing a breeze that leaves em’; frozen and stiff
Sweeping through the air in a moment of whit; I swing my tail to have these statues broken to bits
Yet my ears pick up frantic motion in wind; an iniquitous whisper devoted to sin!
Archer reinforcements come like rummaging thieves; shooting their arrows from under my feet
Summoned in summits with numbers in hundreds they try to puncture my lungs for defeat!
With my tongue in my cheek and stomach in depths; I inhale a breath; ejecting a colliding blow-
Retracting all arrows as fast as a sparrow to targeted archer’s hearts as sharp icicles!
Twenty are left rendered as dead; the rest look into my eyes and realize the might that I harness
Frightened with fear they run trying to clear; so I launch them an ice ball the size of a comet!save
Their bodies are crushed into particle dust; I scour the ground for more scoundrels in action
When suddenly from the sinuous seas: I spot silhouettes all shrouded as massive
It’s an abundance of ships with thousands of cannons; all fully equipped and mounted for blasting
People are screaming and the king starts to flee as powerful shots pound through a mansion!
Simultaneously all ships begin firing rapidly; destroying houses and palaces with lightning tenacity
I have to think fast in times of a tragedy; to save the peasants, nobles, and life of our majesty!
Fueled with a heart of pure fire and rage; I hover up high enough to overlook the entire terrain
Relentless In posture I eject the biggest breath ever conjured; shielding the city with an icy blockade!
The cannon balls falter against my defense; the sailors have an expression of one’s meeting the omen
Just in case this elitist fleet means to retreat; I release a breeze which freezes the ocean!
Their death is imminent; I fly where the ships are in stall; the air becomes glistened and riddled with fog
Gulls’ drop to be settled on this dawn of the devil as I lock on the vessels with an ice missile barrage!
Hits rip through facades’ till their ships are in shards; on the sea’s frosty surface scatter blown apart limbs
Surviving startled men try to call for amends; so I swallow them to launch em’ out as frozen carcasses!
The final vile man is slain with my embers; I return to the sire’s land; embracing its members
Civilians cheer from the grace that I render; as the king elegantly appears; raising his scepter
Today is to be remembered not as menacing treason; but a day we’re we up kept our brethren in legion
I fly up to bestow' the slaughter on the frozen waters; from atop of the ice wall; defending the kingdom
Behold the ‘fury of the frosted dragon; one whose sworn to protect the righteous in hardship
Channeling light to bring brightness to darkness; forever hailed as a true; Titan of Tarsis

In a kingdom ruled by a malevolent tyrant - spreading his violence like the deadliest virus
Echos are heard from the crevice of silence - alas bellowing words are set to be rising
For in the distance General Tarsis is shedding light on his federal squadron of a grueling plot
To over-rule and trot the ruler gone - for in this land of famine - all they have is food for thought...

General Tarsis's Speech

As Revolutions governing wind brushes my skin - I come to amend this repugnant land with succulent lips
Dusk will begin the dawn of hundreds of men - when they apprehend my speech of trusting content
"Over the years - we've witnessed the king's tyranny reign - he was ruthless in execution and giving us pain
Well now - it's time for retribution in limitless ways - may our sorrow set sail and start drifting away
We are living astray from a quality life - the cause of this madness I pondered at night
It all started when his reign wandered upright - bringing forth darkness to squander our light
Spawning our plight till we were dogs in his sight - he poisoned our crops to leave us rotten in blight
He's the monarch of spite sparking the cardinal vice - with no regard for what's wrong and what's right
He has no honor or spine - when he calls us to fight - so on this final order we'll demolish his shrine
For all of the time he spent blocking our shine - will be paid for with the cost of his life
You're my army tonight - marching with might - keep the fire inside you sparking forever
For on this day when we embark and endeavor - you'll remember the date we conquered together
No more tarnishing weather will plague the skies - we'll sleep on clouds knowing it's safe at night
And our wives will experience a playful sight - when our children frolic on grass during graceful times
Keep that fate in mind - and we won't falter or lose - we will succeed I'm promising you
Let us march our feet to stop the abuse - for the voice of change is calling us troops...

Be Ready to charge and let loose..."

And so we solemnly march through this land of dictation - our souls filled with mass inspiration
Passing peasants of angst and starvation - for they felt the full effects of this famishing nation
We are The King's men - but this is an act of invasion - a channeling statement of grand assault
The hands of Revolution will grasp us all - when we arrive standing tall - to make his castle fall...


Ready your weapons for in several seconds we'll be steadily stepping on the yard of his Kingdom
He has guards, archers, and marksman as defense - with enough fire power to harvest a spring sun
But we are the elite ones - rangers with a gift - they are the weak ones - strangers to their niche
So when I give word - begin aiming with intent - to take out the two men stationed at the bridge!
And the enemies hit with marksman precision - but above Archer's are driven to start shooting their arrows
Quicker than thunder they begin hitting our numbers - so we swiftly advance to move from the peril
With wrath as our force - we blast through the door of the castle where guards are armed for attack
Yet my army is fast - at barraging a task - so we spark up a blast turning their armored squadron to scrap
Now we advance up flights of stairs till are sights are flared with Marksman blaring their muskets at us
Their remorseless fleet is intense as they murder a majority of my men - and render me covered in blood
But I'm not going to fold for I'm close to my goal - I could almost hear The King cower in his chambers
So as the proudest of traitors and foulest invader - I channel my anger on these scoundrels of danger!
Loading my musket with bullets - I trust it and pull it - murdering every marksman in the room
"Alas, we made it' I say to my staggering crew - It's time we open our majesty's tomb...

And so we open the door to where The King resides - prepared with his doom...

There was our King - hiding in shadows - frightened - defenseless to the crime I'll unravel.
"I stand before you you're majesty - bringing forth tragedy - for your reign will end tonight at the castle"
My men begin to celebrate - with destined grace - as I ready my musket for execution
But first things first I think in my twisted mind - for my lips have lied to you Brother's of Revolution...

And so in a twist of events - General Tarsis points his musket at his own men...



I have succumbed to my sin for I've killed all my gullible men - as my heart is filled with fire and brimstone
For my time has finally come - I've intertwined with the sun - as I reign over the sire and his throne
"I'm done following orders - I've abolished your quarters - and my army was light for seeking the darkness
Now I'll take your breath - and with your death - I'll rule over a new land - The Kingdom Of Tarsis!"

As General Tarsis murders the King with a maniacal laugh - the sky darkens marking his triumph alas
For as a tyrant has passed - a new one is born - one more relentless and vile than the last
He plans to reign for decades to come as a devilish one - as the clock ticks under his tower
For when his stomach growled in this land of famine - he was merely - Hungry For Power

As I look out the window pane, sin is flamed to the point where an inferno is cast
The fire spreads burning our flag - and scorches corpses till they're in an urn for their past
I've developed insomnia because I'm worried and sad - it's only a matter of time before my death is sealed
And I'm on the muddy floor left to squeal - this bloody war has scarred the nation - and it has yet to heal
The threat is real - set in steel and iron - breaths of spieling fire - demolishing our mahogany doors
A slaughtering force - with grenades and bombs for a war - invading our land without a thought of remorse
I could hear them on our course from miles away - harnessing their planet's pride in their grace
But why must they face us with such violent rage? Why must we be sentenced to death on this trial of hate?
I cry and I pray - for peace to flourish again - looking out the window - thinking when the torment will end
My core is in twists - at the sight of foreigners in the mist - blowing holes in the ground - forming a crypt
The sky is pouring with limbs of courageous soldiers - who carried boulders on there shoulders for us
I see the ones who are breathing loading their guns - trying to rebuttal with slugs next to puddles of blood
But they've succumbed to their hunt - their hunger and lust is that of gluttonous scum
A covenants rushed by the government's fund - but it's quickly turned into an abundance of dust
Now these robots roll on concrete roads - firing projectiles at our lofty homes
These rocky drones have been programmed by evil mechanics - to have a heart in an off beat zone
Not even children are spared on this day of tragedy - they're ripped apart by machine guns under the spring sun
They truly are the elite ones - with superior weaponry - plus they outnumber us ten to a meek one
There's nothing our world can produce to stop this madness - all our caskets are surely seen
I hear vivid screams of our unsung heros - as military tanks are blasted to smithereens
These our explicit scenes of the extinction of man - our hourglass has dropped it's last spec of sand
There is no miracle for blessing the land - for destiny has beckoned its plan
Technology has stepped to the stand - taking over the human race while we barely started running
The President has resorted to desperate measures - as he orders atomic bombs be dropped on the country
This is our hell dispersed in regime - for now the entire earth has been seized
I realize this is worse than any burning disease - as I look out the window - and witness Man Versus Machine

In a devilish world plagued with professed malevolence, relentless rebellions, and demented sentiments
Where men are never hesitant to burn scripture in hell’s fire; and teach their kin to detest the testaments
A man prays every day with bless’ed grace; for God in Heaven’s gates to save the earth and restore love
For his wife had died in labor wishing for a reborn sun; for him, his daughter, and newborn son…

Dear God,

“I thank you for the blessings you gave to me gradually, but tainted morality, continues to make way in deceasing man
May your limitless ways make the sinful decay-wither away, so I may raise my family in a peaceful land”


It’s been a week since my wife had died and I cry at night; missing her pristine, gracious voice
But then I look at who she passed my way before she passed away; a beautiful, serene baby boy
O’ how you and your sister fill my face with joy; even in a blistering world where hate destroys
For I know if I pray and have faith in choice; we may one day see a place of poise…

So as the years pass way, I pray…

I pray and read the bible while taking care of my kin; who I’ve managed to raise even In these days of living
I’ve kept them sheltered and nourished so their lives could be wealthy and flourished; away from the state of sinning
For if you practice Christianity you’re battered and hanged, so in the shadows of man we tip toe and whisper
We must move intelligently with the bible in hand, as I begin to teach them the Lord’s Holy Scripture…

We begin reading stories from the bible; O ’how these disciples can’t refrain their eyes from the print
The stories they favor were of Judas the traitor, and how God sent his only son to die for our sins…
Both have immense light from within, it shows with their grins, God’s word has brought forth their faith
They are especially ecstatic when we kneel by the mattress; and I passionately; teach them to pray

So as the years pass way, we pray…

Over the years they’ve both become gracious apostles, especially the boy; so dedicated to praising the gospel
With the bible in hand I stepped in his presence, for he wanted to ask me a question, which had his mind raided and boggled
He asks: “Under the suns blinding colors,… what happened to that one person missing? I wonder, what happened to your wife, your lover? What happened to the one who gave me life...

My Mother?

Ah, I knew this question was to come…and I had to be honest with my son …so I read him a line from Jobs 1:21….

“The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh away:…"

At first he looks at me exasperated and bothered, then in an instant he hugs me and says “thank you father”
I look at him briefly and feel such a gust of divinity; that I don’t seem to feel when I glance at my daughter
I realize he is one who is one with the holy trinity; and it shows with how his soul shines like glistening pearls
I realize he is one whose spirit could enforce serenity, and bring forth everlasting peace in the world


Thinking it would be safe for one day to go out, I sent my daughter to buy bread rations in a market near the house, but instead she roamed near the south; where calamities fare about
Little did she know she had forgotten to take off her cross necklace; and is held at knife point by a man till’ she blatantly shouts; “Don’t kill me and I’ll tell you my families whereabouts!”

Ah, how history repeats itself

As my son and I our praying to God and savior Jesus Christ, I feel the door open wide; it’s my daughter and a man; his face filled with slaughter and intrusive sin
He lunges at my son with a putrid grin, and stabs him with a crucifix, so I punch him and kick him, then pick up my son like an infant, and quickly run through the wind

I run holding my son passed burnt down cathedrals and hordes of foul people; thinking to myself: “I have to save my boy”
Then I realize he is one whose soul is desolate to any deadly sin; his respected death will bring the world faith and joy
BUT I CARE NOT! His cries for help make me cry myself, and I don't want to repeat when my wife had depart
Yet even his sister’s arrival was right on the mark; as he absorbs man’s sin; and dies in my arms…

“O’ How the Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh away"...


Dear God,

"I thank you for answering my prayers, and restoring love, thus giving the world light under a reborn sun.
But there’s just one thing that I pray you’d give back O’Lord, and that’s the presence of my belov’ed


In a heavenly world blessed with professed benevolence, replenished rebellions, and breathless elegance
Where men are never hesitant to repent as reverends, and teach their kin to respect the testaments
A man cries for God to bring his son back to life; for his essence plummets in plight
He cries for the boy that Heaven summoned to light: The Second Coming of Christ
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